Written in response to: Make a train station an important part of your story.... view prompt


Adventure Black Fiction

Chike happened to be uncle Kelechi's late brother's son. Chike was born and raised in Oladi village where he lived with his mother in a little hut and their farm settlement.  

He was a brave hunter who happened to have made a very great history in his community due to his hunting skills. Irrespective of his poor background, he attracts the most beautiful maidens in the village of Oladi. Although he has a girlfriend whose name is Nma. Nma simply means beauty and to Chike, Nma is the rising sun of his life. He has this magnetic admiration for her and wishes to marry her as the gods desire. Often Chike got cut up with Nma on his way to the market square or on his way back home from his hunting. His first approach to her is to smile and hugged. Nma already know that her charming man must have made the gods proud by hunting the most wanted and fat-bush meat as always. She is his queen to praise him.

While Chike held her hands with one of his hands, he tells Nma to close his eyes. 

He brought out the bush meat and gave her. Thank you obim she said. Obim simply means my heart. After they must have spent time together. They both walked back home together. 

Chike's mother knew her son's bravery and his passion to want to be a provider and supportive son to her. She feels blessed to have him in place of his late hubby.  

 Chike goes to the village market square to sell the bush meat. Out of the money he made, he bought food for himself and his mother. Such a caring son whose heart depicts the lightning of the gods. 

Kelechi happened to be a vibrant uncle to Chike. He was so interested in taking Chike to the city since he noticed how brave Chike is.  

Kelechi took a trip down to the village to see Chike and the mother discuss his desire to go along with Chike down to the city.  

The first time, he requested for her release of Chike to go with me. Chike's mum didn't agree with the proposal. And what were her reasons for her refusal? 

She has just Chike her son, around her always helping her in her farm settlement and lightening up her world since her husband died. 

Uncle Kelechi's second visit to Chike's place. He met him and the mother having a mother and son a good time. 

I was well welcomed and offered a very delicious local meal.  

Chike was so pleased when uncle Kelechi brought up taking him along with me to the city.  

He said: Uncle I want to see the city for the first time in my entire life. 

I want to see that long motor that used to carry a lot of people. Uncle Kelechi laughed as well as Chike's mother laughed along.  

Uncle Kelechi turned and asked Chike: What is the name of the long motor and where can it be found? Chike laughed and said: Uncle l am a village boy. I don't know what it is called and where it can be found. 

Oh! Chike, uncle Kelechi replied while he pulled him closer to him and said: It is called a train and can be seen in the train stations in the cities. 

This is great Chike said with so much excitement. 

Chike's said to uncle Kelechi. If you want to take him to the city that would be good. You have to promise me that nothing will happen to my son.  

Uncle Kelechi smiled and said to her: Don't worry mama, your son will be well taken care of by me.  

Chike was so excited. He said: I will miss you mum and as well as I will miss my Nma the love of my life. 

Nam will always come to visit you, mama. I will tell her so she will continue to help you on the farm and help you with some home chores.  

They all agreed to every discussed plan. 

Chike went in to get ready for his trip down to the city with his uncle. It was an amazing time and the joy of seeing himself to be counted as a city boy was his best feeling ever.  

Uncle Kelechi took a trip with Chike and both took the village okada. Okada is known as the local motorcycle. They both sat on one and went down to the bus stop where they finally left for the city.  

Both were very excited. Inside the bus, Chike was eager to peep through the window in other to capture a new view of incredible buildings and cars.  

Uncle Kelechi was much surprised at his eagerness. He let him express himself while he watched over his reactions towards his first trip to the city.  

Quite an interesting moment when they got off the bus. Uncle Kelechi took him first to a cafe where they ate a very delicious meal then after they went down to the train station. Getting to the train station Chike couldn't hold himself as he screamed and drew the attention of people in the train station. He was surprised to have seen the train for the first time. This became the unforgettable experience of his life. When he got on the train, he was so happy. He turned to Uncle Kelechi and said. How does this long motor carry a lot of people like this? And who is the driver? 

Uncle Kelechi said: I remember I corrected you back home that this is not called a long motor. It is called a train. Chike laughed and said oh yes uncle. Uncle Kelechi said: The train is faster than a car. It carries about three hundred people. It is quite comfortable and not expensive. Chike replied: Thank you so much, uncle. Henceforth I am a city boy and not a village hunter. Uncle Kelechi smiled to have heard his sensible words with self-confidence and a brave mind. You are going to have more city life experiences on the train uncle Kelechi said. That would be my greatest life adventure. I will capture every moment and use my experience to inspire the young and old in the village when l am back to the village Chike said. Uncle Kelechi became happier than ever with Chike the brave village boy with a new touch of the city train adventure.

October 17, 2022 01:13

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