
A sunrise is the most beautiful thing you could watch coming over mountains in the fall. The way the lights coming over the mountain hits the colorful trees down below is a work of art.

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now, Kara.” I took a deep breathe. “This is my thinking place. My go to spot where I love to admire the reflections in the water and tell stories about the trees across the way.”

“Can you tell me a story Michael?” She said quietly.

“Yes.” “How about we watch this sunrise together and we can spend the day here while I tell you about the village that use to be where those trees are located?”

“Sounds like a plan Michael.”

Kara was relaxed. She had snacks we could munch on and we had no where to be with nothing to do. I just feel bad because of how this day must end. I was out of options… “Kara, I love you.”

“So, how about that story Mikey?” As she was pulling out snacks for us from her bookbag. She packed gatorades and lunchmeat sandwiches. She also packed her schoolwork thinking we were going to study or something. I just laughed a little.

“Kara, there use to be a village where those trees across the way are located. It was nothing but about ten cabins filled with thirty villagers. Out of those thirty villagers they made up three different family histories. They knew there was not an actual town but thirty miles away. They were remote and kept to themselves. Life was easier for them that way. Especially because of their reputation people were suspicious of.”

“Really!?”, Kara questioned.

“Yes. They used the lake for fishing and hunted for moose or any other creatures that passed through they could use for meat. They were very resourceful. Although they did have a bad reputation, they continue to go on each day as if nothings true.”

           “Sounds interesting.”

“When ever someone went to town for something, no one would talk to them. The towns people did not trust them. Once a year the village would always have a visitor. Well that visitor would never be seen again after twenty-four hours.” I looked over at Kara. “An, this happened once a year. Every year.” She just kept gazing.

“Was there some sort of situation going on? Did the village have their own secrets that the towns people were suspicious on?” explained Kara.

“These villagers prayed to some god every night they thought lived at the bottom of the lake. Once a year they needed to make a sacrifice of a human for it to consume and drag beneath the water so that the village could live another year.”


“Kara. If this village did not sacrifice someone once a year. The underwater god was threatening to flood the village and plant new life and relocate. Well, the villagers did not want to be flooded to where they would die. Even if some or someone survived this flood, no one wanted to rebuild a village.” “You get it, right?”


“Basically, no yearly sacrifice equals big mess for villager’s existence.” Trying to dumb it down for her.


“Long story short, one day they sent a handsome boy to the grocery store in town. He was their errand runner. He always flirted with the cashier, Franny. She was an easy target. Well, he convinced her one day to come visit him at his village. Franny thought he was bad and mysterious, with good looks. She thought who could resist those eyes. Those beautiful ocean blue eyes.”

“Sounds like you should draw me a picture Mikey” she said laughing with a smirk.

“He was irresistible and good with drawing in the ladies. His family line on the men’s side were good with their genetics.” I smirked. “Actually, his family line over the years were usually ones to draw people in that were needed.” I looked over to Kara and could tell she was trying to picture what this man could look like just by the way she was gazing toward the mountains. “He convinced her to go on a date with him back at his village. They were having a bonfire. He asked Franny to wait at the store when she clocked out.”

“Now what?”

“When they arrived at the village Franny was puzzled. She did not realize he lived thirty miles away from town. As the night went on she loved the scenery. She could not get enough of it. The mountains. The village. The lake. It was cute to her. They even danced up until he led her towards the lake. She was more than willing to go with him.”

“She sounds like any other female”, explained Kara.

“Just listen”, I smirked. “While they were by the lake he convinced her to go swimming. All it took was her looking at those eyes. Who knew?”

“What? Now they go swimming, and something just pulls her under.” Said Kara.

“Shut up!” She looked surprised. “Yes! They were swimming and she felt something graze across her feet. She thought maybe it was a plant or something that touched because she was too focused on starring at his face. She was so distracted, as they go to kiss she gets pulled down under. No time to scream. No time for anything. Just bubbles surfaced. The village gets to survive another year.” I turned and looked at Kara.

“What the hell Michael!” She was not okay with the ending to this story and seemed surprised yet puzzled all together.

“That’s it. He went back to the village like nothing had happened and they went on with their lives for another year. Through out the year the kids go to school in town thirty miles away and for the store but other than that they keep to them selves until they have to sacrifice all over again.” She literally had no expression on her face. “So Kara, It’s the end of the day. Do you want to go swimming? We have been doing nothing but snacking and talking all day.”

“Are you kidding me? After the story you just told me I don’t know if I want to”, she said laughing. As if she thought this whole thing was a joke. Little did she know…

“Awe come on! You wont regret it.” I stood up and held out my hand and she slowly reached out. I knew she trusted me and that is what makes this so hard. I love her and she knows it. But honestly I had no other option.

“Alright I will go.” She starts to get up.

An hour and a half goes by and it starts to get dark. At this point we have done nothing but swim. We floated around. Talked about schoolwork. We talked about spending time together tomorrow. She still has no idea. Eventually we got out and watched the sunset.

“I think the sunset is just as beautiful as the rise Mikey.” She looked over at me softly as if she wanted to kiss me, but I couldn’t.

“Why don’t we get back in the water? Just a few more minutes.” I stood up and held out my hand. She grabbed it instantly. She was very sure with what she wanted.

           We slowly walk into the water together as the moon came out to play. It was memorable. Almost as if it was a movie scene. In the middle of the lake as Kara and I are swimming I pull her in and go to kiss her. She just stares at me. Then under she goes… I want to cry but I know I cannot because I understand that if I want the village and my relatives to survive another year a sacrifice must be made. Therefore, we are not allowed to love or become attached.

           I slowly swam to the edge and walked out of the water. I sat down where all items were located and packed up everything into her bookbag as if it were my own. As if nothing happened. I just sat there holding back tears and watching the moon reflect off the lake. 

November 15, 2020 22:15

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