
Harry jumped out of cab and hurried inside Nexus International Airport.His heart was beating faster than regular.Nexus International Airport is unusually crowded today. Harry stood in the line for security check and trying to call Jane. He was sweating profusely on cold day of October. Jane did not pick his call. He started wondering about her health. He was grasped in his thoughts. Suddenly then came the announcement. His flight is delayed by 4 hours due to heavy snowfall at Marryland. Harry felt relaxed on the announcement. He completed the security procedure and walked to the waiting area. He found a chair at a corner. He walked to the chair and still thinking of Jane, sat helplessly. Never before, had he left Jane all alone. He was worried about the meeting scheduled. On the other hand, Jane's health occupied his thoughts. he was engrossed in guilt feeling. His heart was shouting, he was responsible for Jane's condition. He lifted his head up and saw Robin.The opposite chair was occupied by Robin, waiting to abroad the same flight.Robin is trying to call someone on his mobile.

To kill stress Harry started conversation with Robin.He asked Robin about him and his travel reason. Even before Robin could open his mouth he started talking himself.

Harry worked as a temporary consultant at Zoya Private Limited. Zoya is into Beer business. Harry payment is commission based on clients introduced to the company. Harry has been working very hard to pay the instalments for the flat bought recently. He has been cutting all the expenses. he travelled by bus to office daily to save cab fares. he has cut down weekend outings and spent with his family at home.He also planned to work online for the extra amount. Harry's wife, Jane is a simple house wife adjusted to middle class life. She loves Harry and their only daughter, Rosy. Rosy is 10 years old and studying in neighborhood.She visits her parents only on weekends. Jane knows Harry was working very hard,but she longed for break since a long time.Rosy came home this weekend and welcomed by Jane with her favourite chocolate cake. Harry as usual was buried in his files. Rosy intended to invite her parents for annual day meet to be followed by vacation.

she spoke about the meeting with her mommy. Rosy persuade her to convince Harry to attend the meeting.Jane promised Rosy about convincing Harry.

After dinner Harry went to study room and started preparing the contract meant to be signed in Marryland by Boris.

Boris is a big shot in beer business. He once came to Nexus to explore the prospects of expansion. Boris found Nexus is suitable for the business expansion.Boris was in search of suitable contact to start.

He heard about Harry and was impressed by his dedication to work.His manager cross checked with his previous clients about his work.They were all satisfied. He also interviewed his colleagues to know his work.After background check, he had invited Harry to the hotel and detailed about the contract.Harry is excited about this opportunity. it's a booster for his career and the company.So Harry agreed to meet Mr Boris in Marryland. Harry's travel and stay expenses are to be taken care by Boris.

Harry was preparing the contract, when Jane walked into his studyroom and started nagging about the vacation. Harry was distracted by Jane interference. he asked Jane to walk out of the room and resumed his work. but Jane started arguing with Harry. Harry stressed out and pushed Jane aside. Jane fell to floor with blood oozing from head. She is hit to the wooden door. Harry along with Rosy rushed Jane to hospital. The doctor examined Jane and instructed for one week complete bed rest.The doctor walked out of the room and nurse gave pills and injection to Jane.Soon Jane fell asleep.Harry booked cab to send Rosy back to school.The cab driver arrived shortly.Harry promised Rosy to attend the meet and bid byes. He then booked a cab for himself and returned home.

He continued his work on the contract till midnight.Once finished,he went through the contract details throughly. Satisfied, he put on alarm and went to sleep.

he woke up early the next morning and packed luggage.Then he booked a cab and started for the airport.

After completing his narration he looked at Robin for his story.

Robin started to narrate his story.

Robin is born into a poor family. Facing difficulties, Robin completed graduation. Robin's dream is to study microbiology in Swiss University. Being poor his parents gave up on his education expenses.

Then his grandfather, a retired army person came forward to sponsor his education. Robin's grandfather has saved quite a money for leading a peaceful life. he gave up his own dream to let Robin live his dream.

Robin moved to University campus and pursued microbiology. he made through campus selection and landed in Micro Labs.He earned fairly. He married Susy and settled in Nexus. Happily settled, he forgot his early life struggle.He started spending freely and was leading a lavish lifestyle.Never he gave a thought about money. But one day he received a letter stating his grandfather illness. He was totally shaken and became very anxious to see his grandfather.Now is, his duty to show gratitude. So he's in the airport waiting for the flight.

Once completed both of them looked at each other. They have realised their mistakes.

Harry could have listened to his wife, Jane. He would have been with his family. Could have prevented hospital expenses.

Robin on the other hand realised the life struggle for money.He then vowed to stop spending lavishly. He also gave thought about his poor and old parents.Both of them went to deep silence.Time passed quickly. They were still pondering on their situation.Life Means different to different people. But at the end it should be give and take and living in harmony. Announcement by airport authorities broke the silence."Due to heavy snowfall continuing at Marryland all flights have been cancelled until further notice." Harry called up Boris's manager and asked for meeting postponement.

Boris's manager checked for available dates and postponed the meeting till month end. Boris would be busy enjoying his daughter's marriage coming days.Harry is very happy with the call and his heart jumped with joy. He now can take care of Jane personally.He then looked at Robin. Robin replied he is intent to visit his grandfather and has already booked for cab. Both of them exchanged phone numbers, shaked their hands and walked out of airport. Harry took cab and rushed to hospital.Seeing Jane, he broke and asked forgiveness. He took care of Jane for whole week. Once recovered they both went to Annual meet and surprised Rosy.

The next day he called up Robin to inquire about his grandfather. Robin broke out and informed Harry about his grandfather's death. Harry felt sorry and covey his condolences. Robin then informed Harry about his parents shift to Nexus. He said he wants to take care of Harry said he would visit him in Nexus some day. He then cut the call and went inside. He sat on dining chair and enjoyed roasted chicken along with Jane and Rosy.

July 10, 2020 07:12

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