Fiction Suspense Mystery

How did things come to this? I look back at the events of the past few hours, and I can't figure out how I ended up here... What I do remember are just merely flashes; glimpses into memories, all of which don't help. I woke up in my apartment just a few hours ago, where I was met with a man, standing before me. Before that, everything else is a blur. I don't remember my job, my name, or even the faces of my friends or family. I left my apartment and ran as fast as I could to the nearest elevator; down to the first floor and out the door. I wanted to call for help, but despite it being daytime (Or at least I think? The sun was nowhere to be found…), no one was in sight. The streets were empty. There was no wind, and the entire city was silent. No cars were in the streets, the traffic lights were all off, and as far as I could tell, there was no life anywhere. It still gives me chills thinking about it; the stillness of everything, how deathly silent the city was…

Surely there had to be someone, somewhere. So I ran as fast as I could down the street, trying to put as much distance as I could between me and the man who was chasing me. I heard them yell behind me, "Laura!". Is that my name? Why can't I remember…

I didn't stop running, even as my lungs started to burn and my legs ached, desperate for a break. It didn't matter how far I ran, there was still no sign of anyone else in the city. I ran into multiple shops and restaurants, but I couldn't find anyone else. Even now, I can feel this crushing feeling deep inside my chest…

I could only think of one place to go to in this situation, the police station. There was no chance of there being anyone there either, but I couldn't stop. Especially since it was around this time that I noticed the man who chased after me was nowhere to be found. I shouldn't have lost track of him…

On the way to the police station, I decided to pull out my phone and see if calling anyone was an option, but my contact list was empty, save for one name. Laura.

Arriving at the closest police station, my fears proved to be right, as just the same as anywhere else, it was desolate.

It was at this moment that dread truly sunk in. I was alone. There appeared to be no one else left in the world apart from me. I can't remember what happened before I woke up, as hard as I might try, there's nothing. My memories feel empty.

I can remember certain events like attending school, graduating, entering college filled with optimism and naiveté, and going on a couple of dates, but I can't seem to remember being with anyone at any of these events. I was alone in school. I was the only one who graduated. I went to college alone. And I was alone on dates. Was there ever anyone else in this world with me? Have I always been alone? If so, why does thinking about it give me such a terrible crushing sensation inside, along with a sense that I'm being choked the more I think about it…

I decided to wander around for a little while. The man who had initially chased me was nowhere to be seen. So I just walked in a straight line. That's when I noticed that, in all that time I was running away, I hadn't moved anywhere. In the panic, I didn't notice that all the streets were the same; or rather, they were repeating, looping over and over again. No matter how far I walked, I would always end up back at the start of the same street, or in some cases, back at my apartment building. Even though I swore I had walked in a straight line the whole way, I eventually found myself back at the apartment building. It didn't matter which street I went down, I always found myself back at the beginning. Every street was the same as they stretched on endlessly, always leading me back to the same place I had initially run away from.

After walking for what felt like hours, I suddenly found them in the street. The same man who had broken into my home was standing in the middle of the street ahead of me. This was the first time I could take a good look at them. They wore dark jeans and a black hoodie. I couldn't make out their face, however. They wore their hood up, making it hard to recognize them (not that I probably would anyway…). They reached out to me, but I ran away again. This time into my apartment building, hoping I would find something there to help me restore my hollow memories. I took the elevator up to the 8th floor and ran back into my apartment. I closed the door behind me and quickly moved things around to block the door. Once I thought I had piled up enough stuff, I went into my living room, where I felt myself go numb. I saw a woman, lying lifeless on the ground. I don't know who she was, but she looked like she was dressed for work. The crushing feeling inside me grew stronger, as I felt as though my chest was going to be crushed. I couldn't breathe anymore. That's when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see who it was, but suddenly… I wasn't in my apartment anymore. I saw a golden field that stretched on forever, and the man was nowhere to be seen. I looked back at the woman on the floor, but she was gone too. The whole apartment building is gone, and I now find myself in a golden field, and I can hear the sound of rushing water not too far away…

February 03, 2024 00:03

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Bop It
02:10 Feb 03, 2024

The ending sort of reminds me of a episode of The Twilight Zone


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Kip Bissell
01:24 Feb 14, 2024

Interesting concept but not too sure what the story was about?


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