Drama Fiction

Characters from my story "Okay" you should probably read that first. It'll make more sense. Okay, carry on!

Micheal’s POV:

Everybody keeps trying to talk to me about what happened to my dad. Why can’t they tell that I don’t want to talk to them? When have I ever wanted to talk to them? Why would I?

I keep my head down as Ms. Kit, my first grade teacher, tells us about the Halloween party. I scribble on my hand with a black marker under the table, even though I’m not supposed to.

“Ms. Kit!” Someone shouts. “Micheal’s drawing on his hand again!”

I glare at Sophia, who's smiling smugly. Ms. Kit sighs. "Micheal, come outside, please."

I stuff my hands in my pocket, and stand up. I step on Sophia's foot on the way, making her yell.

"Micheal, this has got to stop." She says. "I'll have to call your dad."

I scowl. "He's in the hospital."

"Oh. I'm sorry." She says.

I look away from her. "I don't care."

"Okay...I'll call your brother. Please go wait in the front office."

I walk away from her, and towards the office.

"Hi Mrs. Green," I mumble to the secretary. She's the only adult here I'll actually talk to.

She sighs. "Again, Micheal?"

"It's not my fault Sophia keeps being a tattletale." I grumble, slumping in one of the chairs.

She sighs again. "Well, do you want to help me with something?"

"Sure." I say. At least I'll have something to do.

She gets up, and we walk through a door behind her desk. There's a long hallway with offices. She brings me to one at the end. There's a table with all kinds of art supplies.

My eyes light up as I go over to the table.

"We need decorations and posters for the halloween party. You're a great artist. I'm sure you can do it." She says.

I nod. "Okay."

She leaves, closing the door behind her. I sit at the table, and pick up a piece of paper and pencil. I start drawing jack-o-lanterns, and thinking about what Max is going to say.

This is the third time this week they've had to call him.

The first time I was drawing on the mirror in the bathroom. I didn't like how it looked. But then Joseph came in, and told a teacher. Then it was Maybel telling on me for drawing on my shoes during recess. Now this.

Max tries not to get mad. He doesn't yell at me or anything, he just tries to talk about.

I pick up another paper, and cut out leaves, and draw them.

Dad's been in the hospital for a while. Our house was on fire, and he got burned badly. We've been able to go visit him, and he's always happy to see us.

But I know he's tired and sad. He tries not to show it, but it's obvious. I know Max can see it, but he hasn't said anything. I don't think my dad likes being in the hospital. He's used to moving around all day.

I reach for more paper to draw people.

I think he misses mom. It's been two years since she died. I can't remember her very much. Max doesn't like to talk about her. We both know dad still gets upset if we mention her, so we try not to.

I grab a marker to color in the tree I just drew.

I don't know how Max feels. None of us like showing how we really feel, and we all put on a happy act for each other. He's been spending a lot of time with his boyfriend, Abe, and his best friend, Lola.

I sigh, and move all the things I made to the side, and put my head down. I close my eyes, drifting off to sleep.


"Abe, the school called again." I say. I just got off the phone with Micheal's teacher.

"Do you want me to drive you there?" He asks.

I nod. "Please."

This is the third time they've had to call me. I don't know what's wrong with him. He's never like this. I don't know if it's because dad's in the hospital, or what.

When we get there, Abe comes inside with me.

"Hey, Ms. Green." I say to the secretary. "Ms. Kit called again."

She nods. "He's back here."

She leads us through a door behind her desk, and points us to a room. We go inside, and I see Max sitting with his head down at the table, fast asleep.

I smile, and go to wake him up. Then I notice he’s been drawing. I pick up a paper, to see what it is.

It’s a drawing of four jack-o-lanterns. One has a big X over it, one has smudges of red, one has heart eyes, and the smallest one is off to the side by itself. I pick up another one. This one is of four trees. The first one is just a stump and the next one is on fire. The third has several pairs of animals on it. The last one, like the other, is smaller, and off by itself. 

“Abe...” I say, showing him the picture. 

He looks confused. “Is this supposed to be your family?”

“I think so...”

He picks up another paper. “Do you think he’s upset about the stuff that happened?”

“Maybe. He didn’t say anything about being upset about mom.”

“Do you or your dad talk about her at all?”


“He probably just wants to know more about her, or something.”

“He doesn’t act upset ever, though.”

“Didn’t you say none of you guys do?”


“He probably doesn’t want you guys to worry about him.”

I sigh. “I wish he’d talk about it.”

“Just ask him about it.” He suggests.

I nod. “Hey, Micheal. Wake up, it's time to go home.”

“Hmmm,” He says, lifting his head. “Oh..okay.”

I smile at him. “Ready?” 

“Yeah!” He says, smiling back. He says hi to Abe, then walks out of the door.

If he is, I wish he’d stop pretending.

October 09, 2020 20:02

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17:02 Mar 15, 2021

wow, this didn't have much plot but all the characters and how they feel and all is stirring. the ending was a bit sad, but hopeful =) and it's kinda relatable, I draw on stuff all the time. XD


Ari Berri
18:20 Mar 15, 2021

Thank you!


14:44 Mar 16, 2021

I am kinda having a humongous writers block, any tips? sorry for the botheration!


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Shae Greyfeather
12:18 Oct 13, 2020

What happened with the spray paint video? I want to know who it was


Ari Berri
13:07 Oct 13, 2020

I've got to find a good prompt for it.


Shae Greyfeather
19:49 Oct 13, 2020

The coffee shop one


Ari Berri
20:16 Oct 13, 2020

Maybe. I'll try.


Shae Greyfeather
20:21 Oct 13, 2020

: )


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<inactive> .
06:17 Oct 10, 2020

Geez I CAN NOT keep up with how many times you change your name! Last time it was from Percy Jackson and now Harry Potter -_-


Ari Berri
10:08 Oct 10, 2020



<inactive> .
07:58 Oct 11, 2020

Now... Rue Sterling?? dA HEcc


Unknown User
15:38 Jan 24, 2021

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
15:39 Jan 24, 2021

<removed by user>


Ari Berri
15:52 Jan 24, 2021

I draw on stuff all the time.


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