Historical Fiction

The sun is beating down on me. I am sweating up a storm. Papa wont let me go with the other kids until the work is done. Keeping up with the land takes a lot of hands. Papa says I can’t go to school. Papa says that learning those words won’t keep a family fed.

So hear I am chasing the cattle around. I don’t mind putting in the hard day work. After all it is how we eat. Sometimes I just lay in the prairie and close my eyes. I can still see the sun and the sky. I dream I am flying with the birds. 

“Boy what are you over there doing!” papa said. I whip around and feel embarrassed. “I was just taking a break pa!” Thomas said. “Well get back to getting the herd to the other side of the river!” Papa yelled. As I get back to work all I can think about is my dream of flying. I don’t dare tell my pa about my dream. He would just call me a vazey. Pa would tell me I am acting foolish. No man has any business being in the sky. 

The work is finally done, I run to my little hidden secret in the woods. I have worked hard making a place where I can dream. I don’t just dream. I do a little work for the General store. Gale is a dreamer too. I have told gale of all the things I wish to accomplish. For the work Mr. Gale pays me in supplies. Those supplies I have hidden here. I have managed to find out how to work the wind to my advantage. I see how the birds glide softly in the summer air. I tried to make a pair of wings, but those wasn't strong enough to carry me. I figured if sails moved boats maybe one could move me. The problem with that is I didn’t have anything for the fabric to anchor to.

So hear I am tinkering and looking for new inspiration. Then I remember something pa told me. See, pa use to work as a chimney sweep and a knocker up. That is how pa met ma. Pa tells me he had a dream to own his own ranch. He wanted to take a horse and ride into the evening sun. He was saving up money to buy him some supplies. Elizabeth, that is ma, was sitting on the steps of a beautiful home reading a book. Pa new immediately she was going to be his wife. As you know pa and ma got hitched. They set out on a new adventure together. Here I am. 

“ The walls of a chimney are burnt son. The top floors are always the warmest.” Pa had said. Maybe the heat can rise me up somehow. Then I had it! I could combine the sail to a wooden box. I can make a fire to rise me up! Then the wind can carry me! 

Everyday when I had the chance I went to work. It took me a month to finally make my dream into reality. My hands are calloused. My brain is constantly thinking. My soul is happy. I knew that the day was coming into sight I would be high up in heaven.

The only person I told of my plans was Gale. He bid me farewell and good luck. He kept pounding into me that I should tell Pa what I was doing. I had to repeat myself each time. If Pa knew then he would stop me. 

“It worked, it worked, it worked” I screamed to the birds. I was flying up and up and up. The air started to change. The winds were damaging. The sky was turning black as night. I began to shake with panic. I prayed to God, “ Oh dear Lord, please keep me safe.”

The rain started to beat down on me. I began releasing the heat very slowly. All the while praying the same words on repeat. I began to see the tress coming closer and closer. I couldn’t see a clearing and began praying harder, “Oh dear Lord I pray for a soft landing.” 

I snagged a tree. The landing was shaky. I thanked God for the soft landing. I climbed down this old oak and began looking for shelter. I had no Idea where I was. This frightened me. How am I suppose to get home? I walk down the hill a little and found a cave. I waited the rain out. All the while in fear of a tornado ripping through the forest. 

Back at the house my pa began to look frantically for me. Calling my name. Ringing a bell. I couldn’t her a thing. When he could’t find me pa went into town. When he arrived at Mr.Gales store and I wasn’t there Pa began to panic. Mr. Gale had no choice but to spill the beans on my dream. 

I began getting cold. I looked around the cave and found some bears bedding. I knew I needed to get a fire started to survive. Once I warmed up I could asses my situation. I had no food. I didn't know where the water source was. I began to see the dark reality of the situation. I am lost with no-one knowing where I am. 

Pa and Mr. Gale got on their horses and began riding in front of the wind.They were looking for any sign to pin point my location. I had no idea that the smoke of my fire would be my saving grace. 

When Pa and Mr. Gale found me they jumped off their horses and ran to me. Giving me the biggest tightest bear hug I had every had. Pa began asking me a bunch of questions, “ Why didn't you tell me of your dream? Why didn't you let anyone know what you were doing?” All I could say was, “Pa I was afraid you would think this was all balderdash.” 

“Oh Thomas, I don't know why you would think that. All little boys have big dreams. I am here to guide you on your path.” Pa said.

May 31, 2020 15:29

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