Horror Teens & Young Adult

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Rebecca had always been fascinated by the paranormal, especially ghosts. When her grandmother passed, she inherited her old house, a place she had often visited as a child. But, little did she know that her fascination with the paranormal would become her undoing.

The night before Rebecca was set to move in, she decided to spend one last visit with the spirit of her grandmother. She gathered all her paranormal equipment and started an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) session. As she recorded, she asked the usual questions that ghost hunters ask to make contact.

But the room was silent, and Rebecca was growing more disappointed by the second. Just as she was about to give up, she heard a voice on the recorder. It was a whisper, too soft to make out the words.

Undeterred, Rebecca turned up the volume, and the whisper grew louder until it was a voice of a woman. It spoke her name, and she knew it was her grandmother.

The rest of the evening passed quietly, and Rebecca felt like she had made that final connection with her grandmother.

The next day, Rebecca moved into the old house, and she couldn't wait to start her new life there. But things began to take an eerie turn. Lights flickered, doors creaked, and she could hear footsteps when she was alone. Rebecca tried to brush it off as her imagination, but the occurrences grew more frequent.

Late one night, as Rebecca was heading to bed, she heard a thump from the guest room. She approached the door, opened it slowly, and saw that the rocking chair was gently moving back and forth. Rebecca grew frightened but quickly reminded herself that her grandmother's spirit was with her. She took a deep breath and walked over to the chair, the EVP recorder still in her hand.

She asked her grandmother if she was responsible for the moving chair, but instead of a voice on the recorder, she heard a faint whisper that sounded like, "revenge."

Rebecca's heart raced; she was not sure if she had heard it right. She decided to dismiss it as her imagination.

The following night, Rebecca was lying in bed, unable to sleep. She could hear the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway. She held her breath and listened as the steps grew louder. She could see a silhouette, and when it came into view, Rebecca saw her grandmother's spirit.

But something about her grandmother seemed different. Her face was twisted in a way that did not seem to belong to someone who had passed on peacefully. Her eyes glowed red, and she seemed to be angry.

Rebecca's heart sank - she now realized that it wasn't her grandmother who had come back but something much more sinister. She tried to run, but her legs wouldn't move. The figure crept closer, and then she saw its face. It was her grandmother, but not as she had remembered her.

Her grandmother's face was distorted, and her eyes were filled with anger and malice. In a voice that was not her own, the spirit of her grandmother said, "Revenge is mine."

Rebecca tried to scream and run, but she could not move. She realized she was trapped, unable to escape. The figure moved towards her, and she felt coldness wrap around her. The sound of her own heartbeat echoed in her ears as she felt herself becoming faint.

Just as Rebecca thought it was over, she suddenly felt a jolt of electricity through her body and heard a loud bang that came from nowhere. She opened her eyes to see her grandmother's spirit disappearing into the darkness. Her EVP recorder was still recording, and on playback, she heard the words, "I am at peace."

In that moment, Rebecca realized that her grandmother's spirit was struggling to move on and was seeking revenge for something that had happened to her in life. Perhaps Rebecca's grandmother had been wronged, or there was some injustice that she had suffered, and she was determined to seek justice even in death.

Rebecca spent the rest of the night trying to make sense of what had happened. She wondered if her grandmother's spirit had been at peace after seeking revenge or had she just moved on to the afterlife.

The following morning, she went back to the guest room and saw the rocking chair moving again. This time, she could make out a faint shadow of a woman in the chair. Rebecca knew it was her grandmother, this time she seemed peaceful.

Rebecca realized that life and death are inextricably intertwined and that there are no real endings, only new beginnings. Her grandmother's spirit had come back seeking revenge, but in the end, she found peace and was ready to move on.

As Rebecca sat in the room with her grandmother's spirit, watching her final resting place fade away, she understood that sometimes, the dead do come back, seeking answers, and that sometimes the living have to help them find closure.

From that day, Rebecca continued to live in the old house, but she never forgot the night her grandmother's spirit had come back. She never heard from her grandmother's spirit again, but every so often, she would feel a gentle presence surrounding her. She realized that her grandmother was still watching over her, always present, never forgotten. As time went on, Rebecca observed that she was starting to experience fewer paranormal events in the old house. She realized that the spirit of her grandmother had found the closure that she needed and had now passed from this world.

Although the experience had left an indelible mark on her, Rebecca felt privileged to have been able to help her grandmother's spirit find peace. Her fascination with the paranormal was no longer driven by fear or curiosity, but by a profound sense of awe and understanding that the boundary between life and death is not as fixed as we think.

Now, as Rebecca sits on her porch, sipping a cup of tea, she looks out at the peaceful surroundings of the old house. From a distance, it looked like a perfectly ordinary house, but for Rebecca, it was a place of memories, an old house that nearly became her ultimate undoing. She smiled and went back inside, feeling a sense of contentment that came from knowing that sometimes, we can find peace even in places where we least expect it.

The end

May 07, 2023 05:38

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