Drama Mystery Romance

"We'll forever be friends Star, don't cry. When I'm older I'll come back for you and we'll get married like we've always planned. Just don't forget me" said the 10 year old Jaden.

"I'll miss you Jay and I'll never forget you. " Star says to her best friend of ten years. Yes, they've been friends since birth. It only made sense since their parents are friends.

"Happy 8th birthday Star" he said handing her a small box. She opened it and inside was a bracelet. She gasped. She tried to speak but words failed her.

"Wear this everyday Star. I'll always be here" Jaden said.

The kids shared one last hug before Jaden hopped in the car and his dad drove off. Star waved until she couldn't see their car. She quickly rushed into her mother's waiting arms and cried silently. This was deja Vu. Not so long ago Star's mother held her daughter the exact same way as her father walked out of their lives. "I can't bare seeing my Star like this. God may my daughter know only joy from now on" she silently prayed.

God never fails His children. A week later the Johnson's moved in nextdoor. Their precious daughter, Alexis being in the same class with Star. That resulted in them being the best of friends, but never forgetting Jaden who was constantly on her mind.

"Lexy, you were supposed to be here by now" Star whined on the phone. Herself and Alexis grew up to be pretty young ladies. Ten years did them good.

"Star! I'll be there in time for your party. I wouldn't miss your birthday for anything, plus I want to introduce you to my boyfriend" Alexis said on the other end of the phone. Star breathed in a sigh of relief. At least her friend is coming to her birthday party. It's not everyday where you get to be 18.

"I can't wait to finally meet him" she clapped her hands excitedly. "Star we need to get going" her mom said right outside her bedroom door. "Gotta go. See you in a few hours" They both hung up.

"Mom, I really love this cake" Star chirped. She was really excited. She glanced at her bracelet and frowned. Another year gone without a sign of his best friend. Officially a decade gone. Her mom noticed the sudden change of mood. "I'm sure he's thinking about you Star" she reassured her daughter with a smile. Just a little reassurance and she was back to her chirpy mood. God really did answer her prayer. "Get the cake so we can head back we've ran out of time" her mom commanded as they walked to their car. They settled in and hit the road. "I can't believe I'm 18" Star broke the silence. Her mom smiled. Her daughter is a chatterbox. "You have grown. I'm proud of you" she said glancing at her briefly before fixing her eyes on the road again. "Thank you for everything Mom."

They held and squeezed hands for a moment. "Mom, can I drive? I'm older now and you said I can drive when I'm 18" she asked nicely. "It's already dark my child. You'll drive some other time" she declined. Star puffed and decided to turn on the music. Coincidentally their favourite song was on. They sang along, dancing and laughing. That's the last thing they remember.

"She's awake" the doctor said and they followed her to the ward.

"She wasn't badly injured, just a few cuts. She was just really shaken but she's doing well now. I would like to keep her overnight though" the doctor said and left them.

"My baby" Star's mom ran to her daughter and gave her a hug careful not to hurt her.

"What happened?" Star asked.

"We had an accident last night on our way home" her mom told her.

"Your car bumped into another car, but everyone is fine. I'm glad you are also fine" Alexis moved closer and they shared a brief hug. Star smiled at her best friend.

"You made it" she whispered softly.

"I wouldn't miss your birthday Star"

"I believe there's someone I have to meet" she smirked at Alexis who flushed.

"I'll go and get him" she walked out.

"Is he nice?" Star turned to her mother.

"I haven't seen him yet, but I bet he's nice" she answered with a chuckle. Her daughter is too forward. A few minutes later Alexis walked in followed by a young man.

"Mom, Star, meet my boyfriend Jaden..."

Both Jaden and Star could not believe what was happening. They both drifted off before Alexis could even finish.

"Star, are you okay?" Lexy asked concerned.

"Uhm... Nice to meet you Jaden" she masked all her emotions with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too"

Her mother noticed what just happened but played along as well. She excused herself and walked out. This is between the kids, she'll let them be.

"Finally! My two favourite people have met" Alexis could not hide her happiness. She was overjoyed that she missed all the tension in this ward.

"So, how long have you been together?" Star asked as calm as she could.

"It's been what?! Four or five months?"

"It's five babe" Jaden corrected smiling at Alexis who gladly returned the smile. They shared a moment, Star nearly threw up.

"I'm happy you found someone Lexy" she faked a smile.

"I'm really lucky to have him. Now I can't wait to meet the guy who gave you that bracelet" Lexy said all smiles.

Jaden couldn't believe she kept it for all those years. She really believed everything he said to her. Suddenly he felt so dizzy.

"Excuse me ladies" Jaden spoke before walking out not realizing he didn't only just walk out but he took a piece of her heart with him. Star broke down. She took off the bracelet and threw it across the room. She had waited for nothing. A whole decade.

August 26, 2020 22:23

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