Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about solidarity.... view prompt



I was absorbed in the newspaper when the doorbell rang. Opening the door I saw a police officer  standing outside. The man with an almighty moustache looked menacing. He said “I’m an Inspector of Police and have come about a complaint against a Mr.Bob.”

I said “Bob is my son. He is not at home.”

Twirling his moustache and glowering at me he said “There’s a case against him. Tell him to contact me as soon as he is home.”

I was concerned and asked “Can you tell me about the case against him?”

The man plucked at his moustache again and said “There’s a murder charge against him. I’m investigating it.” He got a phone call and abruptly left.

 My wife Kay and I were anxiously waiting for Bob when he walked in. He said “I’m late as it is raining heavily. I haven’t yet parked the car in our garage.” I told him about the visit of IOP when he said “I don’t know why the matter has been escalated. It was a minor incident at the party.”

Kay asked “What party?”

He said “A few of us friends had come together at the hotel on Sunday, which is 2 days ago. Fred had more whisky than he could hold and had made a derogatory remark against Dolly. I flew into a rage and went to catch him by the throat. He resisted and in the process his shirt sleeve was torn. Two others in the group separated us. That was all.”

Kay asked “Who is Dolly?”

Bob was silent and then said “She is a medical graduate working with me. She’s the daughter of a Col.Rana.”

Kay asked “Why should you have been provoked when Fred makes a remark against Dolly?”

“Mama, you don’t understand. She’s my colleague.”

Kay said “She must be something more if it had made you assault Fred.”

There was a long silence and then he said “I’m thinking of proposing to her and I know she’ll accept.”

Kay said “Shame on you! I’ve often spoken to you about Lily, daughter of our Chief Of Police. What made you to fall for another?”

I thought I should intervene and said “Kay, one never knows what runs in the minds of-----“

Kay ignored my remark and said “I had spoken to Melissa- Lily’s mother- about considering Bob for Lily. And this fellow goes after some stupid Dolly.”

Bob said “Mom, Dolly is not stupid. She finished her medicine summa cum laud.”

“It doesn’t matter. Lily is no less qualified. She has a master’s degree in computer science and is a tennis ace. Lily is drawing a fat salary and has a room full of trophies for tennis. And you go after some------ Dolly. ”

I cut in saying “Kay, Bob is a research scientist and knows how to choose a bride.”

Kay said “It doesn’t need a research scientist to choose a bride wisely. Bob, you don’t know the problems you’ll face with – what is her name – Dolly, whereas Lily is of known stock and will suit you better.”

  Bob was silent and then said ”Dad you know the COP well. Why don’t you speak to him about letting me off the hook?”

Kay said “Your dad will do nothing of the kind, Remember Lily is COP’s daughter and Melissa must’ve spoken to him about my considering Lily for Bob. It would be embarrassing for your dad to approach COP. You shouldn’t have assaulted Fred. You were such a nice  gentle person. Whatever her name has transformed you to become so aggressive.”

I said “Kay, when a man’s lady love is insulted, he naturally---“ Kay had left the room!

The next day Kay and I were seated chatting. It was pouring outside and flashes of lightning lit up the atmosphere seen through the bay window. A very huge thunderclap followed as Bob came in. He  said “Dad, I met the IOP. He says Fred has hotel employees who would be independent witnesses. They will support him against me and say that I tried to murder Fred. I told Dolly I would even go to jail for her, and she wept bemoaning her fate.”

Kay said “That is all sham. You don’t know women.”  She said after a pause “Your dad must be frank. He has no courage to meet COP and talk.”

I said “Don’t under-estimate me. I know how to solve the problem.”

Kay said “Let me see you doing it. You talk much more than act.”

I went to see COP when he welcomed me in and said “Haven’t seen you in a long time. Of course I was also too busy even to call you.”

I said “So was I.”  We sat chatting about our college days and our mutual friends. Melissa and Lily then joined us. Melissa inquired about Kay and Bob. Lily brought us cakes and coffee. As we took coffee I asked Lily “Been playing much tennis these days?”

She laughed and said “I’m going slow on tennis. I’ve got admission to a US university. I’ve quit my job and I’m busy organising things before setting off for America.”

Melissa glanced at her watch and said “Lily and I are due at the beauty parlour. Will you excuse us?”

COP and I were left alone. He said “It’s stuffy in here. Let us move to the porch.” We went there and sat on wicker chairs. The garden was now in full view and I saw a variety of flowers on the plants. COP said “The gardener has been away as he was sick. The flowers have wilted.”

 I asked COP “What are Lily’s long term plans?”

“She plans to be away 2 to 3 years. After that we don’t know yet.”

“What does Melissa think about it?”

“She is all for it. She is asking me to visit the USA with her while Lily would be studying there. I suppose you know Melissa’s sister is settled there and would play host. I also hope the trip would materialise.”

COP was enthusiastic to talk about current affairs and he spoke extensively about a politician and how his affair with a good looking officer working under him was exposed.

I said “I had read in the newspapers that the politician’s wife didn’t believe the expose.”

“That was for public consumption!  Do you think a woman would forgive her husband who had an affair? ”

After a long chat I said to him “I’ve come to you for a little help. It is about Bob.” After hearing me COP laughed and said ”Don’t worry about it. That IOP is perhaps only playing a little mischief for some illegal gratification.” He made a phone call and after finishing it said to me “That IOP is being transferred for misdeeds. Bob won’t be harmed in any way. I like the way Bob acted when his girl friend was humiliated. Who is the girl?”

“It’s Bob’s colleague Dolly who is the daughter of a Col.Rana. I was told she is a medico.”

COP said “Bob is lucky. Rana is a much decorated officer. I think he had also officiated in one of our embassies abroad.  His younger brother was my batch mate in the police academy. He is my good friend. They are a good family. Congratulate Bob for me.”

“See you again” I said as I moved out.

At home I told Kay all that was spoken at COP’s house. She said “I suppose you’re happy that COP approved Bob’s decision.”

“Not particularly. I’m happy as I’ve shown my solidarity towards my family.”

“You’ve a way of using those big words to confuse me.”

I laughed and said “Solidarity is about holding together our family’s interests.”

“What about my feelings?” I shrugged. “I suppose I would’ve to get on with my son’s wife - the medico – whatever her name!”

“It is Dolly.


June 10, 2020 14:19

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Nandan Prasad
03:40 Jun 18, 2020

Hello, I have received your story from the Critique Circle. It is a very nice story, except for a few grammatical errors. Good luck!


00:31 Jun 19, 2020

The errors may be unconscious. The time available for full revision of drafts is limited. Anyway thanks for your comments.


Nandan Prasad
01:20 Jun 19, 2020

You’re welcome.


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