Chaotic Tree House. (Summer afternoon spent in a tree house)

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a summer afternoon spent in a treehouse.... view prompt



The old roots and the eroded soil were tightly holding on to each other, as if they’ll never get a chance to feel each other’s warmth again. The tree stood tall above me, looked down upon, made me feel like a grain of sand in a world full of gigantic rocks. The competition and toughness of this world was clearly being represented by this artistic expression of nature. Apart from all the negativity attached with nature’s beauty, the house built above it was the only safe place i had ever known. The branches were slightly bent down, earth was trying to pull them towards it, like a lover trying to find security in their loved ones. 

I used the tree trunks as a ladder to help me climb above all the cruelties this world had to offer. With every step i took towards this tree house, the worries and the burden were left behind. With every jump and effort i made to climb higher i could feel my body eventually getting lighter. After going through the process of reincarnation, i finally stepped inside the broken tree house. This wasn’t the most accurately symmetrical building to be cherished but the nostalgic feeling it held was beyond human comprehension. This was my secret hideout, a place where all my insecurities were locked and left behind. Every time i took a step to explore the corners of this house a creaking  sound was made. It was on the edge of breaking apart, as these thoughts crossed my mind i sat on the entrance of this house, my legs hanging down and calmly swaying back and forth. I decided to switch off my thought process and tilted my head upwards, my chin pointing towards the vast sky. The pink cotton candy clouds were merged with blues of the sky, multicoloured threads dancing freely all around them. The shades of orange and reds were mixing together, the swirls of ballerina left the white threads of her dress behind in the sky. It was an abstract expression. 

The condition of this house wasn’t long-lasting. I had to replace some of it’s old wooden planks with something more resistible. This house gave me more than i ever asked for it was time to return some positivity back into this world. I jumped down the house and firmly landed on my feet, in search of some wooden planks i started to walk around the forest, the birds chirping and singing songs. This was easier then what i thought, it didn’t feel like work. I walked around the forest for approximately 15 minutes and found a few wooden pieces scattered around the river, most of them were drenched in water, it took my a while to choose the ones that could perfectly fit. One by one i placed the selected wooden pieces on top of each other and carried them back to the tree house. The wooden pieces were firmly pressed between my left arm and my body while i used my other arm to climb back on top. Once i finally reached the tree house, i decided to sit down in the corner took a few sips of water from the plastic bottle i always carried around. After a short break, i removed the broken wooden pieces, some of the sharp wooden edges left some surface cuts on my finger tips and palms. Every time i pulled out a broken wooden piece, it felt like i was ripping my old mistakes apart from my body. This whole experience exhausted my body but after a few hours of constant work, the outcome amused me. The tree house was finally complete and it looked nothing less than an art piece displayed in a gallery. I wasn’t tired anymore, the euphoria rushed through my veins and a tingling sense of proudness ran down my throat. I saved the tree house from falling apart. 

After quietly observing the nature of human emotions linked with the creativity of this world i decided to walk back home with a calm mind and a heart filled with more curiosity. Life helps us find beauty and peace in places as simple as tree houses, there is always a glimpse of hope and success. Never give up on your dreams and ambitions because the untamed chaos in your hearts will always lead you to a better destination. Broken things can always be repaired, don’t give on brokenness as something more beautiful can be created out of it. Some flowers grow in cracked rocks and they stand out for being unique and strong. You may not ever find a tangible source in your life in shape of a tree house but you can always help other people repair their broken parts. You can help your soul and heart by replacing all the old and bitter experiences with something that helps you grow. This was a story about one summer afternoon i spent in my tree house, you should make all you summer after noons worth living. Live as freely as you can don’t let this world pull you back down. Repairing something broken will always leave some sort of scars behind, wear those scars like crowns and embrace them. Failure is a part of growth, failure might not always bring your desired destination to you but it will prepare you for something more better. Hardships and your chaos helps you choose the person you’ll become, always return back the positivity this world is giving you so effortlessly. Never stop searching your tree house, never stop looking for something that’ll help your heart smile. Learn to observe the signs this world is trying to give you, something or someone around you cares about you. Make this world your tree house, live in it and make every day worth living for. This life is about finding happiness in the smallest of things, happiness attached to materialistic objects is temporary. I hope everyone out there reading this story never takes any second of their life for-granted, stop running after things that don’t bring you happiness. life is complicated and maybe something humans won’t ever understand but never turn away from the love it has to offer. love is the best gift life will ever give you, be it any shape or form. Accept it.

July 15, 2020 08:12

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