“2,4,6,8 who do we appreciate!?”

Written in response to: Write a story in which someone time-travels 25 years or more into the past.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Historical Fiction Teens & Young Adult

“Lean to the left”

”Lean to the right.”

”Stand up, sit down”

”Fight, Fight, Fight.”


Like hell.

Cheers📣, Cheers🥂 , and More Cheers 🍻

Knocking ‘em back.

Knocking ‘em down.

Insidious attempts to gain control over another in an attempt, sometimes desperate, to control their every move. Cause them to live a living hell.

Who needs to run the track, when the insidiousness of the tracking continues?

Used to be, different, 25 years ago. Y2K stuff and all. The best and most brightest of the minds, came together to figure out how to undo what was done. What was happening. What was about to happen. Two digits four digits, six digits, eights, digits—which digit worked the best so as to not blow up the whole “system”.

No one knew.Everyone had a “theory”.

Exaxtly. All the thought in the world began about preventing a disaster, wherein their were plenty of other disasters of distraction and otherwise(s) happening in the mist and the midst of the decision of

What to do. What to do……

The problems were many, the solutions were few.

Creative and brilliant minds clashed and crushed one another into a state of paralysis.

Human error.

You betcha.

Blame on the key, the keyboard.


With the most brilliant and creative minds wondering what just happened in order to fix what may happen. Playing God.

Only God knows.

This is not a call to jump on the God bandwagon.

You do you.

You. Be you.

Be you.

It is a call, or let’s call it a cheer, shall we?

A call to put down the hate that has gotten us to this state of immense hate. Principles being confused with principles.

Stubbornness taking its place. Blame placed upon a beautiful country that let its guard down. Got much too big for its britches. Was never willing NOT to do business. However, others got wind of the gaping hole of open wounds.

And dove right in.

To the vulnerabilities of others to chew on themand spit them out.

The pandemics led the way. The weak bodied and weak minded could not fight the good fight. The fight of love.

Work for love.

The love he showed us blatantly and personally.

On the cross of forgiveness.

”Why have they forsaken me?” He would cry.

He knew already. Should be remembered that even He, in times of great pain, is allowed a cry or two.

The words and cries take on many different forms. As is the image of his weakened body nailed to wood. A construction of love and forgiveness.

The smart ones noticed.

The unfair crucifixion. A man who simply stood up for the little guy and the big guys too. Calmly and repeatedly spoke words of attribution of what is good. Challenging thoughts to what is bad.


Disagreements about about whether fear is love or fear is fear.

It, too, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. There are no two ways about it.


It is not always roses and champagne. The premature “cheers” of opportunistic minds, leave too many behind.

”2, 4, 6, 8” who DO we appreciate?

The athlete.

The farmer.

The grocer.

The neighbor.

The one we can pull the wool over the eyes of?

The wolf.

The cat.

The bird.

The hamster.

The grizzly bear?

Sophistication abounds in the ways and means of exploitation. Young and old.


It starts young.

It begins young.

When some look the other way at the forgotten and then smile for the camera.

Something is indeed wrong.

Very wrong.

Blame the self?

Blame another?

In the end it does not really matter.

What does is walking the walk of confidence even in the middle of doubt.

Looking back on the past may inform the future.


There are no guarantees.

Except in Him. In His thoughtful words and actions versus our hide behind the vulnerableness of the vulnerable.

Meanness personified.

Manipulation actionable.

The outcome can never be predicted or predicated on a relationship ship of opportunity.

It has to be earned by the trust of the person. The individual. Life will never be smooth sailing. We think. Why is this so hard. Why is that so hard.

To me. It is less about grace. His grace. That is a given. he is generous. If you truly and wholly believe. He walks alongside the fear you may be carrying about this or that. The past. The reminders. The flashbacks of a time gone by, gone away.

What to hold on to now? him.

To fear Him. Is to love Him. To take very seriously the idea that your life is held in His hands. The rest is or may be just a circus of the “trying to look goods”.

They are to ones who too, may have felt forgotten, be forgotten or forget, but are not willing to admit its deep hurt scares themselves.

Only God knows.

He alone is the past present and future.

Aggression, food,love, wanting, is all apart of who we are. Where the next meal comes in not a given. He gives us the tools we need to know what to do. How to behave. Even when we feel starved for attention, love and sustenance.

He is the sustainer of all that is good and bad. The bad, He teaches us to be less fearful. The hope is that the messengers who oath-fully follow Him, really mean what they say.

No human isnperfect.

Every human plays their own little games.

He does not.

Play games.

No nonsense kind of being.

We can only hope to put away the past, and be more mindful of the future and what He holds for us in the palm of ahis hand.

If we are truly lucky.

We feel His hand on ours. Holding it.Whispering to us that it will all be ok. He is here, with us.

The past is the past.

Opportuntists will never stop.

The last shall be first and the first shall be last.

Instead of trying to play God and foresee the future. We should put down our fists, open our hands and reach across the way to one another.

Do not stand on principles.

This action may indeed stomp on them like a fire of mass destruction.

Stand up for the principles that we are all created equal.

And. Knowingly know that,

He knows it.

January 17, 2025 13:19

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