Honey Cup

Submitted into Contest #86 in response to: Write a story where flowers play a central role.... view prompt


Bedtime Kids Happy

Today is the the day we all have been waiting for so desperately.

One year since Nat defeated Poo in a single sided match giving the taste of utter embarrassment to the 'petals of Puff'.

I'm your host and commentator Rose Ace and here we all are back together to commence this year's 'Honey Cup' in the presence of our special guests 'Queen bee of Surmi' and her associate worker bees Fin, Xo and Mose.

Welcome you guys.

I'm sure everyone is as excited as me to see which team get sucked on by Queen bee and her associates and which one gets free manure and extra sprinkle day of fun.

This year the competing contestants are Tulip Ignoo from 'Twing sweet', Bluebell Violet from 'Bluebells community', Sunflower Nat from 'Morning stars' and Lily Ell from 'Petals of puff'.

Now hold your horses my striking flowering planties and let me go through this boring list of game rules for the sake of tradition and of course also for the first time spectators.

Rule number

1. Participants from every team will be standing behind those Dodder weed line, two feet apart.

2. Whistle blow by Dogwood Reet would commence the race towards the group of Lazy Holly 100 meters away via the horseshoe path.

3. Contestants will run their way to Lazy Holly, take the corresponding member of the group and bring back to their initial spot, lifting or guiding or dragging but without a single scratch otherwise you are disqualified my friend, Lazy Holly doesn't like clumsy.

Dodder weeds look excited to be the line of star this year, congratulations weedies.

Ignoo, Nat and Ell are all warmed up, Violet is still twisting and turning her roots, 'Don't break them honey, you need them to run.'

Sorry, thrash talk by the commentator.

Dogwood Reet is ready with the whistle, contestants taken their positions ready to bend nail.


Woah ho planties are crazy clapping their leaves, I can't hear myself you guys.

Nat is already in the lead followed by Violet close behind. Ell looks like have a strategy planned in her mind, calm and confident. Ignoo is taking his sweet time.

Nat lagging behind, Ell taking the lead looking smug as a bug. You go girl.

Ignoo looks like is struggling with wiping sweaty roots, no time Ignoo let the toxins out buddy.

Violet speeding up, yes go go go. She is in the lead.

Violet rounding the curve. You can see the Lazy Holly lazily lying in the l- well I don't have rhyme for that.

I can't even guess the probable winner at this point. Everyone has slowed down a bit gathering up the energy to carry Lazy Holly.

Ignoo has picked up the speed and there he crossed Nat and Ell.

Almost there Ignoo. Nat and Ell are neck to neck.

Violet don't steal other's Lazy Holly, Violet's finished the first round first.

But she is struggling with Lazy Holly, try dragging V, nope she's lifted it.

Bring it home girl.

Ignoo has already decided to drag his but Lazy Holly isn't cooperating, more power to you Ignoo.

Ell is tickling her Lazy Holly, smart move.

Activate the Holly to run their way.

Nat going for lifting and there Violet has dropped the Holly mid way.

Now she's taking it for piggyback ride, Lazy Holly looks angry.

Some heated discussion going on there, and Violet's Lazy Holly has laid down on the tracks. This is hilarious.

Ignoo going steady with the branch of his Lazy Holly around his own, dragging, sweating, dragging.

Nat has crossed Violet but looks like he's also struggling to keep it up with Lazy Holly weight. You got this Nat.

Ell is stopping by Violet. Why? Sports ethics, nice.

Ell and Violet are probably trying to convince or bribe Violet's Lazy Holly into getting up.

Ell has continued the race with her now again inactive Lazy Holly, dragging it on.

Violet's Lazy Holly is up on her back. Enjoy piggyback ride Lazly.

Nat is on the ground, crumpled under the weight. Both laughing on the ground. Get up guys. Morning stars forever.

Ignoo slowing down, he's approaching the side. Come on Ignoo don't quit. Cheer up for Twing sweet everyone. Yay come on Ignoo.

Ell has crossed Nat and now Ignoo too, what did you feed your Lazy Holly girl.

Nat is up, here comes Violet with Lazy Holly on the back.

This is going to be close if Ell messes up now.

No. Ell's Lazy Holly is running away. Side effects of tickling and over activation. Ell's Lazy Holly is out of the stadium and Ell is out of the competition. Sad one for Petals of puff. Sorry guys.

Ignoo has probably already quit in his mind, he's not even trying.

Nat and Violet are close, indeed neck to neck approaching the finish line and ........... crossed it.

Both crossed it at the same time. Now let's see what Dogwood Reet has to say about the winner. Is this really a tie?

No, it's not a tie. Dogwood Reet is waving up the blue flag, Bluebells is the winner. Violet did it, defeating last years champion Nat she made her team proud and gave us a new champion this year.

Congratulations you guys.

Now let's talk to the contestants how they feel about this year's competition.

Ignoo how you feeling buddy?


Ignoo needs to breath let's give him him sometimes. We'll get back to you Ignoo.

Ell, you found your Lazy Holly?

'No she ran away. They are so angry at me for over activating her by tickling and I can't participate again.'

That is sad. I'm sorry Ell. Maybe if you find her fast they will forgive you.

'Good idea. I'll go find her. Thanks Rose Ace.'

No problemy. Nat here I am. What happened? You lost the Honey cup.

'Yeah man, Violet was so good. Ell was smart, Ignoo was determined but shook off in the end.'

Yes Ignoo had good chances of winning. Still have fun at the party tonight.

'Of course I'll. Thanks.'

Now moving on to the winner. Violet the champion. Congratulations lady. How you feeling?

'I'm happy, defeated the last time champion so yeah pretty electrified.'

So blue bells going to have a secret after party tonight.

'If there is a secret party then it's obviously a secret.'

So I'm not getting an invite?

'You are not invited Ace.'

Even though you are seriously kidding I'll say I can live with that.

Congrats again I'm so proud.

'Thanks buddy. Love you.'

So here ends the Honey cup race 2021 now I'm going to keep quiet for a while and let the Queen bee of Surmi and Fin, Xo, Mose take the attention.

But all of you don't forget to join us for the party tonight right here to celebrate the win of Bluebells community and commence the beautiful new year for us radiant flowering and non flowering plants.

Green is life.

March 25, 2021 17:28

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