Romance Fiction Christmas

Christmas 2024

Dearest Victor,

I hope you know that even if you’d left me, even if you took to the skies for 17,000 kilometres and 22 hours to spread your wings away from the nest we’ve built, there’s nowhere I’d rather spend Christmas but home with you.

This morning, my fingers brushed the supermarket tinsel draped around the banister and yet, there was no tickle for all I could sense was the weight of the atmosphere pummelling my exhausted lungs. My bunny slipper-donning feet dragged across the wood floor to fetch myself just another bowl of Weet-Bix and berries when I’d normally be twirling on my red trainers whilst blasting carols from my laptop speakers. Gleeful children’s screams pierced through the air as I walked along the pristine white sands of Manly, yet I didn’t once take off my jeans or my Frosty-themed t-shirt to reveal my swimming costume and dive into a turquoise ocean.

Meanwhile, I just know that you’re donning your emerald jumper with Rudolph on it, your piercing jade eyes glistening more than freshly fallen snow. Your hearty laugh resonates around a long ash dining table in some swanky Notting Hill townhouse, the plates of turkey and pudding bowing before the delectability of your cinnamon syrup voice. You open silky gold-wrapped presents from under an imposing pine and surrounded by hearth gazes.

I just know too that you’re holding her hand, that her long, mahogany waves tumble across your shoulder as she rests her head on it, that you’re blissfully, undeniably with her. 

Alba. Gorgeous, intelligent Alba. Alba of the high cheekbones and the wide half-moon smiles. Alba who strides across the pavements of ol’ London Town as if she stepped off some fashion week runway. Alba who bawls over Neruda sonnets, West End shows, the sapphire necklace you gave her that matches her irises, and the children at the cancer ward she’s been volunteering in for the past seven years. 

No matter what I do, I’ll never measure up to her, won’t I? If the world were a Christmas feast, you’d would always view Alba as that sweet, cloud-like trifle everyone tries to get a portion of whilst I’m the boiled-to-death tray of Brussels sprouts. I get it; that’s why you disappeared without nary a letter to explain why you were breaking up with me and boarded a plane to the other side of the world. It would be nothing short of a miracle wished on Santa’s list for you to remember even a smidge of what we shared.

Can you try to, though, Victor? Can you tell me that the years I was by your side make the gems you once looked at me with glitter like starlight, even just a tad. Please let me know. Don’t let this castaway feeling linger and bring me home.

Can you try to recall the day we met at your mate Leo’s holiday party? I was sitting on a lounge chair by his pool, just minding my game when you walked in. It was as if choirs of angels ushered you in your white button-down shirt, creamy linen trousers, and elfin grin. Instantly, a million crackers popped in my head, spurring me to get up, traverse the room on jelly legs, and wave hello. Angels had nothing on the way you glowed as you beamed at me. Unfortunately, we only had thirty measly minutes, half an hour of conversation that shone brighter than any glass bauble to me. It was all it took, though, for my entire heart to be lit up with the power of you.

Can you try to recall the day you and I had the entire beach to ourselves four Christmases ago? Even in the sudden silence of the bedroom that we long ago shared, I can still clearly hear that deep sigh emitting from the innermost recesses of your lungs, could still clearly see those light green eyes streaked with scarlet when I woke you up at 4:30 a.m. and demanded you to pack a change of clothes. Oh, how you shuffled, as if you were a leaden statue, around the house, grabbing a quick bite of eggs and baked beans and braving a scalding shower. All of that pouty preparation was worth it, though, when you saw the massive shoreline devoid of its usual crowd. Just so you know, your soft giggle and that intoxicating smooch before you leapt in the ocean still play in my mind endlessly, a constant magical carol.  

Can you try to recall the day we announced our engagement over steaks seared on the barbecue during the Yuletide season last year? It had only been a week since you’d slipped a cushion-cut diamond on my finger as an early present. I don’t know what it was; perhaps, it was the white Moscato bubbling away in our veins. Either way, like the ten lords a-leaping in that song, you stood at attention, brushed those poppy petal lips on mine and spoke of your intentions to be my husband. Of course, the news was met with rapturous ‘Congratulations’ and tight embraces. As the night wore on, your seafoam gaze never left me, that shy smile was plastered on your handsome visage as I flitted around our families gathered for a grill out. Tell you what? Just noticing that brought all the joy to my world.

Most of all, can you try to recall the day you fled from my life and out the door like a frigid December gust early this year? How was I to know that as you reclined on that poolside longer, as I sipped gin and tonics with you by the coastline, as the smoke from the meat searing and the wine in our system fizzed, you’d always searched for the Star of Bethlehem leading to the midnight skies of Alba’s regard. One day, you just left me, took away the very shelter my heart was ensconced in. Now, I’m stuck wandering around streets, hoping for even a manger to save me from the winter frost of your absence.

I know now it’s always been Alba you wanted to sit by the fireplace with, to decorate the tree with gold and red ornaments, as well as giggles. Is it wrong for me to hope I’d be gifted your return into my arms? Am I going into the naughty list if I did everything in my power to remind you of that the most wonderful times of my year is with you? Is it wrong for me to yearn to be by your side, to be home for Christmas and the rest of our lives? Let me know, Victor.

Having a blue Christmas without you,



Christmas 2024

Dear Dr. Kingsley,

Surprise! Happy Christmas! I guess we just wanted to give you one last card before you move to the other side of the world, something to remember by ‘your favourite medical team’. 

We’re never going to stop harping on this, but we couldn’t be more elated for you and Dr. Sexton-Cooper. Come on now. We all witnessed how your secret glances at each other at the hospital holiday party six years ago blossomed into the two of you exchanging vows before a Winter Wonderland-themed altar. Even then, it was obvious that you two were just besotted with each other. We can’t even call it a Christmas miracle because it was just so meant to be. Everyone (well, perhaps, save for that patient's mum who kept trying to ask you out on a date even if we told her you had a girlfriend. Thank goodness, no one else is like that, insisting to squeeze into your world when you have a clear soulmate!) would agree.

By the way, remember Sandra de Jaager? Well, unfortunately, she’s back and confined at the ward. Something about trying to board a British Airways flight when she had no ticket and punching two airport security guards when they wouldn’t let her in. It’s really tragic. I know you and the rest of the team, we worked very hard to make sure she’s okay and could go home (which, of course, she was always holed up in). We honestly were debating whether or not to tell you and spoil your newlywed bliss in a new city, but we know how much you care about your patients. We thought you should know.

Anyway, have the most wonderful (English) Christmas, Dr. Kingsley! Worry not. We’ll always hold down the fort here in Sydney even if we’ll miss you and your new wife. 


The Nursing Staff of Northern Beaches Hospital - Psychiatry Ward

P.S.: So, we may have a betting pool running here about when you and Dr. Sexton-Cooper will start a family. Hahahaha! Sorry! Most of us said in two years (and that your first child will have her sapphire blue eyes).

December 31, 2024 10:26

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Mary Bendickson
07:25 Jan 03, 2025

Liked the way you wove names of Christmas songs into the narrative. Great sad love story with a twist once again.


Alexis Araneta
12:00 Jan 03, 2025

Hi, Mary !! So happy you liked that detail. Glad you liked the story. Thanks for reading !


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Laurie Spellman
22:08 Jan 02, 2025

This was so sad and bittersweet and heart-wrenching. This line sums it up for me: No matter what I do, I’ll never measure up to her, won’t I? If the world were a Christmas feast, you’d would always view Alba as that sweet, cloud-like trifle everyone tries to get a portion of whilst I’m the boiled-to-death tray of Brussels sprouts. You know how to evoke the emotions. I admire your writing style. A broken mind seems to be both our themes for stories this week. 🤯


Alexis Araneta
01:36 Jan 03, 2025

Hi, Laurie ! I'm so happy you felt all the emotions in the piece. I really enjoyed writing that line (and don't enjoy Brussels sprouts 😂), so I'm chuffed you liked the line. Glad you like my style. I will most certainly read yours ! Thanks for reading !


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A. Emeline
17:46 Jan 02, 2025

Alexis, another wonderful piece. Raw, real, and very human. Writing is a very vulnerable art... you are essentially putting a piece of yourself into the story and in turn the world. That is absolutely terrifying. But I love how you are able to capture the jumbled mess of words and slippery Muse and turn it all into a masterpiece. The roller coaster of emotions of love and loss were so vividly displayed here. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words.


Alexis Araneta
18:11 Jan 02, 2025

Hi! Thank you so much ! So happy you found this really raw . I love the way you put it: capture a jumble mess of words. I'm happy the emotions came through, as well. Thanks for reading !


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Philip Ebuluofor
19:08 Jan 01, 2025

Your way once again. Fine work here.


Alexis Araneta
01:48 Jan 02, 2025

Why thank you, Philip !


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Elizabeta Zargi
18:02 Jan 01, 2025

You’ve done an amazing job capturing the raw emotion of love, loss, and longing in this story. The way you use sensory details—like the contrast between the festive world and Sandra’s inner struggle—really brings her feelings to life. Beautiful mix of nostalgia, heartache, and hope.


Alexis Araneta
18:07 Jan 01, 2025

Hi, Elizabeta !! I'm so very happy the emotions really came through here. Indeed, Sandra kept yearning and longing for a man who was never hers. I'm happy you liked the details too. Thanks for reading !


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Kay Northbridge
15:53 Jan 01, 2025

Nicely done Alexis - the combination of romance and personal hell is a strong one.


Alexis Araneta
16:14 Jan 01, 2025

Hahahahaha ! Romance and personal hell! Brilliant way to put it ! I'm so happy you liked it, Katharine ! Thanks for reading !


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Rebecca Hurst
12:55 Jan 01, 2025

Love the way you always put a twist in it. As you know, romance is one of the things I absolutely avoid, but you alway make me read it ! You have beautiful prose, my dear, and I wish you all the very best things for 2025.


Alexis Araneta
13:09 Jan 01, 2025

Hi, Rebecca ! I think my love for using endings that deviate from your typical happily ever after comes from my love of European (especially French and Italian) cinema. In some of my favourite films, the protagonist doesn't end up with their love interest or they do...but are ultimately separated. Perhaps, that has affected my writing. I'm so happy I could write you romance you enjoy. I know it's not for everyone, but I'm happy you like my stories. Thank you for complimenting my prose. Have a splendid New Year, Rebecca ! May 2025 be full of...


Rebecca Hurst
13:14 Jan 01, 2025

Thank you Alexis. Yes, I am also a fan of Euro-noir films. There is a great wealth of material to be mined from them. I prefer them sub-titled and I'm sure you do too. Just keep it up - I am profoundly disappointed that you haven't won yet, but I know you will one day !


Alexis Araneta
13:24 Jan 01, 2025

I watch my French ones unsubtitled...and undubbed because I speak the language. Hahahah ! Italian is subtitled, though. Thanks for the encouragement !


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Charis Keith
15:11 Dec 31, 2024

Aw, this is so sad. Great job, Alexis


Alexis Araneta
15:45 Dec 31, 2024

Hi, Charis ! In a way, it is. I've actually done the erotomania twist on Reedsy before, but for some reason, the prompt made me want to revisit it? Thanks for reading !


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Jim Parker
10:43 Dec 31, 2024

It was great and you are a nut!


Alexis Araneta
10:45 Dec 31, 2024

Hahahaha ! Perhaps, I am! Thanks for reading, Jim !


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Sara Winter
22:56 Jan 16, 2025

Though very well written, I can't help but feel a bad taste in my mouth after reading this story. I have trouble with mental illnesses being used as punchlines. Sandra came off as a person who was deeply hurting, but the emotion she felt was triviallised with "haha, she was just insane." Would you write the same type of story about a cancer patient, or someone who was hit by a car?


Alexis Araneta
02:36 Jan 17, 2025

Hi! The intention wasn't really about it being a punchline. It's not meant to be a comedy. The French film this was based from certainly didn't place this as a comedy. I... honestly don't get how you see it as such? I've had to go through a really bad mental health phase (which ended in me hospitalised and needing surgery because it affected my physical health too)...and I don't see how it's a punchline ? I know she's hurt...but also are Victor and Alba safer being in another country? Yes.


Sara Winter
06:56 Jan 17, 2025

I have not seen that movie. What irks me is the way that doctors respond to her experience, it is flippant, bordering on callous, which is an attitude I hope no doctors have when encountering someone so ill. Nowhere in the story does anyone show empathy for Sandra or her condition. Her struggles are reduced to a plot device in the love story between Victor and Alba. That's why it becomes a punchline. Mental health issues are a delicate subject and deserve the same respectful handling as any other serious illness. I don't mean to create an a...


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