Drama Mystery

The beginning started with how the individuals who were standing around the bed, where the soon to be departing family member, would be lifeless and at best, finally at peace. Of course, this can only happen, when one has made peace with their maker or if they asked for absolution for all their "past and present" "sins", can they then "cross over" to the other side, no matter which side that may be. It is hard for anyone present to fully understand, no matter how great or how small, a surprise can be, when with one's last breath, they utter something, fully or in short sentences.

It is even more horrifying, when the idea of murder or being an accessory to a murder, is conveyed by the party who wants to "come clean". It may not even be the actual murder itself, nor may even be about who was the parties that partook of such a horrific event, or even the idea of such that would make it gruesome in detail as the person explains this ordeal beyond what mere words can truly express of what happened and what led up to the chain of events afterwards.

I was the idea of such, that this matter being revealed, this crime having been committed and spoken about in such a way, that either only the party who committed the murder, would know all the gory details, or possibly the party who had witnessed it, or it could be described in completion, by either criminal or law officer. It seems that as each word spoken, each idea placed in the present company, would not truly understand unless they had been there themselves.

How could this individual have done something that long ago, and only on their deathbed, realizing that they may not be allowed entrance into their "final destination", decide to divulge such an event hoping that, at least one person, would be forgiving. To be willing to look past this and continue to acknowledge them for who you thought they were/are, would somehow become impossible, since they had revealed that no one actually, in whole or in part.

How was this person, admitting their guilt and shame, able to truly live with this for so many years, and never let on to anyone what they done or partook in, to say the least. After being able to absorb such and even remotely wanting not to think about this revelation, they only were able to explain (in detail, more that you wanted to know), how they were in a place, where they literally had to do what they were asked to do.

It seemed they were part of something, which went terribly wrong, something that caused them more grief and pain, that had threatened to bring their own existence to a murderous end, if they didn't decide to become an unwilling participate. It was like a ever growing "black cloud" hung over their head, like mistletoe hung to be kissed underneath. The person who committed the murder, was none other than a long time family friend, who was only identified as, Mr. Longwood, and they were told of endless unjustified "black balling" that would ensue, if they did not agree to "help out".

The murder was about a corrupt senator, who had repeatedly, threatened to openly reveal some shady business dealings, that Mr. Longwood had not been a part of, yet the Senator had devised a plan that would cause legal troubles and loss of many things that Mr. Longwood held near and dear to his heart. Mr. Longwood, was frightened by the thought being made to agree to the senator's demands, and after luring him into the house, grabbed the ax, sitting by the open doorway, proceeding to hit, with such force, the senator went forward and broke his nose.

The senator was stunned but still alive, when Mr. Longwood brought up the ax once more, even higher than before, and brought down the ax with a loud blow and causing the senator's skull to cave inward. There was blood pouring out of the open wound, making a puddle of blood and skin in a mix with the varnished floor, and causing a huge mess, to say the least.

Mr. Longwood was frozen, for a few minutes, before he regained composure, looking around for any witnesses, and seeing Mr. Hugglies, in the distance, trying to "sneak out' unnoticed. It was then, that fear set in and Mr. Longwood was not going to allow anyone to leave and cause Mr. Longwood any trouble. Mr. Longwood called for Mr. Hugglies, not wanting to wait too long or become impatient, when Mr. Hugglies appeared frightened, thinking about what had just occurred only minutes before. Mr. Longwood stated as clear as a sunny day, what he wanted Mr. Hugglies to do and how he wanted his plans to be carried out. Mr. Longwood was not taking any chances, for his plans needed to be followed completely.

Mr. Longwood said that Mr. Hugglies should remember, that if his plans were not followed completely, then he would need to make the local police aware of this murder, and would possibly even make mention of Mr. Hugglies name, even though they both knew the truth. It was after Mr. Hugglies was given such detailed instructions, about everything from the disposal and removal of the senator's body, even to the cleanup of the front room and the weapon that was used to commit this murder. Mr. Hugglies was rather terrified at the sight of a large pool of blood, yet he decided to overlook this naseous matter and proceed with expedited fashion. Mr. Longwood would help Mr. Hugglies, with the largest part of the disposal, would be sure to even oversee the cleanup process and the final matters of making sure their stories were the same if both were questioned, either together or separately. Seems that this was more of a struggle for both as they went about their individual tasks at hand.

Yes the local police were made aware of this murder, not by either Mr. Longwood or Mr. Hugglies, but by the senator's maid, Ms. Jenkar, who became worried when the senator did not return from a short walk earlier in the day.

The local police were there when Mr. Hugglies, on his death bed, was sharing this horrific matter. Of course, right when Mr. Hugglies came close to a conclusion, he then passed on before they could charge him or find out the truth, since he still had been vague in his description and the details. The police asked all those in the room, interviewing and interrogating, just so that maybe this murder could then be put in the closed files, instead of the unsolved murders.

November 26, 2024 22:30

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