Remembering the Old Memories and Making New Ones

Submitted into Contest #256 in response to: Set your story in the stands at a major sporting event.... view prompt


Fiction Friendship Romance

The sun was blaring down making a hot July, even more sizzling. Sweat rolled down Charlotte’s back and her curls became more defined. Piper and Kenzie were decked out in their Angels gear, head to toe. Kenzie even had an Angels baseball purse. Who knew?! 

“Since we are early, we can stop by the team store and get you a hat, Charlotte.” Kenzie glanced up at Charlotte’s hair and nodded, watching the way the breeze blew her dark curls across her face.

The three of them walked across the hot parking lot, watching the heat waves rise from the asphalt. They weren’t the only ones making the trek, thousands of fans were braving the heat to watch their team and enjoy a Sunday afternoon at the ballpark.

Piper looked at her and chimed in with, “Yeah, you need a hat.” She laughed while Charlotte flipped her off.

“I’ll get a hat. Only because I don’t want the sun in my eyes.” Charlotte told Kenzie and Piper in a put-off tone. 

“Sure. Okay.” Kenzie said sarcastically and kept walking. Charlotte wanted to strangle that woman.

“Let it go. You know how she is. She’ll always dig at you when she can.” Piper whispered to Charlotte while grabbing her arm and tugging her along. 

“But it is because the sun will be in my eyes.”

“I know that.” She patted her arm, a little too condensing this time, and continued, “I don’t think it’ll be. We might get lucky with shade.” Piper shrugged and thought for a minute if she should tell Charlotte where their seats were. As she was about to open her mouth, Kenzie stopped right in front of them and turned around. A death glare aimed at Piper. Wisely, Piper kept her mouth shut. Charlotte caught the look between the two and attempted to keep the peace.

“It doesn’t matter. I am getting a hat whether the sun is in front of me or behind me.”

“That’s right you are! Also, it’s a day game, It’ll be directly above us.” Kenzie points up at the sun, directly above them and stares back. “Hurry up you guys. You are walking so slowly.” Charlotte and Piper picked up the pace, not wanting to incite more of Kenzie’s bitching.

“Why did you invite her?” Charlotte teased at Piper, whispering loudly.

“Shh. Be nice. She got us some really good seats, which is the only reason to be nice to her. For her connections. Nothing else.”

“Her ’sleeping’ connections with a certain player?” Charlotte wiggles her eyebrows at Piper. 

Piper hits Charlotte’s arm and they both giggle.

“Laugh it up. I know deep down both of you are jealous.” She said the last few words smirking and tossing her hair over her shoulder. 

“Oh my god, Kenz. Really?” Charlotte said.


As they approached the gate, Kenzie had her phone out ready for the gate agents to scan them in, Charlotte took a deep sigh and tried to settle her nerves. They step inside and memories attempt to take over Charlotte. She tries to distract herself by looking around at the different food booths and taking it all in.

“You okay?” Piper asked Charlotte, worry marring her pretty round face.

“I forgot a lot about this place. Since my dad died, I haven’t wanted to go to a baseball game or remember them.” Said Charlotte without meeting her friends’ eyes. She didn’t want to see the pity that was there. 

“I didn’t know you went to baseball games with your dad,” Kenzie said. Her characteristic sarcasm missing. “Is this part of the reason why you didn’t want to come?”

“Yeah. I meant it when I didn’t want to remember. I’ve locked up these memories pretty tightly. But both of you wore me down.” She directs a small smile at her friends. “But I guess, it is time to let those memories come back.”

“You’ll quickly remember them and make new ones! It’ll be a great time. Just you wait!” Kenzie practically jumped up and down with excitement.

“What aren’t you telling me?!” Charlotte couldn’t help to get a little excited. 

“We are sitting right behind the dugout!” Piper squealed. 

“No way!” 

“Dean got them for us.” Kenzie’s cheeks darkened as she blushed. “We’re gonna be able to hear the players talk and really see their fine asses.” Kenzie wiggled her eyebrows and ushered them toward a shop.

“I’m here to watch the game,” Charlotte said defensively.

“Not after a few drinks you aren’t,” Piper said. Charlotte just rolled her eyes and before she could say anything else, they were standing in front of a large team store. So much paraphernalia thrown in their faces.

“Ok, this is the main merch shop. The ones on other levels are smaller and they have the same thing.” Kenzie said turning towards the two women.

“I know, I have come to a game before.” Charlotte sighed. “It’s just has been a while.”

“A very long while.” Piper chuckled. 

“I’m with a bunch of immature clowns.” Charlotte walked into the store ignoring the cackling behind them. There was stuff everywhere. Stuffed monkeys, plastic bats, and so many clothes. Her dad would always let her pick out one thing from the store. Instead of beelining it to the hats, she let her fingers drift over the different fabrics, letting the sensations settle her while the memories were flooding in. Soon it wasn’t enough and she started to get overwhelmed by all the choices and the memories. One memory wouldn’t stay locked up, it was her and her dad, and he was telling her about the rules of the game. He was so serious that Charlotte paid even closer attention to him. He continued to tell her what to watch for and how to use her glove for a pop fly. That day he wanted to get her a foam finger but she said that was silly and felt too embarrassed by it. She still remembers the brief look of disappointment her father had. He tried to hide but she saw. Even as a kid she couldn’t loosen up. Now, she didn’t think it was too silly. She wished she got the foam finger. Charlotte looked around and spotted one. She will get one today, hopefully, it will make her dad proud. 

The wall of hats was massive. She stared at all the choices; traditional logo, floral logo, non-team colored logo, just plain edgy. Traditional. No brainer. She reached for a basic red hat with the logo, tried it on, and started to walk to the cash registers. Before she even took two steps, Kenzie and Piper were there looking suspicious. 

“Done already?” Kenzie asked sweetly.

Charlotte waved the hat and tried to keep walking.

“Wait! You have to look at these jerseys!” Charlotte inwardly groaned and knew she better just go look. On the plus side, it was quite cool inside the store. 

“I don’t need a jersey. Plus it’s so hot already!” Charlotte looked to Piper for some support and immediately saw that she was outnumbered. Both women wanted a jersey. Charlotte looked at the price and shook her head. 

“No way. I’m not spending 140 on a piece of fabric I’ll wear once.”

“You don’t know that you’ll only wear it once,” Kenzie said ignoring her complaint.

“Charlotte, we’re coming to another game. Probably a few of them. You’re gonna love this one so much you’ll want to get season tickets!” Piper excitedly said.

“I doubt that.” Charlotte breathed out under her breath. Louder she said, “You guys, I said one game.” Both ladies shrugged and continued to look for their sizes in the jerseys.

“Ok, I don’t know the players and I don’t want to get one of the lame ones.” If they wanted her to get a jersey, they'll do the work.

“We can pick one for you.” Kenzie shrugged.

“How about Davidson?” Piper said to Kenzie?

“I don’t know. He’s had a rough few seasons.” 


“For you or for Charlotte?”

“Hmmm, me?”

“Yeah, I like him for you. I think he’s starting today!” Kenzie finally found the one she was looking for. 

“Smith! Do you like it?” She blushed and giggled.

“It looks like all the others,” Charlotte mentioned. Piper gave her a look and continued that look until Charlotte started talking again. “But yes, Smith would look great on you!”

“Better.” Piper hissed.

“Duffy?” Kenzie held another jersey.

“No, he is like 12.”

“He is 21!”

“I’m not wearing a child’s name on my back! Who’s the oldest?”

“I think it is Barria?” Piper said.

“No, I think McCleod is older.”Kenzie chimed in while trying on the jersey in front of the mirror. Her blond hair fanning out over her shoulders.

“That is it! Charlotte’ll get McCleod’s jersey. He’s a pitcher and is quite good-looking.” Piper shoved the jersey into Charlotte’s hands.

“Ok. And are y’all sure we have to get these?” Charlotte hated that she was succumbing to peer pressure but she knew that this was so important to both of her best friends. They have been trying to get her out to a game since spring training. 

“Yes. I feel good about that jersey. And this one as well.” Kenzie started to rub Smith’s jersey all over herself.

“Kenzie! Wait until you are home at least!” Piper exclaimed.

“When I am home, I will only be wearing this. Nothing else between me and this jersey. Well, except Dean himself.” Kenzie started to rub herself again and Charlotte smacked her hand away. 

“You are in public. Act like it!” Charlotte looked around to see if anyone was watching. “I can’t believe I am with such immature people.” 

“Come on, you knew what you were getting yourself into.” Piper started to walk towards the front and Charlotte and Kenzie followed.

“Charlotte, you might want to get a tank top while we are here. You are gonna be warm in that t-shirt.” Piper said while holding up a low-cut tank. “Which I told you not to wear.”

“I’ll be fine.” Charlotte walked past her and to the foam fingers. “I am getting one of these though.” She smiled at her friends and they both laughed. 

“I can’t wait to see you walk around with that and a beer in each hand!” Kenzie doubled over laughing.

“It’s not that funny!” Charlotte put down the finger and thought about the logistics of carrying all her items. “Well, I want something to cheer with!” She couldn’t help the whining in her voice.

“Then get a rally monkey!” Kenzie rushed over and held a stuffed animal monkey in her face. “You HAVE to have one of these. You HAVE TO. I’m gonna get one too.” She starts picking through the various rally monkeys and hands one to each of the women.

“There. We’re prepared to win!” They all laugh and head to the register. Charlotte goes first and before the cashier is finished, Piper sets a tank top with the rest of her stuff.

“I’m still getting the finger.” Charlotte picks up one while the two women burst into laughter. “God give me patience.” Charlotte dumped her items at the cash register and watched the cashier ring everything up.

“Trust me. You are gonna want this.” Pipe places a tank on the pile.

“Fine,” Charlotte said with a sigh and waved her card over the reader. 

“Thank you. Enjoy the game.” The cashier hands over the hat, jersey, tank top, and rally monkey all stuffed into a clear Angels bag. 

“Y’all are gonna bankrupt me.” Charlotte turned to Kenzie and Piper.

“You can afford it. You never spend money so you’re fine!

Charlotte, Piper, and Kenzie finally make their way to their seats with beers in one hand and hot dogs balanced in the other.

“I cannot believe I am eating this.” Charlotte moaned.

“It’s better than the hospital food you are used to eating,” Piper said over her shoulder. Charlotte nods and thought back to yesterday’s meal; Red Bull and pop tarts.

“We’re on this side.” Kenzie motioned to section 111.

“I don’t see why we need to be this close.” Charlotte wanted to be further back and up. Far away from the game, where more memories wouldn’t bombard her.

“Ok, that’s the last complaint!” Piper glared at Charlotte who finally looked ashamed.


“Excuse us.” Kenzie chimed in as she made her way past an older couple. 

“I am so excited that we got these seats! Right behind the dugout.” Piper set her drink down and took a bite out of her hotdog. It was still early, a few players on the field warming up and then Charlotte saw him, McCleod. Her friends were right, he was hot. Charlotte wasn’t the type to ogle over men but McCleod, he was sent from god himself. 

“I think she’ll be back.” Piper laughed to Kenzie, both of them watching the emotions flittering on Charlotte’s face.

“What?” Charlotte turns to look at her friends, her face red with embarrassment. 

“Nothing,” Kenzie smirked at Charlotte, slowly drinking her beer.

June 29, 2024 03:10

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