
This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

In the world, many civilizations hold a remarkable chemical found in those who can transform into animals called, Beast Deoxyribonucleic Acid. When human expansion had crossed into these lands many sought to hide and run from humans but many choose to stay and live among the humans. Unforently, humans would only welcome them to turn them into slaves and pets. In secret, these beasts would pray to their gods for a savior. One of Inari's Kitsune had heard these prayers and sought to save them, but when the gods learned of the wishes of the young kitsune they were furious. The poor spirit was banished to the earthen world, they would spend years fighting the humans for the beasts' sake, but would fall to the hands of the beasts. The pain that was brought upon the poor spirit would never be forgotten the feeling of having the mortal body ripped apart by fangs and claws. Over thousands of years, there were new locations made for the beasts that would now be called Beastmen. The kitsune had survived the torture that was endured and pledged to protect the beastmen even if they were the reason for hatred.

Pixie walks down the street not paying attention to their surroundings, but many people stay clear of her anyways. Walking into the city hall the people move letting her pass. When she walked into the office she dropped her hood showing her short white hair. She opens her eyes to look into the mayor's eyes. Pricing gold eyes clash with striking blue eyes.

"You seem to be making a reputation for yourself," the mayor says.

"Having gold eyes and white hair will do that," Pixie replies.

Pixie's POV

Staring at the mayor's plans, I question some of the ideas.

"The festival is a good idea but having the humans have access could cause problems. I know you have been working with the Govoner but I'd wait."

"You have been saying that for years now. When will your grudge against the humans end? You are a thou-"

"Humans. I have never had a grudge against humans. Remember who killed me." I say as pull the neck of my black sleeveless turtle neck down showing the scars there, large bites and rips present.

"Excuse me, You need to learn that times are different. You of all people should know this." She says as her Blue eyes pierce mine. I grab a marker and move to an empty board. I sketch and write out some ideas. 

"The slums have been having worse money problems we could gather some of the money made at booths and donate it to either rebuilding the slums or making a shelter to help the citizens."

"How do you think we can keep them updated? Hmm"

"At least my ideas will help the beastmen," I replied angrily. I take a couple of breaths and look at the time. I notice that it was close to my appointment. I open the door and slip my hood on, before closing the door. While waiting for the doctor to call me back I started to feel the blood dripping from my neck down my shirt.

"Pixie Fox?"

"H-here" I get up and follow the nurse. The doctor came in right away and sent the nurse out. I look at her and feel the blood dripping down from my eyes also. She saw this and grabbed the towel.

"You can change quickly. The treatments aren't working well anymore are they?"

"No kidding. I have been having nightmares also." I get to change and we head to the "Holy water" pond in the back. The water was enchanted by the gods after my death. The water heals my wounds but hasn't been lasting as long, the gods are punishing me once again. I step into the water feeling the coldness rush up my spine. I sit down and wait for the doctor to leave. I lay back and let the water engulf me. I open my eyes to the god world.

"Pixie, You were banished centuries ago. Why return now?" 

"I have come seeking answers," I say looking up. I see Izanag, the father of the gods, staring back at me.

"I see you have all nine tails, Why need answers?" I pull my hair out of the way showing my bleeding neck. I look up and see that he is confused.

"I am bleeding from old wounds, I need to know why the water isn't working." He walks closer and feels the wound on my neck. His touch is cold and icy. He calls Inari over and she examines the wound. 

"My dear, these never healed in the god world, You never lost your connection," she says looking at me with surprise. My pupils turn to slits. I look around and see my blood in multiple places.

"I never lost my connection. How? I was banished," I yell out.

"You are special, if you can stay long enough you will heal and return to the human world," she says, I look up at her and walk away. I sit down next to a tree and wait out the healing process. I feel my mortal body pulling at me to return but fight it off. When I had finished healing I opened my eyes to see bright lights. I flinch and sit up, pulling at the mask over my face.

"You're awake." the nurse says. I look over at her with my dagger eyes. I pull the mask off. "We were worried that you had drowned. The doctor came to check on you and saw you under the water."

"I was just fine." When I was released I learned that multiple days had passed. I walked to the coffee shop and asked for the Kitsune Drink, It contains a Strawberry Smoothie base, Strawberry Milk, White Chocolate, Ice, Boba, and Iced berries, with strawberry slices and a cherry topping. When I sit down to wait for my order a few kids enter the coffee shop. I look up at them to see that their clothes were tattered showing they were victims of the slums. The kids try to order drinks but the barista refuses them. I slam my hand on the table startling many people. My gold eyes glowing and my tails showing.

"Don't ever refuse to take orders from anyone!" I growl.

Inspired by the anime BNA (Brand New Animal)

March 14, 2023 15:51

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RBE | Illustration — We made a writing app for you | 2023-02

We made a writing app for you

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