
“So are you ready to meet my boyfriend.” 

It's been two years since my best friend, Rosanna had an actual boyfriend. She and I were going out tonight with my boyfriend to go on a double date. 

“Yes,” I yelled back to her. I slowly walked down our apartment stairs, with Rosanna and Renir waiting by the door. 

“So who's driving?” I said to both of them. Ren came to kiss me on the cheek before we walked out of our apartment. 

On the way to the restaurant, Rosanna talked about her boyfriend. She never said a name so I had no idea who Ren and I were going to meet. Rosanna and I have been best friends since the day we were born. Yes, we were born on the same day, in the same hospital and on the same floor. Our mothers wanted their children to grow up together so they planned their pregnancy. 

I looked out the car window and it looked like it was going to pour any second. The sky was musty gray and there were dark clouds everywhere. The air was warm but it was also cold. 

“Well, here we are,” said Ren as he parked the car in the restaurant parking lot. There were about fifty spots in the parking lot and about twenty of them were full. 

As I stepped out of the parking I saw a car that I hadn't seen in a while. It was my car, my old car. The car that I gave to my ex-boyfriend. 

“Are you coming?” Rosanna yelled to me from across the parking lot. I looked at them, looked at the car then began walking towards the entrance of The Capital Grille, still having the thought of my old car in my mind. 

There were multiple tables seating two or four scattered across a ballroom type room. The waiter seated us walked through the maze of tables until she reached ours. 

“Here is your table,” the girl waiter said to the three of us. Oh no. Oh god no. 

“Rosanna, it's good to see you again,” said Rosanna's boyfriend. 

This cannot be happening to me. There is no way that he could be Rosanna's boyfriend. 

He got up from where he was sitting at our table, hugged Rosanna then sat back down again. I have to be dreaming. He cannot be her boyfriend. 

I was behind Ren so he hasn't seen me yet. But he was going to. We were going to meet again, after all these years. 

“So these are my friends, Eve and her boyfriend Renir” Rosanna said while she was getting seated. Ren moved to his chair. I was exposed. He saw me. Finn saw me. We were staring at each other. No one said a word, well except Ren. 

“You can call me Ren for short,” he said. 

Finn just nodded his head, keeping his sight straight on me. Finn. How could I forget my one true love? 

I finally took my seat across the table from Finn. 

“Do you guys know each other?” Rosanna said, questioning. 

I wanted to say yes. I loved him and a part of me still does. 

But all I could say was, “no.”

Once the wine came to the table, we needed something to talk about. I couldn't look Finn in the eyes. This was going to be a weird night. 

“Here is your wine, now what would you like to eat?” the girl waiter said as she came to our table. 

“Ladies you may go first.” The waiter pointed at me. 

“I'll have the” I began to say. I was immediately interrupted by the loud tornado sirens bursting through the restaurant. 

“Tornado, tornado” I heard someone yell. A tornado? Here? My night just keeps getting better and better. 

“In the basement, everyone in the basement, quickly, quickly please” I heard one of the waiters yell in between the chaos of the tornado. I had no idea there was any chance of a tornado. 

I quickly followed the mass of people out of the dining room. Finn and I were at the very back. Suddenly the building started to collapse. Rumble and concrete started to fall right in front of us. I saw a bathroom out of the corner of my eye. 

“In the bathroom,” I said, grabbing Finn’s arm and pulling him alongside me, as we rushed to the bathroom. 

I slammed the door behind us, causing the room to shake. 

My heart was racing. I sat down against one of the bathroom walls and started to take deep breaths. 

“Eve.” I heard Finn say. I looked up at him, our eyes meeting for the second time. His face was glowing back at me. All his bumps and curves were screaming in my face. His dark black hair was flowing right in his face. It wasn't long, but just long enough to block his eyes. He took his hand and moved his lush hair. 

I did the only thing I could do. The only thing I wanted to do. I stood up from where I was sitting, walked over to where Finn was standing, and kissed him. I missed his lips. But I knew what we were doing was wrong, but it felt so right. Finn kissed me back. Our lips were touching once more. 

My eyes burst open. I blinked a few times, then looked around at my surroundings. I was in my room, on my bed. 

“Eve, are you ready to go?” Rosanna shouted from downstairs. 

What? What just happened? I was kissing Finn, then I was here? Was I having a dream? 

“Eve comes on, we are going to be late” Rosanna yelled again. I got up from my bed and walked downstairs. The time was 4:56, the time that we left the house. 

What the crap just happened to me?

“Hey Rosanna, I don't think we should go tonight.” 

Rosanna and Ren both looked at me like I was crazy in the brain. I had no idea what happened but I knew we couldn't go. 

“I just have a bad feeling about tonight,” I said to both of them. 

Then I went over to the tv and turned on the news channel. Rosanna and Ren followed me over to the living room. And there it was. The tornado that was coming. I was like dreaming of the future.  

August 28, 2020 23:08

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