Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

Today started like any other day, except there was something that continued to bother me. I was Spring cleaning my bedroom and came across an old photo album taken years ago, and I zeroed in on one particular photo I don't recall taking.

It showed a picture of me standing in front of the ocean which I have never in my life visited and the views were amazing. The sky overhead was the most vivid blue I have ever seen along with a few puffy clouds in addition to the glorious color of the sea which seemed almost an aqua marine in color. The magnificent towering palm trees swaying ever so lightly added to the grandeur. The bright sun above was like a fireball and I can only imagine how hot the day must have been. I was wearing a brightly colored sundress in the prettiest shade of green almost matching the color of my eyes. I took a magnifying glass to see more details and also showed that my skin was a golden brown with blonde streaks in my wavy light brown hair which I had tied up in a small knot with my hat over it. There was nothing else around and made me wonder again, where was I? Who took the photo and why?

Next to this forgotten photo was another one that was equally as memorable. It was a close up of a shell. I used to take so many pictures all the time of friends and being outside in the fresh air and all the beauty that life has to offer. This shell was of a shade that I have never seen before, the Sunrise Tellen. Its glossy smooth surface appeared to be a sunrise and each one is different in warm yellowish tones with reddish stripes which created the rays of the rising sun. I have never seen such a beautiful and most perfect shell before and the closeness of it really stood out against the palm of the hand which held it, was that me holding that shell?

I was holding onto my hat as there must have been a slight wind gust which was forcing my hold and my smile as wide as can be. I was alone and looked happy and content as I have ever been.

It felt like someone had superimposed this shot of me, but why? I have always feared the water but was on the edge and my feet were getting wet, but still seemed unfazed by it all. I held onto the photo wishing I knew where, when and why this was in an old scrap book of mine that I have forgotten.

I started to reminisce about my past and my happiest times were when I was in my 20's and in my best shape and energy as well. It truly made me think that life really does go by quickly, much more so than ever once I started getting older.

Life does seem to play tricks on the mind if you allow that to happen and I fight this everyday lately and would give almost anything to relive that day again. I yearn for the beauty and warmth of that day and am living in a completely different climate which is almost always cold, and my bones would really benefit from this atmosphere.

I recall when I was active and going out with my friends all of the time, that once that time is lost, it cannot be reached ever again, but I now see that can be construed as the age of passage for me and I know am quite content reading all day and writing when I get the urge which has been happening more now than ever.

I have always been a writer and an avid reader, especially mysteries, suspense and intrigue. I used to envision myself in many different environments, such as a quaint little village thousands of miles from my home in the states with land and animals and a farm. I also wished that I could have lived nearer the water and knew how to swim, snorkel and dive which I have always been envious that I never got over my fear of water, except for bathing. I like to superimpose myself into situations that seem implausible, yet exciting. As adventurous as that sounds, it would make my life much more rounded out than what I have lived.

I felt bewitched by these pictures as they brought so many happy times flooding back to me and alas I am not the same as I once was and am grasping at these with all I can muster to force myself to get back out and start experiencing nature at its most beautiful whether glorious or frightening. I recall taking pictures of the sun, rain, clouds, grass, water, etc. I loved the colors that we are blessed to see everyday and take for granted. I want to have something to remember me by and this seems to be my future as I am happy just thinking about it.

My life is simple, and I want to enjoy everything it has to offer and one of my wishes were to visit a calm sea with a beautiful background which would include statuesque palm trees to make the dream more of a reality which it seemed to be happening.

My heart sings with joy when I think of what can be and I am hopeful to make this a reality one day. I love to dream of beautiful things and surroundings which I could thrive evermore.

I believe that by making this a reality in my future, will enlighten me and make me thankful to be alive and to share what I have captured with others. I want to leave a lasting impression of beauty whether it be of pictures or mere words.

My spirits lifted as I have been feeling rather out of sorts lately and I truly believe that I was meant to see this picture at this time and will place it on my wall to admire and wonder till my dying day.

April 01, 2024 17:24

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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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