Drama High School Teens & Young Adult

The bell rang and all students lethargically directed themselves towards their respective classrooms. School sucks, sure, but high school is the worst of them all. At least that’s how Julian felt, when he sat at his desk and took out his notebook and pen. Every day he spent between those walls was dragging awfully and he was longing for the last ring of the bell, so he can run down to the basement, to his after school chess club meetings. He loved playing chess with his mates, beat them one by one, using newly learned techniques that he studied so intensely from YouTube. It was the only place he felt like he belonged. It was also the only thing that connected him to his dad, who unfortunately passed away a few years before.

As he walked down the stairs from first floor after his last class, focused on something on his phone, he accidentally walked into someone. The phone fell out of his hand and landed on the other person’s notebook.

“I am so sorry” he muttered and leaned to pick the items up. Seems as the other person had the same thought, because not a second later, they bumped their heads on each other’s. Before he looked up, he heard a giggle.

“No, I am sorry. I should have looked where I was going”

Right in front of him stood Rowena, the most talented student in his year, so breathtakingly beautiful that Julian forgot how to speak.

She handed him his phone and smiled kindly.

“Doesn’t seem to be broken, luckily”

He nodded, without looking away.

“Thank you” he muttered. “And I am sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going either”

Without any further conversation, Rowena walked away.

Julian felt sick on his stomach from nerves. He has had a crush on her since they were in Year 1. She had beautiful black hair, mesmerizing almond eyes, and her laugh was pure and melodic. Everyone had a crush on her.

She was also the school’s top star. She sang beautifully, was the main character in every school play and won multiple competitions with her team. She was so easy to watch as she put on costumes and pretended to be someone she was not. With all that, she remained her cheerful, kind self.

That afternoon Julian did not win a single chess game. He could not focus, thinking constantly about his encounter with the goddess.

“Bro, what is wrong with you today” he heard his best friend Tommy say.

“It’s… it’s nothing. Just can’t focus.”

“Sure. What is occupying you?”

Julian wasn’t sure if he should tell his friend, at the end of the day there wasn’t anything to tell. He bumped into one of the students in the hall, literally nothing happened.

But something did happen, according to Julian’s heart, just that moment of Rowena noticing him for a few seconds meant so much to him.

He told Tommy about it all. Unfortunately, his best friend didn’t share Julian’s excitement.

“No, please don’t tell me she’s got you all lovey dovey for her. She’s… not allowed.” Tommy whispered.

“Don’t be silly” replied Julian and started resetting the chess board. “This whole feud is ridiculous.”

“Bro, honestly, you know our club h.a.t.e.s the artsy people. They are self-absorbed, brainless kids, all they can do is learn a few lines and recite them in front of an audience.”

“Well, maybe it is time to stop judging people for what they like?”

Tommy shook his head and made the first move on the chess board.

“You are going to get in trouble. The guys will never forgive you if you got involved with one of them”

“It’s a good thing nothing will happen. She probably doesn’t even remember this whole thing”

Rowena didn’t forget the earlier encounter. She kept thinking about Julian’s cute dimples, messy blond hair and adorable Harry Potter-like rounded glasses. She walked into him on purpose, seeing he was distracted on his phone. Why? It’s because Rowena liked Julian. He was nerdy, quiet, but so incredibly smart she was jealous of it. When they were younger, she wanted to be friends with him, but he was too awkward to see her attention as something good, and run away every time she came to play with him. She stopped trying eventually, but the small feeling in her stomach whenever she saw him was still there.

As she picked up his phone, she sneakily put her phone number in there and left a missed call to herself, so she can message him later. Rowena was the brave, outgoing personality, while Julian was too shy to ask her out. She needed to take matters in her own hands.

She didn’t tell anyone about what she did, even her best friend. She knew she would be mocked and her reputation may be attacked. It was an unofficial rule that popular theater kids mocked smart and quiet kids. Rowena hated this and never picked on anyone ever. She was kind to everyone, supportive, and as much as she could, she would reprimand her friends after they were mean to anyone else. As one person, unfortunately, she couldn’t do much to stop it.

Later in the evening, while she sat on her bed, she was holding her phone and staring at Julian’s name in her contacts. Now that she was about to message him, she started having doubts. Was she wrong to do that? What if he doesn’t like her? What if he will laugh at her message with his friends? What if this is all a big mistake and she was stupidly hopeful? I guess, only one way to find out.

Hey, I hope your head isn’t hurt after earlier today. R x

As soon as she clicked “send” she threw her phone on the bed beside her, as if it is on fire. Her heart was racing and palms became sweaty.

“I did it” she whispered to herself, partly proud, partly terrified.

She sat on her bed imagining his reaction to the text. She was hoping for excited and happy, but all she could think of, is that he would be confused, disgusted or annoyed. Or all of those three at once.

Rowena jumped as soon as she heard her phone ping.

Hey Ro, my head is fine. Slightly red, but nothing bad. Yours is okay? J x

She wanted to scream. Happy scream. He replied! He asked about her! He ended the message with a kiss! Ah, she was so full of excitement.

Their one evening conversation turned into every day texting. They shared thoughts with each other, goals for future, ideas for getting through high school. Conversations were easy, comfortable and making both of them excited for next incoming text.

They would meet in private, usually in Rowena’s house, since she had a big garden and parents that worked long hours. They would watch movies, relax in the lounge or study for incoming exams. The friendship was forming quickly and intensely, but they both have enjoyed this time and wanted to keep meeting up. They were not brave enough to go to town together, as they could cross paths with either of theirs friends, that would so not approve their dating choices.

“I’m not going to rehearsals today” said Rowena as she packed her backpack at the end of science class.

“What do you mean? We have one week until the show” Ro’s best friend Katie raised her eyebrows and looked worried.

“I can’t, I’m busy” Rowena didn’t want to share with Katie why she wasn’t coming, but unfortunately for her, text from Julian came through at the same time, and Katie managed to see the notification, since the phone was on the desk.

“Who’s… who’s J?” she asked.

Rowena felt sick in her stomach.

“It’s a friend…. her name is Juliet… she is helping me with… umm… math. Before the big quiz next month”

Katie didn’t reply at first, but very intensely stared at her friend.

“You are not associating with… with them? The smart ones?” she whispered.

Rowena giggled.

“Of course not, silly, why would I want to associate with those arrogant smarty-pants. Those nerds that have no life except their boring books. Please...” she said it slightly too loud, because when she turned towards the exit door, she saw Julian standing in the frame. His face was showing hurt and disappointment. She only got a glimpse of him, before he walked out of the classroom.

She felt so bad about what she said. Even more now that Julian heard her and probably won’t want to speak to her. What Rowena said was hurtful and rude, regardless of who she spoke about, and now she felt she lost her friend. What Julian didn’t know is that what he heard was out of context and she didn’t actually mean it. She needed to pretend, to avoid her theater club finding out she was meeting him, as it could turn very upsetting for both of them. She was actually doing him a favour by saying it, so the truth wasn’t out and wouldn’t hurt him. It’s a shame he didn’t know that.

July 03, 2024 10:08

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Hannah Lynn
03:34 Jul 07, 2024

A fun story bringing back memories of high school and all the rules we thought we had to follow. Thanks for sharing!


Julia Buzdygan
06:17 Jul 09, 2024

Thank you for taking your time to read 😊


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Martin Ross
14:52 Jul 05, 2024

School crushes were the worst for me — I was the nerdy dude.😉 I once had the same infatuation for about five years, and I “lost” three different high school/college crushes to the very same guy, and what made it worse was, he was a really nice guy. You captured the awkward pressures and almost inevitable pain of crushing outside your teen clique. Great job, and wonderful prompt response!


Julia Buzdygan
05:31 Jul 06, 2024

I'm glad you found it relatable. I hated my high school for so many reasons and didn't have any crushes really, so it wasn't as easy to write for me. But I'm glad it worked :)


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Mary Bendickson
00:42 Jul 04, 2024

Hope they correct the misunderstanding. Thanks for liking 'Much Ado About Nothing'


Julia Buzdygan
05:30 Jul 06, 2024

Thank you for liking mine too Mary


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Karen Hope
19:15 Jul 03, 2024

A modern take on a classic story, complete with texting. This feels like the beginning of a longer story - I'm intrigued. Well done!


Julia Buzdygan
05:30 Jul 06, 2024

Thank you so much Karen!


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Alexis Araneta
06:44 Jul 11, 2024

Hi, Julia ! I got matched with you through Critique Circle. For a seventeen year old to write this is absolutely impressive. Fun take on Romeo and Juliet here. Lovely work.


Julia Buzdygan
12:54 Jul 11, 2024

Hi Alexis, thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my read! I am not 17 years old anymore (I wish), in my bio I meant I published a book when I was 17 :)


Alexis Araneta
13:06 Jul 11, 2024

Oh, oops ! Sorry about that. But yes, still impressive !


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Trudy Jas
13:01 Jul 08, 2024

Isn't it wonderful that high school is only 4 years of our lives. :-)


Julia Buzdygan
06:17 Jul 09, 2024

Where I'm from High School is just 3 years. Lucky indeed :)


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Darvico Ulmeli
06:43 Jul 12, 2024

You menage bring some memories long forgotten. Nice one.


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Emily Nghiem
12:43 Jul 08, 2024

You had me hooked and asking: Hey, where's the rest of the story? Please don't leave us hanging, tell us more! Nice story. I would rework the references to "the artsy / nerdy" students so it isn't TOLD to us, like "journalistic reporting," but shown through more dialogue or interaction that reveals the social segregation in context. There really wasn't room to do this here, so I hope you write short novels that allow fuller development. You certainly have the talent for it! Keep up the great work and write on!


Julia Buzdygan
06:18 Jul 09, 2024

Thank you so much for your feedback and for the time you took to write it after reading my story


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