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Suspense Fiction

I’m sure no one can see me from this spot. They will never know I’m here.

I continue observing from my hiding place. The bathroom is bright white; the light from the glazed window bounces off of the shiny surfaces and makes my eyes sore. The intense smell of chemicals often stings my nostrils in this small room. It can also be comforting in here, when the shower is running, and the steam creates the sense of a more tropical climate. I tuck my body tightly into a gap and peer out.

I never intended to keep coming here and watching them all. I just found myself drawn to them. I like watching their movement. The smaller one is especially exciting to watch. They move in a way I just can’t explain, and I just want to keep watching. Sometimes I find other hiding places around the house. If it is quiet and I know it is safe to move, I will creep to a different room and observe from there for a while. I know I should be more careful. I know what will happen if I get caught.

The medium sized one enters the room; I’m not sure of their name. I know when they come in here a very strong pungent odour will fill the air, which I can taste and I like this. Today is no different, they sit down for a while and I sense that thick aroma. Then, as soon as the smell fills the air, they insist on spraying a sweet-smelling gas to disguise it. This makes me feel sick and makes my eyes water. They promptly leave and fortunately leave the door ajar, so some of the scent dissipates.

Here comes the one called Daisy, the larger member of the family; although still not the biggest. The bigger one terrifies me. Daisy glances at the mirror where I can see another bright white bathroom beyond the surface. A second Daisy is standing there too. I watch intently as she touches her face. Her fingers lightly slide a cream over her smooth, pink skin. She moves closer to the mirror, examining her reflection. Then suddenly, she screams. Shit. She has seen me in the mirror.

Voices call from somewhere else in the house. I freeze. Daisy stands backed into a corner as far away from me as she can manage, her eyes wide with terror. Her face is contorted and expresses pure disgust and horror. I decide to run. I leap from my hiding spot and dash towards the open bathroom door. Daisy screams again and tries to stamp on my feet as I run past. I can hear the voices from downstairs shouting with alarm, their footsteps stomping closer towards me. I race across the landing and come to a dead end. I sit hunched against the wall. It can’t end like this. I crawl through a gap in a cupboard door and stay completely still in the darkness.

I feel the vibration of large feet moving around outside the door. The family are speaking to each other frantically, I can’t catch the words. I hold myself in a tight ball and wait. I hear the footsteps hunting for me in different rooms. A door bangs open. Then another. The door in front of me flies open.

“Come here, you creepy bastard!” the larger family member yells as he launches his body towards me.

I take the opportunity to squeeze past him and successfully slip through his fingers; his hands clawing at the air. I move towards the stairs and awkwardly tumble down them. I scan the bottom of the stairs for an exit and swiftly turn left, spotting an escape route in front of me, BANG. My body slams against a panel of glass. I lay sprawled on my back, dazed and disorientated. I feel like I am floating.

I open my eyes and see a large face uncomfortably close to my head. I should give up now. I have been caught. I curl up. I still feel like I am floating and the world is rocking back and forth around me.

The movement stops. Grass. Fresh grass. The smell is pleasant. I am alive. They have let me go free. Is this real? I look around and discover I have been left in a large garden. Bright, yellow flowers are gently dancing in the breeze. I become aware of other potential threats moving through the grass; I don’t want to be bitten by an ant. I start moving towards an open, shaded area of the patio. The temperature is cool, so the ground doesn’t hurt my bare feet.

I notice a crevice in the wall and tuck myself into the gap. I consider my options for a moment. Do I return to the house? Find a better hiding spot? Maybe I should have selected a different room. That room is so interesting with everyone regularly coming and going. I spot the pipe travelling up the side of the house. I can climb up to the window again. I crawl quickly towards the pipe. I am agile and strong, so the climb is easy for me. Perfect. The window is open. I slip my slim body through the window and creep down the walls. I am attracted to another hiding spot; this time I am definitely out of view.

I realise I have been asleep; the room is dark and grey. A sound disturbs me and suddenly a bright light obscures my vision and I am blind for a moment. I hear the sound of someone humming. This is the one they call Jade. I am absorbed in watching her, as she removes her clothes and I can see her bare, natural skin. She has thick hair that looks like a cozy nest. She moves closer to me and I feel tense with a mixture of fascination and fear. The sound of the shower water hitting the bath is very loud and I feel dizzy, but the steam begins to fill the air and I feel warm and comfortable.

Jade continues to hum as she picks up different bottles and rubs creams all over her body and hair. There is a strong smell of artificial flowers and sweet food; this gives me a headache. I haven’t noticed that the steam around me is making the walls feel wet. I start to lose my grip. I start to fall. I quickly squirt a web towards the ceiling and am now swinging in front of Jade’s face. She looks stunned and steps back. She turns away and grabs a clear object from behind her. A clear cylinder rises around me and her hand covers the top. I am staring at her huge face through the glass.

“The others might be terrified of you, but I’m not. I think you are beautiful,” Jade whispers, as she places the glass down on the edge of the sink. A packet appears over the top of my head.

Jade continues her shower and I watch quietly. When she has finished, she leaves the room and returns wearing her pyjamas. She picks the glass up and I begin to float again and watch the world bouncing around me.

It is dark now. I sit still in the grass, alert to the sign of both predators and prey. I see a hole in the wall, just outside the family’s kitchen. I could easily watch them from there. If I keep my distance, maybe they will let me stay. I dart across the patio and race up the wall to the hole. I crawl inside. I fit perfectly. I poke my head out and watch the larger one pouring water into a cup. I am comfortable and safe now.

February 01, 2024 19:19

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1 comment

Sharan Sukumar
07:15 Feb 09, 2024

I enjoyed this story. You maintained the suspense well and the reveal was satisfying. The pacing and the tone of the story was well done. I particularly liked your writing for the mini action sequence in the middle with the running away. It has a cinematic quality to it. Nicely done!


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