Stranded by Friends By Nikita Fernandez

Submitted into Contest #104 in response to: End your story with the line, “I’m never going out with you again.”... view prompt


Christian Drama

On a bright sunny day, my friends and I were planning to go to a concert at night. As we got ready to go to the concert, I got a bad feeling about this. And as we began our journey my friends started to argue about which way the concert was. At this point, it was getting late, and the car was out of gas, we had no food, no extra change of clothes, and flashlights batteries died. After 2 hours had gone by, we decided to get help, but my friends stayed behind in the car. As I searched for help, I found an old dusty, broken, and moldy cabin. I went inside the cabin and the cabin had broken stairs and the walls were covered in mold and I also saw no one in there. However, I got a creepy feeling that someone was watching me, and a creepy old man approached me, and I got so scared that I ran for my life. While running out of the cabin I got a huge cut on my arm. Suddenly, I got lost in the woods, at this point it was so dark that I could not see anything, and I was limping because I sprained my left ankle. And I got cuts and scrapes on my legs. I got so scared that owl hooted, and coyotes howled. I started to cry so hard that I prayed to God, and I hoped my friends would try to find me. After 4 days, my family told me they searched for me and later that they called the police, found me, and rushed me to the hospital. The doctor took care of my sprained ankle and my cut and my scrapes. While at the hospital I asked my friends why they never searched for me. They told me that they went to a concert. They told me that I was never their friend and that they wanted me to die. I asked them why they did this to me, and they told me that they wanted to be in the popular girl’s group, so they did this to me. So later that day I told them that I cannot believe that they pretended to be nice to me after all these years. Later that day I remember one of my friends came to my house and told me that she was sorry, and she wants to be friends, but I told her that I will think about it. While at school I saw both of my friends spending time together with the popular girls of my school. When I saw them in the hallway, they completely ignored me as If they do not know me and they also made fun of me. This made me so sad, and I felt so embarrassed about what they did to me at school. Sometimes I often wonder why they bullied me and not the other girls at my school. A year later when I went to high school, I got a visit from one of my friends. She came over to my home and she told me that she was sorry for everything she did during the middle school years. And she invited me to her birthday party. But I forgave her, and I went to that party, and it turns out she was a fake friend. But during that party, everyone played pranks on me and the other girls that I did not like. It was not that fun but while at the party I left the scene and people did not know I left in embarrassment. After that day I never went to any parties, and I never saw anyone I knew. I hid from this world. Sometimes I wish that people will appreciate me for being me instead of making fun of me. After a few years as gone by I decided to get on a bunch of social media sites and then one day as I was scrolling through Instagram, I found one popular girl who was at my school and saw my friends in the picture and this made me sad, angry and a mixture of emotions rush in. I decided to ignore all those girls forever because they made my life miserable, and I suffered from depression and an eating disorder. They sent me friend requests on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc., but I ignored all those people's requests, and I blocked all the popular girls on the social media sites. After a month when by, I went shopping for my groceries and doing my daily errands. And that particular day, I saw my fake friend in a frozen food aisle. We talked for about 20 minutes, and we exchanged phone numbers and so that we called each other and talked about our jobs and what we do. And she told me that her life is miserable, and her boyfriend left her. I told her that I am a doctor, and I am living my best life than any other person. A few months later my fake friend took me to an ice cream place and then we went to a lot of places like nail salons, clothing stores, hair salons, etc. We also went to diners to get milkshakes, fries, and burgers. It was just like those times before she backstabbed me just so that she could be with the popular girls. Suddenly, I was curious about why suddenly, she was nice to me. I always wondered why my friend saw me and started to chit-chat with me. Do not get me wrong, I love my friend, but she has been through. But why does she want me to come with her to the places so that I look good for her party? She asked me if I could come to the party with her and go to the middle and high school reunion. I looked at her and asked why she wanted me to go. She said that I was a successful person, but I looked up to tell her that I want to and told her that “I’m never going out with you again..” 

July 30, 2021 03:52

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