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Tring! Tring!

Mom: Someone attend the call. I am busy in the kitchen.It must be my mom.

Sanjay: Mom! I am picking it.

Granny: Hello. It's me..

Sanjay (excitedly even before he finishes): Ya Ya. I know who this is. I just came running to attend your call. Do you know what happen after you left us at the station..

Granny: Calm Down, Sanjay! You just left my home this evening. What made you excited within this short time?

Sanjay: Listennnnn! I met someone in the train. I will tell you the whole story.

"Run Sanjay! Run!”, Mom was shouting as she was pushing me in one hand and holding my little sister in her other arm. We got into the train and we could hardly find a seat. My little sister started to cry as it started to suffocate. Mom finally got some space to sit but I have to stand holding mom's hand as her lap is already reserved for my sister. I have already started sweating and was blaming mom for taking me in such a crowded train. But she said it was all my mistake. I should not have gone to play cricket with my friends and returned late. Also, she doesn't want me to miss tomorrow's attendance at school. She should understand that a day's leave is far better than getting crushed in this crowd. While we were arguing, sister started to cry loud making it worse.

I was pissed off. All of a sudden, I could felt a hand going around my shoulder and experienced a pull. I looked up and saw a lady's face with big glasses on her nose, a ponytail, and sweaty face. She just made me sit on her lap! It was just unbelievable! I am 6 which means I am grown up and how could she do that! It was embarrassing. How could I sit in some unknown lady's lap! Then I realized that I don't have any other option. I better sit on her lap than getting stuck in the crowd. She said mom to take care of sister and she would manage me. I don't want anyone to manage me though. I started to look out through the window.

After some time, I heard a voice "What's your name?". I looked up. It was the lady on whom I sat on.

" Sanjay. Sanjay Amaresan" I said.

'Nice name.In which school are you studying?

"2nd standard B section at Balaji Vidyashram”.

"Oh Really! Even I study there!"she exclaimed.

That was totally surprising. Our school has only till 5th standard and she is as tall as cousin Priyanka who goes to college.

She went on with the conversation as if I believed that she is from my school. I knew that she was lying. But I went on with the flow because I don't want to disappoint her. As she was talking, she took a box from her bag. It had two slices of bread. She offered one to me. But I refused. Mom had said me not to accept food items from strangers. She took a big piece of it and put it in her mouth.

I was literally bored.I thought of playing Candy Crush in mom's phone. But she refused to give it to me. I started to plead her. After 5 minutes or so, she gave me. Mean, while the lady completed her last piece of bread. I was about to unlock the phone and get into the game. I am very good in these gaming stuff. No one could beat my score. I could challenge anyone. I am such a pro.

As the game was loading the lady asked me how much I like this game. I just got excited and said the whole history. She said that she was pleased to meet a pro like me. She saw me playing a couple of levels and how I cleared each level at lighting speed. Suddenly, she asked me whether I yawn when I am hungry and forget to blink once in a while in general. I said "Yes. I do often forget to blink”.

She made her face sad and said "Don't you know what these symptoms mean?”. I nodded my head meaning ‘No'. "Pity Fella. Can I say you something that happened to me?”she asked. I wanted to play my game. But the word 'symptoms' bothered me. So I handed the phone to mom and started listening to her.

"When I was a kid, my dad bought an iPhone. I was the only kid in my home. So, whenever I felt bored, I used to play plenty of games. I used to play from dawn to dusk. Even when my friends call me for a walk, I used to refuse and play the game in my mobile. One day, when I woke up, it was totally black around me. I just couldn't see anything.I called my mom and she took me to the hospital. The doctor said that I have to wear glasses for my vision. If I don't wear my glasses, I couldn't see anything. Also, He said that I should have stopped using mobile when I had symptoms such as forgetting to blink my eyes and yawning whenever I get hungry". She pushed back her glasses with her finger as she said that.

I was totally horrified. I remembered granpa saying he couldn't see anything with glasses off. Maybe he also is experiencing the same disease. I just couldn't say a word. Later, I asked her why didn't my mom tell me all this earlier." Because I don't want you to get horrified like this" mom said. I didn't know that she was also listening to the whole story until then.

There was a moment of silence and lot of thoughts were crossing my mind. The lady also took a break and started to speak. She said that I don't have to worry if I am not spending more than 1 hour a day on mobile. In order to divert me, she started to say a story of an Eagle that broke its beak. It was so interesting. I wanted to show her my storytelling skills also as I usually get 'A' grade in storytelling and rhymes. So, I said a story that Hema Mam said us in class once. She seems to like the story. And we kept on exchanging stories that we know.

Suddenly, I heard a voice. "Wake up Sanjay! The station is about to come”, mom shouted near my ears that I just got a jerk. I realized that I have slept on the lady. I was half asleep and I tried hard to get out of the train without hitting anyone. Through the window, she called me by name and waved her hand. I just turned back and gave a wave with a big smile on my face. The moment I reached home, I couldn't believe that the 3 hours of train journey went just like that. Mom said that she liked me and gave me her phone number.

Actually, even I started to like her. All her stories were so nice.Also, she seems to be as talented as I am. Moreover she has saved me from being blind. I think she will be my bestest friend hereafter.

Granny (not knowing what to say next ): Great! Kid. Next time you come to our house, better leave by morning to escape from the crowd

Sanjay: *Facepalm*

May 08, 2020 19:12

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1 comment

Tolu Odel
01:41 May 14, 2020

I like the speaker's voice and the flow of the story! But I would say you maybe could have used another prompt like, "Write about two people that meet and become instant friends".


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