
When David saw her for the very first time, it was on video chat. Carmen's sister Candace had called her in the middle of the day, asking if she'd be interested in meeting her friend Thomas on video, since they lived at a long distance. Carmen and Thomas did meet, but not soon after, his brother David saw her beautiful face and took the phone from his brother. He politely introduced himself to Carmen, with a seductive look in his eyes. Carmen found herself blushing at David, although she felt very strange at the way this call was going. She had agreed with her sister Candace that she'd meet Thomas. Candace wanted to fix the two of them up because she thought they'd be a perfect match for each other. Carmen was fun, friendly, and very intelligent. Thomas was also a friendly, very intelligent man. In addition, both of them were good-looking people. Candace wanted to see them both find happiness with each other. She was furious when David took over the phone call because he and Carmen had a wonderful meet-and-greet. The conversation seemed natural between the two of them. David's personality was almost the opposite of his brother's. David was the fun guy, the life of the party, and also strikingly handsome, big, burly, and charming. He gave off the energy of being a ladies' man. Candace snatched the phone from David and told Carmen she'd call her back in a few. Carmen agreed and got off the phone, laughing. She sat and thought to herself, "Wow! That was awkward! This didn't go as planned." Somehow, she was very attracted to David, although she was still willing to meet his handsome brother Thomas. About two weeks later, Carmen decided to visit her sister, who lived about 700 miles away. It was Candace's daughter's birthday party, located at a party place nearby. Carmen got the directions and met them at the party, where Thomas, David, and some of their family members were as well. Thomas saw Carmen enter the party place at a distance, staring at her. He was enamored by her beauty, yet he stayed at a distance and did not approach her immediately. David, on the other hand, walked right up to Carmen, held out his hand and immediately introduced himself. He also greeted her with a friendly, warm hug. Candace, watching on the side, shook her head and laughed. David's energy and smile was infectious. He was definitely the opposite of herself, but she was drawn to him. Yet, she was determined to oblige her sister's wishes and meet Thomas. As they approached Thomas, the two of them were properly introduced by David. Candace was pressuring her sister and Thomas to sit alone and become more acquainted. Carmen and Thomas struck up a small conversation that was kind of dry, uninteresting, but nice at the same time. She found Thomas to be very physically attractive. Thomas felt the same about her. He thought that Carmen was just as equally wise as she was attractive. He knew right then and there that he was going to make his move. He wanted to sleep with her and that was all he really wanted. David was watching at a distance, playing around with the family, the children who were present, joking around. He was really the louder, life of the party. He was interested in Carmen and didn't understand why. He wanted to get to know her. Candace told David to back off, though, because she was there to meet Thomas. David stated that his brother wasn't the one for her, yet he decided to back off. During Carmen's visit, over the course of the next several weeks, she developed a nice friendship with everyone, who adored her and embraced her warmly. It was just the reception she had needed, after being isolated so long during the first wave of Covid. This was a pleasant and unexpected change of events and scenery. She talked with her sister about making the move to the same area, and her sister was ecstatic to have Carmen move closer. Carmen decided to pull back her energy from Thomas because she saw too many red flags with him. She knew immediately that all he wanted to do was sleep with her, and she was interested in more than that. Meanwhile, her friendship with David was blossoming by the day. They had wonderful conversations and found that it was very easy to talk to each other. A few weeks later, David professed his strong like for Carmen. She was more than surprised. They were so very different. She asked him, "Why me? You like me in that way?" He responded, "Absolutely. Why wouldn't I?" "Well, what about Thomas?" "Thomas is a good man, but he's not interested in settling down with one woman." "And you are?" "Yes. I'm at that point in my life where I want that special woman beside me. I'm willing to explore this with you, if you'll give me a chance." Wow. Carmen was blown away by this unexpected conversation. She decided to give David a chance and they agreed to take things slowly. Carmen went back home after her visit, talking daily with David on a regular basis. About two months later, Carmen moved to the area, about thirty minutes away from where David resided. He was more than happy to have her in close proximity to him. He felt as if this were destiny. His brother scoffed at him, saying that he was not good for Carmen, that she was a very classy woman. She wasn't the type of woman that David was used to dealing with. David agreed that Carmen was very classy, but that he was perfect for her, despite what anyone thought. David was this rugged, blue-collar type of man, sort of big and burly. He also was a very loving, caring, and nurturing person. Carmen loved his personality. She felt that the two of them could balance each other out. He was wonderful in helping her move into her new place, setting up her television for her, rearranging furniture, and anything else she needed upon moving in. Carmen cooked him a fabulous dinner, which he enjoyed, being a very good cook himself. He was thrilled that she moved close by, and their start to a new relationship blossomed.

January 27, 2023 19:01

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