Coming of Age Fiction Romance

The quartet started the slow waltz as couples ambled onto the small parquet dance floor in the American Legion Hall. Gary had his right hand on the girl’s waist, and his left gently cradled her outstretched hand. “I’ve been waiting for a slow song to ask you to dance.”

“I’m glad you did. I like the slow dances best, I think.”

Ruby was self-assured, except when it came to romance. She felt she was attractive but felt awkward in courtship relationships. Now there she was, dancing with the best man. And she really thought he was the best man she’d ever seen.

“Your name is Ruby, right?”

“Yes. I’m one of Wendy’s friends from when she lived in Iowa. I was surprised when she invited me to be in her wedding party.”

“I wasn’t surprised that Bill picked me as best man. We’ve been getting into trouble together for years. I can’t believe he’s married now but I guess it’s a good thing. Wendy seems like a great girl.”

“She really is. She’s very kind and I don’t think she even knows how to lie.”

“That’s good to know.” Gary wasn’t quite sure what to say next. What he wanted to say was something like “Let’s you and me get married too!” He knew that wouldn’t be appropriate. Would it?

“You know, Gary, you dance pretty well.”

“My mom made me take dance lessons when I was twelve. I remember the waltz and the foxtrot, but nothing else.”

“None of the fast dances?”

“No. My self-respect is too important to me to go out and make a fool of myself flapping my arms around.”

Ruby laughed at the idea of it. Gary steered them towards the center of the dance floor which now hosted twenty or so couples.

“You know, Ruby, I was a little disappointed in the rehearsal dinner last night.”

“Oh, really? I thought the food was really good.”

“It was. I was disappointed that I ended up sitting with Gary’s twin sisters and not with you.”

Ruby felt her face flush with embarrassment.

“Gary, was that a line?”

“Hmmm… maybe. But it is true. I had a hard time not staring at you down at your end of the table.”

“Well, you are very kind to say that.” She paused for a moment as the saxophonist played a little solo. “I guess I was looking at you too.” She moved a little closer to him. He held her hand a little tighter.

Gary’s heart raced as he realized the song was nearly over. He hoped the band would play another old-people’s dance song. After the last soft tap of the cymbal, he and Ruby took a half-step back and stood in front of each other holding hands.

“That was really nice, Gary. Thank you so much!”

Another song started. This one was a foxtrot.

“May I have this dance too?”

“Why certainly, sir.”

This time his hands rested at the sides of her waist and both her hands were on his shoulders. As they danced her right hand wandered up to stroke the back of his neck. The electricity from her touch traveled throughout his body.



“Are you seeing anyone back in your town?”

“I see everybody. My eyesight is very good.”

“Very funny. You know, you shouldn’t make it more difficult than it already is.”

“You’re right. Sorry. No, I’m not currently dating anyone.” She felt her heart beating.

“Would you like to date me?”

She felt like she was a cartoon princess in a Disney movie, although she had regular shoes on.

“I think so. Yes. Yes, I would.”

“I’m very glad. And, well, Ruby, there’s one more thing. I can only tell you if you promise not to react or faint or anything. Can you promise me?”

“This is like a dream to me, Gary. If I haven’t fainted yet, I probably won’t at whatever it is you have to say.”

“Okay. Here goes.” He put his mouth very close to her ear. “I have to leave town tonight, forever.”

Ruby stopped moving for a moment but then continued to dance.

“Here’s the thing: I sat for a deposition today. I testified against Bill’s father. He is in the mob.”

Ruby remembered her promise, but her feet stopped working the way they were supposed to and she stepped down hard on Gary’s foot.


“That’s okay. Do you follow me so far?”

She nodded.

“At midnight the police are going to come in and arrest him. Before that happens, I have to leave, because once things go down, I will likely be killed, if his people can find me.”

Ruby looked up at Gary. “His people?”

“Have you noticed that Bill has a lot of uncles in dark suits?”


“I will be going into the Federal Witness Protection Program tonight. I don’t know where I’ll end up. I have to cut all my current ties and start over.”

“Oh, Gary! That sounds awful.”

“It was something I had to do. I’m afraid Bill may become involved in the mob too, and I can’t let that happen. So, I had to testify and now I have to go.”

“Why are you telling me all this?” Ruby knew what she wanted Gary’s answer to be.

“I would like you to come with me, and to marry me and have our children in our new life.”

The couple noticed that the song had ended and most of their fellow dancers were leaving the dance floor. Ruby put both her hands against the sides of Gary’s head and pulled him close to her and they kissed as if they were the happy couple.

She took him by the hand and guided him out into the parking lot. The night was warm and the moon nearly full. She took him to a quiet spot away from the hall.

“So, you’re expecting me to leave everything behind and go someplace you don’t even know to marry you and have your children?”

“I know it’s a lot to ask…”

“I will. And I do. Or at least when they ask me if I will, I’ll say ‘I do.’”


Ruby took his hands in her hands. “Gary, my parents died when I was a kid. I am an only child. My friends like to drink too much and are pretty shallow. I can leave them behind. This sounds like a wonderful adventure.”

“You’ll actually marry someone you’ve just me?”

“You haven’t properly asked me yet, but I think I will when you propose. You know, arranged marriages have a pretty good success rate, and this won’t be one of those, but if we decide it will work out between us, it will. I really believe that.” She smiled at him, and then a question came to her face.

“Why me, Gary? Why me?”

He thought carefully about his response, put one hand under her chin and looked her directly in her green eyes. “Ruby, when I met you, I thought you were lovely. At the rehearsal dinner last night, I couldn’t look at anyone or anything else. Then this afternoon, when I saw you rocking that bridesmaid’s dress, I realized that if anyone can look that good and that sexy in a bridesmaid’s dress, she’s the girl for me.”

Ruby blushed more and was glad she hadn’t had much to drink at the reception.

“So, I told you why I picked you. Why did you say yes?”

“You are the handsomest man I’ve ever seen and now that I know you are also a man of courage, I’m ready to take a chance. Not much of a chance, really.”

At 11:30 that night, an FBI van pulled up and the agents burst into the wedding reception while another FBI vehicle picked up Gary and Ruby and drove them away.

Or, that didn’t happen, and it turned out that Gary had given Ruby the pick-up line of all time which, by the way, was successful.

June 14, 2024 19:25

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