Contemporary Fiction Friendship

One sniff was all it took for Daisy to change direction. Known in the neighborhood as Ms. HT, aka Ms. Hoity-toity, she cannot bear anything out of order or smelling less than expensive French perfume. Raised in high society, she thinks she is better than others especially since winning First in Show at Westmoreland.

Dressed in her short, sassy brown coat with two back and two brown boots she walks daily around the block with her wet nose straight in the air. This position is not a result of the breeze but her attitude. First to move into the area, she appointed herself leader giving her the right to dictate rules others must obey. Daisy feels the need to clean the streets of the "riff-raft" and return it to the original unblemished high canine community. Daisy is afraid her pristine (dog) house will quickly decrease in value if these type of fur balls continue to infiltrate her fine gated community.

She just had the outside of her home painted by Brian, the hefty bulldog and Forget-Me-Knots planted by Paul the poodle. Her home on Splendor Street stands out among the others and she is sure to win "Top Doghouse" this quarter.

And now this...Smell!

What? It is worse than a wet dog in summer and where is it coming from?

Having completed her morning walk, Daisy glances at the house next door. A moving van dropped off a new family two weeks ago. A family of cats! Here goes the neighborhood! One member has been seen and he is something else! A large two-toned feline with eyes of a snake and the biggest silly grin. Two front teeth are absent resulting from misjudging a landing on his perch as a kitten. His clumsiness has carried him into adulthood getting him in more trouble than he dares to admit.

This cat is three times the size of Daisy with claws the size of Alaska!

Nobody knows his name and nobody cares! He is an outsider and never will be welcomed. Anyone having words with this character better keep his distance 'cause cats can be vicious and manipulative.

Inside her home, Daisy peers thru the large bay window. Her big brown eyes keep focus on the newbie's every move. His fur is matted, medium length and filled pockets of mud. And then there is his odor. It is obnoxious and firmly plants on anyone or thing that draws near. The smell pernitrates directly thru the front door causing Daisy's Christmas cactus to lay down in the pot. What is she going to do? She needs to go over and explain the rules of the block but the smell is too much for her to manage. Her long nose is so sensitive she is sure to end up in Dr. Dan's Vet emergency room.

Her (dog) house has not front door giving free entrance to various fragrances depending on the wind direction. Controlling nature is impossible so the only answer is to control the cat! Any suggestions giving a cat a bath? Not the tongue licking kind but one that is totally soaking in water.

Daisy knows she is no match for the large feline. Less than eleven pounds her long body will provide many opportunities for his claws to take hold. Again, the smell takes residency at the front door. Daisy's delicate peaches n' cream complexion shrivels as the odor takes over the living area. Her front paws cover up her nose giving little relief from the overpowering smell. She spins around hoping the motion will provide enough energy stirring the air outward. Minutes pass and now Daisy can take a deep breath without choking.

Positioning herself in the door her eyes focus again on the home next door. Gone! The cat is nowhere in sight! Daisy's heart starts to crawl up her throat blocking the airway. Instinctively, she rolls over on her back causing the air to escape and her eyes to settle back down in their sockets. Her mind races and she is afraid of becoming a victim of a cat visit. Her heart skips a beat. She knows her pacemaker cannot take excitement so slow deep breathing is imperative.

She pauses then begins to count slowly...one thousand, two thousand, three...continuing until her heart rhythm slows to its proper timing. Relieved Daisy tries to think of something else to occupy her mind, but instead...

The smell creep again! This time the wind blows twice as hard in her direction. Her sleek brown coat stands on end exposing her delicate skin underneath. The stench twirls above like a hurricane causing Daisy's long ears to fly upward as the odor moves with an avenging spirit. Completely overwhelmed by the movement, she presses her front paws to her cheeks, bows her head and cries in defeat.

A knock! She's startled but listens. A loner, she is not accustomed to the knocking sound. Has someone come to call? Precariously Daisy advances toward the entrance but taken aback by the smell. There, a large white, furry tail is swishing back and forth. Daisy swallows hard biting her lip as she closes her mouth. Now what?

The neighbor is in her mist. Sitting tall, looking downward, the cat from next door prepares for action. Daisy fears a pounce coming on but forces herself forward.

"Hello! Hello! Hello!" she barks.

Large jade-colored eyes stare boldly at the little dog below. His intense smile briefly blinds Daisy, but the smell takes center stage. The familiar odor dresses itself around her like a straight jacket. Her body freezes in fear. Her long droopy ears roll and wrap around her head. Daisy cannot hear or see but she can smell!

Daisy struggles to keep her composure in the presence of her new neighbor. She wants to run but knows one swipe of his claw will seriously damage her physique. She tenderly raises her right paw in a gesture of friendship again softly barking "Hello! I'm Daisy, Welcome to the neighborhood." She really had to push those last four words over her tongue. She forced the words out of her mouth. She did not want to welcome him but would rather tell the feline to "get lost." Everyone knows she is all lady like and would never outwardly speak unkind. However, she is known for authoring a dissertation under breath.

"S-C-R-A-P-E!" The sound of her bottom teeth traveling across the upper ones. Goosebumps appear covering Daisy's body. She hears a disturbing voice, "Hello, my name is Chessie." He rolls his shoulders back, adjusting his position.

Daisy takes three steps backward with retreat heavy on her mind. No backing down; this is my house! Momentarily Daisy wants to take a bite out of the trespasser but instead looks around in every direction.

The cat is nowhere in sight! An eerie feeling comes over causing her tail to reconfigure into a question mark. Slowly the atmosphere is clouded with the smell. Chessie is close but not in view. Daisy knows she must be careful. The smell is getting stronger. She recognizes the odor but cannot put her paw on the identity. Her nerves prevent clear thinking as her mind is in disarray. Eyes closed her mind flashes the answer...ripe underarms! The technical name for limburger cheese!

"Hi! Daisy! You are frightened of me! Please tell me why. All my friends have fled and I do not understand. Everyone usually gathers around me seeking words of wisdom but now nobody comes. I could really use aa friend . I'm a people-cat needing other cat company." This distancing from friends began about one week ago after I left the cheese factory on First Street. Hired to scare all the mice from the building but instead I ended up in a vat of think warm mild. Two tricky mice had me going in all directions. I lost my sense of placement after climbing on the kitchen counter. Those mice taunted me until I was ready to attack! Boy was I ready! Following the critters on the stove Somehow I ended up on the handle of a stewing pot full of steaming liquid! Lost my balance and you can assume the what happened next.

Using my long claws, I was able to climb out before seriously injured. String of cheese dripped down from my fur making me look unrecognizable. Knotted and lumpy I thought I got a whiff of an odor but I'm not sure. No matter where I went the funk followed.

Never having been in a situation like this I'm crumbing inside and out in need of help. Daisy, can you help me?

The little dog is unable to respond. Her neighbor, whom she has been skittish about, is a real pussy cat and not a monster. Daisy's mind draws a blank as to what approach to take cleaning him up. Her friends and fellow neighbors will not assist her unless the process involves permanently removing the fur ball.

All covered in orange goo Chessie cries. Colored tears run down between layers and layers of fur. Chessie's sad eyes look toward Daisy for direction. Trapped clumps of cheese block his airway needing Daisy to assist.

Daisy watches her new friend struggle. Chessie's size posses a problem for petite Daisy, but she is sure to give him her "hot-diggety dog" best. She jumps on top of Chessie's chest again and again until dislodging the cheese. Chessie's big smile returns exposing the two missing front teeth but who cares, he can breathe!

Unbeknownst to Chessie, Daisy is also struggling. His SMELL! Her long nose fills with the unpleasantness and no longer can provide the air she needs. She runs hurriedly outside bumping into Brian, the bulldog which instantly clears her nostrils. She's about to thank him but is interrupted. "What are you thinking? Why are you friending with a fur ball? You know the community rules--YOU wrote them! Are you willing to chance losing your position in society over him?

Daisy's ears stand upward listening to Brian's remarks. She is offended and would prefer to leave his company but she is in her own yard! She must make a weighty decision. Does she return to her familiar community leaving Chessie along? Daisy is torn between the world of friendship and her alliance with the neighborhood. Never has she felt as though her heart is splitting in two.

Creeping in the smell of limburger cheese overwhelms Daisy. Her mind demands a step away from friendship and a return to clean air and the elite. Lowering herself on all fours, Daisy prays for guidance. A gentle voice whispers calming the restlessness dwelling inside her long body. The answer is clear. Friendship is more powerful than a group of snobbish friends. Forget about the smell! A friend is need is where you should be.

Daisy waves goodbye to her home and neighborhood leaving all those trendy self-assertive friends to themselves. She returns to Chessie who waits patiently for her and a solution to the stinky chees covering.

August 05, 2021 21:36

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