
“Let’s give’em something to talk about!”

The male patrons were licking their lips.  Drunk and stunning she was in an ocean of sharks.

“Strip tease! Strip tease!” men hollered aggressively all across the bar.

 The pencil skirt hiked up and the canvass-coloured blouse made its way off of her shoulder  Drew saw what was about to go down, and against his better judgement assisted.

“Woo, you’re hot do you want me to ride your saddle cowboy?”

“You’ve had enough to drink.  Let’s get you some coffee.”

“I don’t want coffee. I want to dance.  You know dance with somebody who loves me!” 

Drew’s ears rang with the echo of her voice. He took her over his shoulder.

“I am taking you home.”

“Put me down!”

Kicking and screaming he brought her into the parking lot.

“Party’s over.  Where do you live?”

“I don’t feel so good.”

The woman’s vomit spewed all over the pavement.  All the contents of her stomach were expelled. 

“Shit!  I just came back from the laundromat.”  

“I am disgusting.  I can’t go home like this can I stay with you tonight please,” tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Lady.  Dammit fine.  Until you sober up then you’re going home.”

He put her in his truck and she shortly fell asleep.  On the drive home, he was so angry with himself.  

The sun’s rays pierced through the curtain. Drew stretched out for his phone only to remember last night.  While he went into the kitchen to make his unwanted guest breakfast, he heard singing in the shower.

His toast charcoal was thrown in the trash.  She came out with a towel around her head.

“Good morning.  I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name last night.”

“Drew.  This has been one of the most awkward experiences of my life.  Women usually sleep over but…”

“Not like this.  My name is Ashley.  I don’t usually go on a drinking frenzy.  I am not even a drinker.”

“You could’ve fooled me last night.”

“It was the 6th anniversary of my husband’s death.  I felt alone.  I just needed a distraction so I went to a bar.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Thanks.  You know no matter how much time passes people think it gets easier.  But let me tell you it doesn’t.  You become more numb from the silence but true love… stays with you.  It haunts me.  Anyway, I am sorry for babbling.”

“I made some breakfast.  Bacon, eggs, your toast looks good mine that’s another story.”

“Sharing breakfast with a stranger who probably saved my life. Who would’ve thought?”

“I did laundry and just decided to have a drink.  I didn’t know I’d be the knight in shining armour either.”

“I don’t live far from here.  I have never seen you before.”

“This is a weird way of getting to know someone.  It almost seems backwards. On top of that, you’re wearing my bathrobe.”

She laughed at him and took a bite of her scrambled eggs.  They ate and he poured more coffee into her mug.  

“I might have a long shirt you can wear.  I had my sister stay here a few months ago she left some clothes behind.  She’s about your size. You’re welcome to wear them.”

“Thanks.  I’ll be on my way in about an hour.”

“I can drive you home.  I have to pick up some groceries in town.”

Drew observed how gorgeous her features were.  He didn’t want this morning to end.  Do I ask her out?  This is so strange.  A widower still in love with her deceased husband.  What was he even thinking?  Besides he didn’t really know her.  


“Still waters run deep.  You with us?”

“Sorry, Mom.  I was just daydreaming.  Are you still okay with watching Mark tonight?”

“Of course.  You work too much.  You know it would be nice if….”

“Don’t finish that sentence.  I am not interested in dating besides my attention is on providing for you and Mark.”

“I know I just don’t want you to miss out.”

“I am not missing out.  I consider myself lucky.  I’ve got you and Mark. I have to go back to writing.  Books don’t write themselves.” Gary kissed his mom on the cheek.


Waiting for her bus, she recognized the truck.  


She tried to hide her face, but Drew pulled up.

“Need a ride?”

“No, my bus will be here soon.”

“Are you going to work?”

“Yeah.  Where are you off to?”

“Work.  I work as a reporter.”


“Look I just wanted to ask.  I would like to know if you would have dinner with me. Just promise no drinking.”

She wasn’t sure why this man was so kind to her.  What was the harm in just going for dinner?

“Okay, I should be home around 7.  I think you remember where I live.”



Gary’s eyes were getting droopy so he stopped writing.  He drank another cup of coffee to soldier on.  Where was he going with this story?  He was about to erase the page's contents until it started writing on its own.

“What the hell?”

Dear Gary,

 You have invited yourself into our world.  You are too tired to write our romance novel.  We have decided to take matters into our own hands.  We will write our own story.  We are going to give you a vacation.  Go to sleep.  It will be ready in the morning.


Drew and Ashley

Gary stared at the page and it was blank again.  He decided to call it a night, as he was hallucinating.  Tomorrow was another day. 


“Can we go to the park? Dad, wake up.”

“Mark what time is it?”  Gary was drowsy as he stared at his son’s face.

“The little hand is on the 9 and the big hand is on the 10.”

“Go have some cereal. I will be down in a few minutes.”

He went back to see where he left off in his novel and to his astonishment it was finished. 

Congratulations to Drew and Ashley may you have many years of happiness. The dancefloor lit up as the bride and groom took their first dance as husband and wife.  

The End

May 08, 2024 03:42

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