Romance Suspense Drama

In the museum's empty restroom, Jelly Summers gingerly splashed water onto her face, trying to shake off the dizziness that had enveloped her since the crowded room awakened the panic inside. The cold tiles of the restroom floor felt unforgiving beneath her palms as she struggled to regain her balance.

“I’m fine. I just need to freshen up a little,” she said calmly, comforting herself.

Clad in a simple white blouse and blue jeans, Jelly had chosen her outfit to be casual that evening, hoping to strike the perfect balance between professional and approachable. But now, as she stood huddled in the dimly lit restroom, the clothes felt like a suffocating weight, a reminder of the facade she had struggled to maintain in the face of her mounting anxiety.

With a shaky breath, Jelly leaned against the sink, the cold tiles of the restroom floor feeling unforgiving beneath her palms. Every noise echoed loudly in the enclosed space, magnifying her sense of isolation until it felt like the walls were closing in around her.

With a faint flicker, the lights above her went out, plunging the room into an inky blackness. It was just for a moment, but enough for her to freeze. Panic clenched her chest, squeezing the air from her lungs. The sudden absence of the light surprised her, and she jumped, making her body slip on the wet tiled floor, losing her balance.

A sharp pain shot through her skull as her head collided with the unforgiving ceramic of the sink. Darkness engulfed her vision as she crumpled to the ground, consciousness slipping away like sand through her fingers.


In the shadowed depths of the museum, the air hung heavy with the weight of centuries-old secrets, each whispered breath echoing off the cold stone walls. In this hallowed sanctuary of art and antiquity, a figure moved with the fluidity of a panther stalking its prey. His steps were a silent ballet upon the polished marble floors, each movement calculated and deliberate.

Clad in a sleek black suit that seemed to meld seamlessly with the encroaching darkness, Miles Driscoll prowled the halls with the confidence of a man who knew he belonged there. His presence was a study in contrast against the backdrop of priceless artifacts and priceless art, a testament to the duality of his nature – both predator and thief, hunter and hunted.

His mission was simple yet fraught with peril: to acquire the elusive "Scroll of Anubis," a relic steeped in legend and shrouded in mystery. For years, Miles had pursued this prize with the relentless determination of a man possessed, honing his skills as a master thief to rival even the most cunning of adversaries.

For ordinary people, that was just a piece of paper with some historical value, but not to Miles. For him, that was the jewel that he must have in his possession. Every lock picked, every guard eluded, brought him one step closer to his goal. He had studied the museum's layout with meticulous precision, memorizing every hidden passage and secret alcove, turning the very architecture of the building to his advantage.

But tonight, as he crept through the silent corridors with the grace of a ghost, Miles could feel the weight of destiny bearing down upon him. The “Scroll of Anubis” was more than just a simple artifact – it was a key to untold power, a weapon that could tip the scales of fate in his favor.

With each passing moment, the thrill of the chase coursed through his veins like liquid fire, driving him toward his prize. And as he finally laid eyes upon the object of his desire, nestled within its protective casing, he knew that nothing would stand in the way of his triumph.


When Jelly's eyes fluttered open again, she was still in the museum, but something was different. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could barely discern the outline of the sink before her. A bead of sweat trickled down her temple as she fought against the rising tide of fear.

Then, the light appeared, and she could glimpse her image in the mirror. The light twinkled like a star in the sky, like the pain she felt in her head. A little light from the lightbulb showed her reflection in the silent mirror.

"God, it really hurts." She muttered, looking at the nasty hole in her forehead. The sight of blood leaking from the wound created a feeling of disgust. Jenny didn't like blood.

Her simple white blouse and blue jeans had traces of her blood spread all over as she painted them in some abstractive style. 

“That’s so convenient.” Her words sounded ironic as she grabbed the tissue and pressed hard on the wound. She didn’t like the blood but wasn’t afraid of it.

Jelly's thoughts went wild, her imagination conjuring up images of lurking shadows and unseen dangers lurking in every corner. She tried to calm herself, to rationalize away the rising tide of fear, but it was no use. The darkness seemed to feed on her uncertainty, progressively more oppressive with each passing moment.


Strange noises distracted Miles as he stretched his hand towards the glass cabinet inside the "Scroll of Anubis." It was a time that he cut off the alarm that was protecting the relic. But then he heard the sounds coming from a distance. His sharp ears catch the noise that would be impossible for any ordinary human. But Miles was more than ordinary.

With a lightning reaction, he retreated into the shadow of the cabinet, his eyes searching the room, looking for the cause of the sounds he heard.

"What is that?" His mind was frantically searching for an explanation.

Miles calculated everything precisely, including the blackout that he caused himself using a small explosive charge that he activated with the help of the remote control. A simple way to avoid cameras placed in the room. There shouldn't have been anyone in the museum except for him. And yet, strange sounds were coming from the corridor to his left. If his memory serves him well, there is a restroom there. Hidden in the shadows, Miles starts to calculate his options. The museum had backup generators that would soon enough light the room, and then the cameras would record everything, including him. He must think quickly.


Jelly stumbled along the corridor, her fingers trailing against the barely visible wall for support. In her left hand, she clutched a tissue soaked with blood, pressing it firmly against the wound on her head. Drops of blood left a macabre trail behind her, like a morbid breadcrumb path marking her desperate journey.

Her head throbbed relentlessly, each pulse echoing like the ominous ticking of a time bomb, threatening to detonate at any moment. She felt a creeping sense of dread suffocating her with its icy grip, rendering her voiceless and alone in the vast expanse of the museum.

The statues and paintings lining the walls seemed to come alive, their silent forms whispering and murmuring in a language only they understood. Jelly's senses swirled in a dizzying whirlpool of confusion and fear, the air thick with the weight of unseen eyes watching her every move.

As her heart hammered against her chest like a prisoner desperate for freedom, Jelly found herself drenched in a cold sweat, her body trembling with the effort of holding onto consciousness. Every step was a herculean effort, the ground shifting and swaying beneath her like a tempest-tossed ship on a stormy sea.

And then, without warning, the floor seemed to lurch beneath her, pulling her down into its unforgiving embrace. Her hand slipped from the wall, and the world around her dissolved into a chaotic kaleidoscope of colors and sounds. With a gut-wrenching crash, she collided with a towering figure on her right, the impact shattering the glass case surrounding it into a thousand glittering shards.

The air filled with the cacophony of breaking glass, a symphony of destruction that echoed through the empty corridors of the museum. As Jelly lay sprawled on the ground, her breath coming in ragged gasps, she could only watch in stunned disbelief as the consequences of her fall unfolded before her eyes.


As the piercing wail of the alarm shattered the eerie silence of the museum, Miles Driscoll froze in his tracks, his heart pounding in his chest like a caged beast desperate for escape. The shrill sound seemed to reverberate off the walls, a relentless reminder of the perilous situation closing in around him. At the first sound of broken glass, he left his shelter and moved away. His mission had failed, and there was nothing he could do other than run.

In the darkness, illuminated only by the crimson glow of the emergency lights, Miles's eyes fell upon the crumpled figure lying on the floor before him. Despite the urgency of his predicament, a surge of empathy washed over him as he approached the wounded stranger, his instincts screaming at him to help.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Miles asked, his voice laced with surprise as he gazed down at Jelly Summers' unconscious form.

At that moment, conflicting emotions raged within him, torn between the demands of his mission and the instinctual urge to help the unfortunate woman lying before him. But as he brushed aside the soft tendrils of hair that framed her face, a sense of calm washed over him, a strange harmony emanating from her features even in her unconscious state.

Despite the darkness and the flickering emergency lights, Jelly's beauty seemed to radiate, casting a spell over Miles that he couldn't explain. Without a second thought, he scooped her up in his arms, her form light and delicate against his chest, and returned to the restroom she had come from.

As he navigated the museum's labyrinthine corridors, Miles's mind raced with the knowledge of a hidden exit, a secret known only to him. Months of painstaking observation and study revealed this concealed passage's existence. This discovery now held the key to a more fabulous treasure than he had initially sought.


On the terrace of Miles Driscoll’s secluded house perched on a cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the sea, Jelly Summers sat beside him, a gentle breeze tousling her hair as she gazed out at the horizon. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink as the sun dipped below the edge of the world, casting a warm glow over the tranquil scene.

Beside her, Miles poured them both a glass of wine, the rich aroma mingling with the salty sea air. He handed her a glass with a smile, their fingers brushing briefly as she accepted it with a grateful nod.

As they sipped their wine in comfortable silence, memories of the events that brought them together flooded their minds. Miles recalled the moment he found Jelly lying unconscious in the museum, her vulnerability stirring something deep within him. Without hesitation, he had carried her to his home, determined to look after her until she recovered.

In the days that followed, he had nursed her back to health, tending to her wounds with care and tenderness. Despite his initial reluctance to let her into his world, he found himself drawn to her warmth and resilience, her presence filling his home with a newfound sense of joy and companionship.

Jelly, too, had found solace in Miles's company, grateful for his kindness and unwavering support. As she watched him tend to her with such gentle care, she felt her heart opening to him in ways she hadn't thought possible. Their bond grew more pungent each day, forged in their shared quiet moments.

And now, as they sat on the terrace, watching the sunset over the horizon, they knew they had found something special in each other. In the gentle rhythm of the waves crashing against the shore and the soft glow of the fading light, they found a sense of peace and belonging that surpassed anything they had ever known.

Miles reached out to take Jelly's hand as the stars twinkled in the night sky, casting their shimmering reflections upon the darkened waters below. She turned to him, her eyes sparkling with emotion, and in that moment, they both knew that they had found love in the most unexpected places.

Together, they watched as the world faded into darkness, their hearts entwined as they embarked on a new journey, bound by a love as timeless as the sea. And as they leaned into each other, their futures intertwined, they knew they had finally found their home in each other's arms.

March 17, 2024 09:53

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Graham Kinross
02:52 Mar 24, 2024

Great story Darvico. It’s a great challenge to take on all of the prompts at once and you did really well.


Darvico Ulmeli
04:45 Mar 24, 2024

It wasn't my attention to do that, but I'm glad I did. Thanks.


Graham Kinross
07:27 Mar 24, 2024

It works well.


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Trudy Jas
15:19 Mar 18, 2024

Wonderful and you got most, if not all the prompts in one. Flowed very well. Though I wonder if you really meant to use the word "pungent" to describe their bond.


Darvico Ulmeli
15:33 Mar 18, 2024

Well, (English is not my native language), we in Croatia often use the word "pungent" in ordinary talk, and while editing, it didn't show any error. But I understand what you mean. I will try to choose a better translation in future stories. Thanks for noticing.


Trudy Jas
15:45 Mar 18, 2024

No problem. English is not my 1st either. I have a thesaurus at my elbow. :-)


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Mary Bendickson
17:40 Mar 17, 2024

What were the chances... Thanks for liking my fable.


Darvico Ulmeli
18:18 Mar 17, 2024

If you read carefully, you can see that I combined all the prompts. (1. Start or end your story with a character trapped inside a museum overnight; 2. Two characters who meet and/or fall in love in a museum; 3. An art thief struggling to commit the perfect heist; 4. Someone accidentally destroys a museum’s most valuable artifact; 5. Write about a gallery whose paintings come alive at night.) I wasn't planning to do it, but after I finished the story, I realized it had all the prompts inside. You welcome. What were the chances...


Mary Bendickson
18:41 Mar 17, 2024

I did notice the various prompts and should have complimented you on your talent. I always struggle for one. I actually have an idea this week and will see if I can get-er-done before we take a trip in a couple of days.


Darvico Ulmeli
18:57 Mar 17, 2024

Can't wait to read it. Good luck.


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Mariana Aguirre
15:11 Mar 17, 2024

Love it


Darvico Ulmeli
16:37 Mar 17, 2024

Thank you.


Mariana Aguirre
17:54 Mar 17, 2024



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