Fiction Romance Teens & Young Adult

I haven't written anything in a hot minute so please keep that in mind. Hope you enjoy this short story I written over my phone on the couch. <3

It stopped. Everything. Time, my breath, the sounds around me. Everything. The moment I laid eyes on you. The moment I saw your face. The moment our eyes met for the first. Everything stopped. All my senses went dull, all my thoughts vanished, for a split second I could even feel my heart stop as if it skipped a beat. The noises around me slowly dimmed down, my heart dropped and I could feel in my soul something I never felt before: I was meeting my one and only love. Only it wasn't real. It was a dream. 

Have you ever had a dream where you could feel everything like it was happening in real life? Like you could feel the warm sun and the rain on your skin. Like you could feel the embrace of a lover and deep kisses that were hot and passionate. That's what this was, only this time we merely crossed paths, out of nowhere there he was, literally just crossing paths with me. The funny thing is we were both following someone, there were two people in front of us, guiding us, like they knew what was about to happen. 

His eyes gazed at me as he walked and mine followed him, sticking to him like glue. Our bodies followed our eyes's lead and we were now facing each other in utter confusion. His deep brown eyes had a spark in them and mine recognized them in an instant but I was taken aback. "What was he doing here? This was my dream, wasn't it?" I lifted my hand slowly, pointing at him, still lost in his soft gaze and I could read his thoughts as if they were my own: "You're not supposed to be here." 

He was right, or was I? This wasn't supposed to be happening, I am dreaming, I know that much, but, why? Why am I dreaming of this encounter? Why is it a dream and not real? Why now? Why must I let go now and keep following my guide? "Dora" I hear behind me "Dora we have to go". "Come one" I hear behind him. And still puzzled we started slowly walking away, still facing each other. I turn around and think "Weird, this must be a mistake. He wasn't supposed to be here. I should know, why would he be here, in my dream?"

You hear stories of people saying how they met the one and time stopped for them and how they see something familiar in that person's eyes but you never think it could happen to you, until it does in a very, very strange way. It sounds funny, absurd…insane, but you can't deny the feeling or how real it was, even if it was just a dream

I remember every detail of that meeting, what he was wearing, how stylish he was, what his hair looked like, his soft gaze and the recognition we both felt, like the search was over...but it wasn't real... 

I tried finding him after we went our separate ways, I looked all over even calling out his name: Lucas. Lucas was his name. Don't ask me how I know, I since don't, all I know is that's what it was. Lucas, my Lucas.

Weeks passed, even months, I still had that dream in the back of my mind. Every night I would go to bed praying to see him, even if it's just for a minute. To gaze longingly into his eyes and whisper softly "I've missed you." And one night without any expectations and to my surprise we crossed paths again.

This time he was wearing a very formal long coat with an expensive suit underneath, unlike the last time's casual jeans and cropped white jacket. He held out his hand to take mine and pulled me close as if he wanted to hold me for as long as he possibly could. Time was of the essence and not wasted at all, we embraced and kissed passionately and when we both knew time was running out, I asked him the questions that've been heavy on my mind: "Lucas" I quietly spoke.

He looked stunned to hear me say his name, his eyes sparkled to the sound of my voice, as I said it. He tried to hide his excitement but a smile sneaked out as he pressed them together to try and hide it.

"Do you think we will meet, in the real world? Do you think we will make it?" I continued terrified of what might happen next. A short pause that felt like eternity took over, my heart felt like it would jump out of my chest, I was scared he would say it was only possible here, in our dreams, every once in a while.

As he looked straight ahead, he seemed to be looking for the right words, not to give too much away but also like he wasn't sure of the whole thing himself. He sneaked a look down at me and leaned in, kissing me once more. I could feel the warmth of his lips against mine, the saliva on the corners of them and how confident he was as his lips separated from mine. He smiled, almost cocky and said "Does that answer your question?" 

My mind was full of questions: "Is that a yes or is he trying to cheer me up? Is he giving me false hope?"

As we walked, with his arm over my shoulder, he glanced at me and like reading my mind he said "I think we'll be okay" this time with a warm smile, he was sincere and a boulder dropped from my chest. I believed him.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone you met in your dreams? Have you ever felt like you were going crazy for feeling love for someone you never met in real life? I feel like we all had our fair share of dreams where we fall in love with a person and have a wonderful love story only to wake up in the morning vigorously separated from that lover and for the rest of the day all we can daydream about is that person we don't even remember by noon. 

I have a working theory on that. When it's a real person, maybe someone we once knew or we may meet, we can feel everything from the smallest touch to the warmth of their hands, lips as well as their heartbeat and breathe, as they breathe in and out. There are also their eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul. And if you can remember their eyes when you wake up that's how you know you've met someone important. If you're a normal person this might not be for you, but if you're not, what dreams have you had that made you question everything? 

October 05, 2023 15:30

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