Captivated by glamorous love

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: Begin your story with somebody watching the sunrise, or sunset.... view prompt


Romance Drama Fiction

Captivated By Glamorous Love 

The magnificent sunrise was planting its golden rays onto the ragged landscape littered with lush vegetation promising a good day. And like any other day, my routine as a loner and low pitiable degenerate drunk was the same, but that was all about to change the moment I laid eyes on her during my random ramble around the city park in Acadia. I was completely, totally, utterly, hooked. Sometimes we just bring danger to ourselves as I believe I was about to do and she had already accomplished doing, she was walking with Prosper but most of us knew him by his street name Pablo, her boyfriend or so I thought, who was high up the food chain of drug dealers.

Pablo had the whole of Brooklyn, Hatfield and Acadia right under his palm and watched over them over a magnifying glass that nothing happened that he didn’t know. Most probably he already knew me, I think, but her raven beauty swayed away that thought for a moment I didn’t believe he knew me. Since I had no power nor the confidence to walk up to them and talk to the lady. I was about to devise a plan to get her running into my arms as I walked back to my crib

I didn’t sleep a wink that night pondering on how to woo her, some part of the brain was like “become a drug dealer like her current lover” the other was “let it go she is out of your league” the other was “seek help can’t do it on your own”. On that last thought I drifted off into a little four-hour nap. Another day was on the way and the last thought elevated itself and became more vivid than the others. I went around the three suburbs looking to find my coadjutors, until I found three of them, or should I say the three found me as they also had strong animosity towards Pablo and his drug.

Their mission and my mission overlapped, and we would all get what we want. So, the underdogs consisted of Samkelo aka Sam My Jam, he was the brains in our debacle, Melvin aka Trizzy was the deep pockets of the operation and Clarence, well this guy knew his way around words, he could talk himself out of any situation and also, he could sell a bottle of tapped water for R1000 that’s how good he was, so he was my wingman. We stopped at the new Club in Hatfield, Little Swallow, which was adjacent to Blue Room the famous club in Hatfield which was Pablo’s club. Blue Room was where his crew hung out and where he, Pablo, held secret meetings with his crew.

Day in day out we would stake out Blue Room from Little Swallow, Little Swallow became our new hide out club where we would plot our move with Sam My Jam dropping plan after plan.

Trizzy kept the shots coming. For a moment, we even forgot we were there to stakeout and plan, as we would get wasted one day after the other. A month down the line, even though we took baby steps in our planning, we finally agreed it was time for our move, everything was a go. The guys dressed me up like some rich out of town nigga who was ready to let loose and splash cash like it’s nothing. With confidence built up in my chest and in one of the most expensive Italian suits, we pulled up in a white Maserati, imported straight from Italy through Trizzy’s most secure channels. One foot after the other we got out of the car with my wingman. Everyone was stunned, I could hear them whispering “who are these guys, where are they from?” I was just looking at them with them with a smile which says “big boys are in town watch the space we are going to change your way of living.” 

We walked right in and I headed straight to the bar and opened a tab, “keep them coming” and through the black credit card at the bartender. Meanwhile, Clarence scoped the place around, establishing connections to the boss Pablo. The play was on, even though we just seemed like some drunkards having a good time we had a mission—out of the corner of my eye I spotted her again entering the club with Pablo, winked at her and she responded with the smile I knew she was hooked which was an improvement compared to the first time I saw her in the park.

Clarence did what he did best and convinced her to come to my table. Before I could introduce myself, she already had asked me my name, “Its Ambition Prince Jnr but you can just call me Junior” I responded. And from that conversation I got the privilege of knowing her name, Mbali, which means a beautiful flower. Since she was always under microscope by Pablo and his men she quickly left. A little while after she left, I saw that there was something written on the serviette across the table from where she was seating, “Meet me tomorrow” and her contact number next to that. Contact had been established successfully, thumbs up to that, so we just partied until midnight when we left buying everyone in the club a round.    

In the morning, I woke up with a smile of achievement, and for a moment I thought it was all a dream until I saw the Blue Room serviette with Mbali’s contact details on the floor next to the foot of the bed. Without wasting time, the contact was already saved in my phone. I met up with the guys to give them feedback on the success of our first step. In the afternoon I texted Mbali to meet up, but in order to avoid the watchdogs of Pablo we had to meet up in Menlyn, just a step away from Pablo’s territory. Like before, everything was planned way ahead. I sent out a Limousine to pick her at her place, Duncan Court.

 As she exited the car, I stood there like a groom waiting for his bride to walk down the aisle, I thought I was dreaming so I secretly pinched myself and the pain was felt in my nerves. I could tell that the darkness didn’t do her any justice, she was more radiant than before and that red dress umm, she was just an angel incarnate. I could swear my heart skipped a beat as I took her hand to help her out of the car. We went into the Restaurant, The Black Bamboo, everyone stopped what they were doing and in that awkward silence we walked to our table with every eye on us. Four good hours we were together in that restaurant, I couldn’t believe I pulled in off. Before this, I couldn’t be in front of a girl for more than 5 minutes without embarrassing myself. So, I guess it’s true what they say, “when it’s the right person the conversation just flows smoothly.” 

After the luncheon, I dropped her off at her place, and she kissed me goodbye. Sparks flew, the 4th of July sparks. Smiles all over our faces as we parted ways.  As all this was happening, the underdogs were initiating their plan to take down Pablo. I pulled by Little Swallow and I saw the blue and red flashes of lights and from that Pablo was dragged out of Blue Room into the back of a cop’s in handcuffs. I entered Little Swallow and it was win on my end and win on their end. We celebrated the dethroning of Pablo and me getting the girl. 

From that day, the three suburbs were free from Pablo’s iron clad control. Hatfield, Brooklyn and Acadia were clean from drugs. The four misfits became friends and we managed to buy Little Swallow and made it the best club that even people from as far as Centurion would come to little swallow, and all the neighbouring suburbs respected us for throwing Pablo in prison. Two years down the line, Mbali and I were the most prominent couple in Hatfield and I finally tied the knot and jumped the broom with my beautiful flower bride.

                                                                                       Story By: Ambition P.T. Ticharwa

June 24, 2021 22:36

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