A (not so ordinary) party

Submitted into Contest #104 in response to: Start your story with a character saying, “Are you coming tonight?”... view prompt


Friendship Romance Fiction

“Are you coming tonight?” asked my friend for the third time.

“I mean, I don’t know. I’m kinda tired, but I’d like to. I don’t know”, I stuttered.

“See, I don’t want to pressure you but I need an answer right now. I’ve got to buy the tickets before there’s  none left”.

“Ok, but can you give me at least a couple minutes? Um… I just need to think…”

“Look, you’ve been thinking since Monday. Do you want to come or not?”.

“Okay, yes. Yes, I’ll go”.

“Alright then. See you at Tom’s house. We’ll go to the club from there”. 

In fact, I was not torn - I just didn’t want to go at all to that party. All I wanted was to stay home, watch a movie and chill. Never have I been a fan of clubs and I preferred to just get together with my closest friends. Isn’t it a strange concept, though, parties? There’s a lot of people crammed in a place who dance and drink with the music super high and the lights super bright. Some guys randomly approach to try and kiss you and you have to politely decline by turning your head to the other side. It’s weird, I don’t know. I’m not saying it’s never fun, but I’d rather have dinner with my friends or family. Alone, even. Many times, I just eat alone with a podcast on.

See, Tom and Lucy are my two best friends and, yes, Lucy is the one who got a little mad for my late response. I don’t blame her at all, anyways. I knew I should've said “no” from the beginning if I simply didn’t want to go. I didn’t do it, though, because she seemed super excited about this party, and even if Tom and her could just go without me I knew she wanted me to go. My friends always respected me for being a wallflower sometimes, but I also knew I’ve got to do some concessions from time to time. That’s why I decided to say yes to the party, even if it made me nervous. 

Before I knew it, my friends and I stood by the entrance of the club. We had to line up, there were a lot of people waiting for their turn to show their ticket and it was a hot summer night. All I felt was idleness as I tried to console myself thinking stuff like “Ok. It’s like, what, 5 hours? You can totally do this, it’ll be over before you know it. You’ll have to learn to say no the next time but, for now, just try to get by”. Never did I imagine that the night ahead of me would actually matter in my life. Never did I imagine that not only would I have fun, but that I’d also thank the fact that I went to this one party in my future.

Inside the club it was as hot as it could be and, in a matter of minutes, I'd already lost one of my earrings - and not just any earrings, but the ones my sister had lent me. She was most definitely going to kill me. To my surprise, the random people that dance around us started helping us as soon as they saw we were looking for something. They just asked what it was that we were looking for, turned on the flashlights on their phones and started searching the floors for the earrings with us. This blew my mind - were these random people actually helping us? From that moment on, my views in the club changed - I just felt the good views around us. The one who actually found them was a blond guy whose nails were painted black and who seemed to be already drunk even if the night had just begun.

As soon as the random guy gave me my earring, we started dancing with each other and, even if he tried to kiss me again and again, I rejected him again and again. There was no way in the world I was kissing a stranger at a random party, and there was no way in the world I was going to expose myself to any type of mononucleosis. However, something about him attracted me and I did wish to keep on dancing with him. Even though we tried to talk, the music was way too high and we had to scream to even communicate a few words  to each other.

At 5 am, however, the guy and I were actually able to talk to each other and learn each other’s names. After we talked for a while, and because he’d left his phone at his house, he typed his number in my my so that we could then chat and then go on a date. When the party was over, my friends and I went to have breakfast and, a few days later, I actually went on a date with the blond guy. I liked him. I really liked him. Even if our first interactions were a little awkward, conversations grew more interesting as time went by to the point we spent hours talking on the phone. Something in me wanted to know everything about him and something about him wanted to know everything about me too. He was the most talkative person I’ve met and I clearly was not but, even if we seemed pretty different, we fit like a puzzle. 

Long story short, he’s my boyfriend now and we’ve been together for the last five years. I know I’m kind of spoiling the story, but it’s the truth - and the truth is, I’ve never been happier. My boyfriend is also my best friend, and I can’t believe I met him at a random party I didn’t even want to go to. Sometimes, my mind wanders and I think “would I have met him in some other way had I not gone to the club?” I don’t know, I don’t think so. It blows my mind to try and think how could life be otherwise if the smallest of events was changed. However, I don’t think much about it. I’m just thankful everything turned out the way it turned out and I’m happy that we’re having ice cream tonight. The negative side of things is that he likes minty hail ice cream. Other than that, everything’s fine.

July 27, 2021 23:18

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