
“Come on Logan, I’m up 5-1 you can’t stop me you can only hope to contain me,” laughs Johnny. “Come on Logan are you going to take that from him, you can take him out eye of the tiger dude, eye of the tiger,” says Jack. Logan focuses and keeps his eyes on the puck as Johnny circles his mallet around the puck and smashes it as Logan barely blocks it out of the goal as he slaps the puck to the left side of the table as it careens to the right as Johnny scrambles and inadvertently scores on himself making it 5-2. Logan nods at Jack and looks right back at Johnny and smiles. “It’s not over yet, Johnny everybody has it’s day.” Johnny shakes his head, “Logan, you haven’t beat me in quite some time, I’ve owned you buddy.” Johnny pushes the puck straight as Logan barely blocks the puck getting into the goal. Johnny pushes back as Logan’s mullet smashes the puck straight past Johnny and into the goal making it 5-3. “I’m smelling a comeback here folks who wants to take a friendly bet?” as Jack motions to their fellow co-workers who have taken interest in the game since Johnny has owned Logan anytime the company has an outing with an air hockey table at hand. “I’ll take that bet Jack 20 on Johnny he can’t be beat,” as David gives Johnny a high five. Jack makes the rounds on the other co-workers in making a bet. Johnny’s mallet circles around the puck and angles it off the right as Logan smashes it back to Johnny as he reflects it off the left side of the table. Logan barely keeps the puck away from entering the goal. Johnny points his mallet at Logan. “Logan, I own you bro,” Johnny smashes the puck hard against the right side as the puck swings right to left and sneaks right past Logan. Johnny pumps his fists in the air. “It’s 6-3 time to just hang it up Logan, you’re done.” Logan closes his eyes shaking his head. Logan picks up the puck and looks at it for a few seconds setting it down. Johnny laughs, “Yeah, look at the puck a little bit more since that beautiful yellow color will get past you one more time sealing the victory for me again.” Jack massages Logan’s shoulders, “Logan come on man, I’ve got you winning this one you can do it.” Johnny shakes his head, “Jack wave that money goodbye cause it’s all but over for Logan.” Logan circles his mallet over the puck a few times as he smashes it across on the right corner as it barely passes Johnny’s mallet and into the goal making it 6-4. Johnny’s eyes widen, “What the fuck, that was good Logan but a little too late buddy.” Johnny smashes the puck to the left corner of Logan as Logan’s eyes widen as he keeps the puck out as he goes for a straight shot that stuns Johnny as it goes right past him hitting hard into the goal. “Holy shit, it’s 6-5 Johnny,” says Jack. Johnny gives Jack the bird as his slams the puck on the table and tries to catch Logan by surprise with an angle shot as Logan just nicks the puck from getting into goal. The puck is met with Johnny’s mallet as he smashes it off the table. “Flyover puck coming through,” yells Jack. “Easy there Johnny, the game is on the table not in the air,” says Logan. Jack puts his hand on Logan’s right arm, “I’ll pick up the puck you need to focus on your next shot.” Logan gets the puck back since Johnny loses his turn for smashing it off the table. Logan hits the puck straight through as Johnny smashes it back. Logan and Johnny’s mallets hit the puck back and forth as they begin a rally for either the win for Johnny or a tie game for Logan. Johnny gets a lucky corner shot but Logan is able to stop it from getting into the goal as he takes a corner left shot which just takes an unlucky hit on Johnny’s mallet which inadvertently goes into goal. Logan pumps his fists in the air as the game is tied 6-6. Jack raises both his arms in the air with a yes sign “Oh yeah Logan yes, yes, yes.”  Johnny’s eyes roll as he slams his mallet on the floor. Logan adjusts his Santa Claus hat as Johnny slams the mallet on the table slapping the puck hard as Logan’s mallet blocks the puck away from goal. Johnny and Logan go for another rally going back and forth for a few minutes, as the sweat from Johnny and Logan glistens off their heads. Johnny’s mallet slaps the puck as the puck slams into Logan’s mallet and bounces off the goal corner. Jack and the rest of the co-workers yell in shock. “Saved by the corner,” yells one of the co-workers. Logan slams the mullet against the puck as the puck bounces off Johnny’s mallet and into the goal. Logan throws his mallet in the air as Jack and the rest of the co-workers scream. Johnny throws his mallet back on the table in disgust. Jack walks over to Johnny putting his arms around his shoulder, “Hey it’s Christmas a time for miracles.” Johnny shakes his head. Logan walks over to Johnny “Hey, everybody has their day and today was my day,” “Johnny looks at Logan and smiles, “Yeah what a game and just in time for the holiday season, let me buy you a drink.” “Yeah, thanks you can get me a mojito,” says Logan. “Yeah, sure and Jack you big winner what do you want?” asks Johnny. Jack rubs his chin thinking about what to drink after the big win. “You can get me a cranberry cane vodka drink.” Logan taps Johnny’s shoulders, “Well while you get the drinks let me head to the bathroom and wipe some of the sweat off my victory.”  

Logan takes off his Santa Clause hat for second wiping away the victory sweat as “Last Christmas” is blasting at Slate’s the place to be downtown by the Hudson River with Lady Liberty in the distance celebrating the holiday season with one’s fellow co-workers. Logan is about to make a right towards the entrance of the Men’s bathroom but the pool table across the way catches his eye. Logan walks by the pool table and is just captured by the woman in black and white trim bodycon dress as her curves did all the talking as she leans over adjusting her shot as she calls out, “Left corner pocket.” “Yeah, okay no way are you making that shot you’ve got the 8 ball in the way.” “Carlos, you just aren’t looking at the bigger picture,” the woman in black and white trim dress says. Logan’s eyes are entranced by the way she moves the cue stick measuring how hard her shot is going to be on the cue ball. Logan’s eyes widen as she leans in over and can’t help but admire her athletic toned legs. She slides her cue stick between her fingers as she measures the shot. She eyes the ball and slides the pool stick smoothly as the cue ball grazes by the 8-ball hitting the corner at the right point to force her ball inside the left pocket, as the crowd around the pool table cheers. Carlos slams his pool stick on the floor, “Aww fuck you’ve got to be kidding me Shannon Jesus Merry Christmas.” Logan cheers on as his bladder tugs at him that it’s time to go. Logan starts to walk away but holds himself back to take another look at Shannon. Shannon smiles as she takes Carlos’ 100 bucks away from him. Logan mesmerized by Shannon’s sparkling smile as her silky black hair just flows as she pumps her fists in the air. Shannon’s enticing hazel eyes locks in with Logan’s brown eyes. “Logan gets paralyzed by her look, “Cat got your tongue?” as Shannon walks up.  Logan smiles, “I, ughh, ughh, wow, that was something else well played.” “You play as well., Shannon asks. “Yeah, I can hold my own at times, I’m a streaky player.” “Oh, okay was going to challenge you for a game but that wouldn’t be fair, Shannon smiles. Logan laughs, “Like I told my co-worker Johnny everybody has it’s day.” “Oh, really so you do want a challenge,” Shannon asks. Logan laughs, “Oh no not now I barely won against Johnny which he’s owned me for a while let me savor my win for a bit.” “But let me buy you a drink for your win against Johnny,” says Shannon. Logan stumbles a bit. Shannon holds Logans’ right hand to prevent him from stumbling back. “Are you okay Logan, there is something wrong with a lady offering you a drink?” “Oh no not at all by all means it’s refreshing and besides you have some extra cash on you.” Shannon smiles, “Yes I am the big winner tonight but you better my buy the next drink” “Well of course I will but right now the watergates are about to open,” says Logan. Shannon laughs, “Oh yeah once that happens it’s over.” Logan funny pee dance “Yeah, these holiday mojitos are good but man they do sneak up on you.” Shannon laughs, “So you’re trying to make the holiday pee pee dance a move right now, just go I’ll be waiting for you, I didn’t catch your name?”  Logan continues his holiday pee pee dance, “Logan, my name is Logan.” Shannon’s eyes perk up “Oh Logan like Wolverine from X-Men, an X-Men fan, well Wolverine would be losing some points if he marks his territory right now so go, I’ll be waiting for you Wolverine.”  Logan’s holiday pee pee dance heads over to the men’s bathroom.  

Logan’s bladder is all happy now as he heads over to the bar as Shannon takes a break from sipping her mojito and smiles. Logan smiles back as he begins to feel butterflies in his stomach as he heads towards her. Shannon lifts up her drink, “Salud, happy holidays Logan,” Logan grabs his drink and lifts it up. “Yes, happy holidays to you as well Shannon.” “Wait how did you know my name?” Shannon asks. “I heard Carlos mention your name.” Shannon puts her right hand on Logan’s chest, “Oh so you were watching me play for a bit.” Logan does a bad job in not blushing, “Well yeah you caused quite a scene with your just cool, calm, and collective moves on the pool table.” “So, Logan you’ve got my attention you’re an X-Men fan and you’re blushing how cute.” Logan covers his face. Shannon’s hand touches his right shoulder, “Relax I love it nothing to be ashamed of, I like this cause some of the guys I’ve been out with try to act all macho and just put on a front you know.” “Why thanks life is short and why put on a front and just be you, you know,” says Logan. Shannon nods, “Why yes that’s right.” “So do you cosplay Shannon since you’re an X-Men fan,” Logan asks. “How do you know I’m an X-Men fan?” Shannon questions. “Come on your eyes perked up when I told you my name is Logan, I can tell, besides you look stunning in the dress so I can only imagine the traffic you cause when you’re in cosplay.” Shannon covers her face, “Wow you got me and yes and thank you, yes I do cosplay.” “So which character have you cosplayed?” Logan asks. “I’ve done Mystique and Psylocke.” Logan’s eyes widen, “What no fucking way oh my god, do you have pics.” Shannon puts her hand on Logan’s chest, “Easy there tiger, easy now.” “I’m sorry I just get excited with cosplays and well.” “Okay, okay, so what have you cosplayed,” asks Shannon. “Well, I’ve done Wolverine and Spiderman,” Shannon’s right hand goes through Logan’s black hair as her hand explores his right cheek. “Yeah, you make a great Wolverine and your strong jawlines wow,” Shannon and Logan look at each other as Logan’s right hand slowly explores Shannon silky black hair as Logan’s hand touches her back. Shannon leans up as Logan lowers his head as they kiss. “Shannon breaks away from the kiss and whispers into Logan’s ears “Merry Christmas Wolverine.” Logan takes a breath, “Oh have mercy, have mercy.” Shannon laughs, “And you’re a Full House fan baby I think we’ve hit the jackpot.” Logan looks at Shannon’s hazel eyes and kisses her as she takes a little bite out of Logan’s upper lip as “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” starts playing at Slate’s. 

May 26, 2023 21:56

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