
Tucker Floyd checked the time on his wrist watch thirteen times as he paced around the small kitchen. He closed his eyes allowing the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans to fill his senses. A smile spread across his face and for a moment he relaxed. He opened his eyes and frowned. He looked at his watch.

He opened the refrigerator door, looked inside and closed it. He looked at his watch. He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned back against the counter. He tilted his head back and stared up at the ceiling. He could still see his patch job from the roof leak five years ago. He should call a professional to come in and fix it properly he thought. 

“I might as well have the kitchen repainted while I’m at it” he said aloud. He really didn’t care for the yellow walls. He promised he would repaint it later. His phone

vibrated in his pocket. He retrieved his phone. His screen alerted him he had a

new email. The local hardware store was having a sale. He needed some new yard tools. And some paint.

He scrolled through the website.

“Same old junk as last week” he said as he closed the email. He stuffed his phone back into his pocket. He walked into the living room and flopped into his favorite

recliner. “Might as well check the weather” he said fishing the remote out from

under his sleeping cat Rudy.

“AND THAT’S NOT ALL!” an announcer screamed when he pressed the on button. Rudy screeched and jumped in the air, knocking the remote from Tucker’s hand. The batteries separated from the remote when it hit the floor. “CALL NOW TO GET FREE SHIPPING!” the announcer continued to scream as Tucker cursed dropping to the floor in search of the remote. He stretched his arm under his chair and felt

for the remote with his fingers. 

“Oh great” he mumbled as he spied Rudy playing soccer with the batteries spread across the floor. “Hey, leave that alone.” He screamed over the announcer. Rudy pawed a battery down the heat register just as Tucker reached down to pick it up.

“Stupid triple A batteries” he grumbled frantically pressing the volume button

before pressing the power button on the TV. He turned to Rudy. “Stupid Cat.”

Rudy blinked at him with big green eyes, meowed and head butted his leg.

Tucker looked at his watch.

He replaced the batteries in the remote and placed it on the coffee table. He returned to the kitchen. He compared the time on his watch to his phone and the kitchen appliances. All the clocks agreed to the time. He ran his fingers through his sandy colored hair.

“Come on! You’re slower than molasses in January” He huffed as he rested his hands on hips. He paced around the kitchen a few more times. Maybe he could kill some

time in his office he thought. He sat at his desk and woke his computer.

It was Saturday. There wouldn’t be any work for him to do today but he checked his

work email anyway. Nothing of great importance waited for him. His financial

report was due next week his secretary reminded him. He laughed.

Janice Miller had been his secretary for the last fifteen years. She was an older woman who probably should have retired years ago but refused to let age stop her. She treated him like her son. Always making sure he ate, and his tie was straight. She even corrected his grammar. She was a bit hovering at times but she saved him from missing a deadline on more than one occasion. For that he didn't mind if she took an occasional nap at her desk. He checked his watch.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and tapped the screen.

“Hello, Tucker Floyd speaking” he said not bothering to see who was calling.

“Uh-huh I see” he said he listening intently to the voice on the other end.


“Yes, I agree” he twisted back and forth in his chair. “Wow! Yes, that is a great offer

but I think I’ll pass” he said. 

“Yes, I realize I’ll be missing out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. Yes, I know, yup, great offer, yup, I understand. Uh-huh, yup, I realize you’ll never call me again with such a great opportunity. Oh well, my loss so thank you for calling and feel free to never call me again” he smiled as he quickly disconnected the call.

“Stupid telemarketers” he said adding the caller to his growing list of blocked callers.

He stepped into the kitchen. “I didn’t think people did time shares anymore” he said, “Seriously? Do I look like the type of guy who would buy into a scam like that? I don’t think so. Especially not at seven in the morning.” He checked his watch.

He opened the window letting the cool morning air rush in. “I might as well try checking the weather again since you’re taking your sweet time” he said on his way to the living room.

He carefully picked up the remote and gently pressed the on button. He changed the station to the local weather. The news anchor whispered the day’s top headlines. He smiled and gently pressed the volume button until he reached the optimal sound level.

“Eighty degrees with a south west wind five to ten miles per hour. Perfect” He said and turned off the TV. “It’ll be great day for sailing.”

Just then his phone buzzed in his pocket. He tapped the screen. The phone buzzed three more times in succession. Four new messages. He tapped the message icon. He laughed as he opened the group text from his buddies.

“Looks like a great day for being on the water” Steve wrote.

Ray responded with the thumbs up emoji.

“Gonna drop a line Tucker? lol” Nick wrote.

Ray responded with various fishing emoji’s. Ray was the quiet one of the group. He hated texting but once he discovered he could communicate with the emoji’s he didn’t mind it so much.

“Hell yeah. LOL fishing emoji” Tucker sent. 

“8 am at the dock! Last one there buys the beer! LOL” Steve wrote.

Ray responded with thumbs up and beer emoji’s.

Tucker replied “C u there!” and checked his watch.

“Ditto” Nick replied.

Tucker checked his watch again and returned to the kitchen. He grabbed his coffee cup off the counter; “You better be ready or else…” he smacked his palm to his forehead when he realized he forgot to plug in the coffee pot.

July 06, 2020 21:57

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Sue Marsh
18:13 Jul 16, 2020

it was interesting good dialogue. I could really relate to the remote, ours disappears on a regular basis, and there are three adults no children, I can't blame the dogs so... so much for that, I enjoyed the story, the story line suited the prompt. keep writing.


T.M. Kay
18:19 Jul 16, 2020

Thank you Sue. I appreciate your thoughts. :-)


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Conan Helsley
17:36 Jul 22, 2020

Good things in this one, but a lot of simple redundancies. I don't really get the ending, but it was a decent story over all. Refinement would help. A revision ot two would do the job I think.


T.M. Kay
17:43 Jul 22, 2020

Thank you Conan. I'll admit I wasn't exactly thrilled with this one. It was a spur of the moment write and submit before I chickened out. :-)


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Maya Reynolds
16:47 Jul 22, 2020

Great story!


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Shawn Bills
15:47 Jul 16, 2020

You have a strong command of inner-dialogue. I could see myself thinking the same things as the remote hits the floor and the batteries scatter. Usually, my kids have "hidden" our remote and it's like a Where's Waldo game every time we go to watch TV. The telemarketer part was spot on. Good job!


T.M. Kay
15:54 Jul 16, 2020

Thank you Shawn. I appreciate your kind comments. I remember playing "Where's Waldo" for my car keys. My two year old threw them in the trash. I found out after the garbage man came. Thank goodness for spares!


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Khizra Aslam
18:10 Jul 13, 2020

Hey, I saw that you liked my story so i decided to have a look at yours as well. While reading it, a smile spread across my lips at many places. Especially that phone call from telemarketers, I just love that part.👏 great job indeed❤


T.M. Kay
18:36 Jul 13, 2020

Thank you Khizra. I appreciate you taking the time to read my story.


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Charles Stucker
15:36 Jul 13, 2020

A very meta story. He is waiting to go fishing. Which is the same as frustrating waiting to have a chance at frustrating waiting... Nice little humor piece, with things going wrong. Of course, at the end, with the fishing, we see why he has so many deferred repairs. Gone Fishing.


T.M. Kay
16:21 Jul 13, 2020

Thank you for your thought Charles. I appreciate it very much.


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P. Jean
13:23 Jul 13, 2020

I don’t think he needs more coffee...a nice cup of soothing tea. Lol. Well written, had me curious and smiling at so many mannerisms most folks enjoy,


T.M. Kay
14:16 Jul 13, 2020

Thank you P. Jean I appreciate the comment. I'm not a coffee drinker but I've witnessed the anticipation of that first pot in others. It's an interesting sight. Lol.


P. Jean
14:33 Jul 13, 2020

You are very welcome! If that scene were rewritten it could describe me as I wait for my singing kettle to whistle so I can brew my tea. A watched pot never boils or so the old saying goes! I look forward to more of your work!


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