Drama Fiction American

     Today is the day my big brother Bobby goes away to camp. My teacher helped me make a card for him during recess. Miss Carol always helps me when I have problems and she always knows the right things to say. 

She let me use the new pack of crayons, they write better and none of the colors are missing. 

     I draw pictures of us playing hide and seek together and all of the fun things he will be doing at camp. Bobby loves swimming so I hope that he gets to go to the lake. Last time Bobby went away he came back really skinny so I don’t think the food is very good there.

     On the bus ride home my friends all sing songs with me. They love my card. Bobby is going to be so excited. Maybe he will like it so much that he will stay home one more day and play games with me? 

     The bus finally pulls up to the house and I run to the front door. Bobby is there waiting for me and so is my mommy. 

Bobby takes me to the back yard and we play Princess together. He is the knight who protects me from all of the mean dragons.

     I’m sad that this is the last time that we will get to play together but I know when he comes back from camp we will get to play even more. Bobby is always so excited to see me when he comes home, even if it’s just for a week or two. 

      After playing, my mommy calls us inside for dinner. Bobby picks me up and runs with me to the door.

I squeal and scream with laughter. Mommy looks stressed, she is making a big dinner. I think she knows that the camp makes bad food and doesn’t want Nobby to get too skinny this time.  

     I can hear my Daddy crying in his den. Daddy doesn’t like it when Bobby goes away. Mommy is making Bobby’s favorite dinner, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, just like on Thanksgiving. Setting the table helps Mommy get the food out quicker. 

      Bobby normally makes me do it by myself but today he has barely put me down. I love Bobby’s hugs and kisses. Bobby is the best brother in the whole wide world. Most of the girls at my school say their older brothers are mean and smelly but my brother buys me candy and new toys. 

     I love my brother so much and hope he isn’t gone for too long. The last time he went to camp it was longer than summer and I was already back in school by the time he came home. Daddy was crying the last time he went to camp but today he is crying a little harder. Maybe this yummy dinner will cheer him up? 

      Once the table is set mommy calls Daddy into the dinning room and we all gather around to say Grace. Bobby sits by me and mommy and daddy sit by each other holding hands. Mommy helps wipe off daddy’s face with the pretty red napkins grandma got us last Christmas. Daddy smiles and eats so much food. Bobby and him talk about all kinds of cool big boy stuff and mommy smiles too. God gave me a perfect family. 

     The food is so yummy. Mommy only cooks big meals like this on holidays. Last Christmas she burnt the turkey so we had to eat Chinese food instead. It was almost as good as mommy’s Turkey and stuffing. I try to clear my plate but it’s just too much food. Bobby is a big boy so he eats two plates. 

      Bobby normally is out with his girlfriend at night so we don’t get to eat dinner like this much anymore. He even stays at her house, sometimes I sneak into his room and lay on his bed and pretend we are cuddling together. Sometimes they fight so he comes home and catches me laying in his bed. 

      He never gets mad at me though, we cuddle and watch movies together. He tells me to never grow up and to stay little. I want to be big like my brother one day though. I want to be big like my brother and I want to have babies like my mommy and daddy. I hope Bobby has babies too so I can be an aunt.

     I’m going to miss my brother. Mommy told me she would help me write him letters now that I’m learning to write. She even said she’d even let me lick the stamp when we mail him letters to camp. After dinner we all sit down and talk in the living room some more. 

     Daddy keeps hugging Bobby, he must be really proud of him. Sometimes Daddy and Bobby fight, they get really loud and Bobby leaves the house. Those days make me sad because Bobby stays away for weeks. Bobby said he’s going to get me a cell phone so I can text him when he goes away. I wish he could text me at camp but he said they don’t allow cell phones and he will get me one when he gets back. 

     After a long time of talking and crying and hugging my uncle Jake knocks on the door. He is taking Bobby to camp in his big black truck. He even has his dog with him. My mommy and daddy cry, I cry too. 

     I’m going to miss my brother. I know mommy and daddy will too. We watch them drive away and mommy gets me ready for bed. It is way past my bedtime.

     We put on my favorite jamas and my mommy sings me to sleep. I love my brother and I have dreams of him playing with his friends at camp. I can’t wait to write him letters and talk to him on his phone. 

     I love my brother and he loves me. I thank god he gave me a perfect family. 

December 15, 2023 21:43

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