Dear MooseLover71

Written in response to: Write a story about two people falling in love via email.... view prompt


Fiction LGBTQ+ Romance

This story contains sensitive content

(I had a great time writing this! It made me so happy. Usually I hate romance things, but this has changed my perspective. It's cheesy and cute. I hope you enjoy reading this! I love you all and happy writing)

TW: Kissing

I wasn't that "Electronic-kind-of-gal." I grew up with nothing much but the outdoors. I love the woods and small cottages. Eletronic's though? It wasn't my thing, y'know?

But I wanted to fit in with the rest of my classmates at college. The newfound obsession called, "Email."

Electronic Mail, in case you didn't know.

It was the year 2004 and I was 34 years old and still haven't made an electronic account, besides Facebook. I only got Facebook because my father passed, and my mom wanted me to have it.

Long story, my dad was that outdoors type, just like me. He hated Facebook and those other things but two years after my he mom made me get it. Though, I never actually use it. I only check my notifications. That's about it.

My mom is currently sick with kidney failure. She's a smoker. She is gonna live, I think, because she is very strong. She survived cancer, Liver failure, a liver transplant, flu's, pretty much a lot of things. She was only 53! I won't let her die.

She's practically Immortal.

So back to everyone's obsession, "Email."

I made an account by the name of, "MooseLover71."

My real name was Koila Michie. My mom calls me Koala.

And in about 10 minutes of posting my email on Facebook, I look at my Facebook notifications. It read,

1 unread message from: DuckDuckGoose69:

Howdy there friend! I don't know you, but I came across your account! You look lovely btw in that fabulous dress you made. Are you a designer? Anyway, I just thought you could use a friend. You're only friends with a few people. I just wanted to be one of them. But as I was reading your account, I saw that you don't like Facebook, but you recently did post your email account. My email is of course, DuckDuckGoose69. So, if you would like to chat, I'm here. Good day to you.

Hmm. I looked at her account and...damn she was beautiful. But...she wouldn't think of me in that way. Her family was Christian and even though she wasn't, she'd probably never like me. I'm gay, I like women and I'm proud of that. It's just...My mom hates me for it.

People at campus give me dirty looks and laugh. It literally makes me sad.

I didn't respond to her message, instead, I emailed her.

March 5th, 2004, 12:00 am

MooseLover71: Hi, DuckDuckGoose69. We can be friends. :)

12:05 am

DuckDuckGoose69: Hey! You can call me, Duckie or just Susie. Susie is my name. I'm glad we can be friends!

MooseLover71: Yeah, me to! I don't have actually any friends since I'm gay. but anyways it's nice to have a friend.

12:10 am

DuckDuckGoose69: Hello, sorry for the late response! I don't like homophobic people and how they treat gay and lesbian people. I'm sorry you don't have friends. BUT HEY! I am your friend now. Plus, if it makes you feel better, I too also like girls. Girls and guys. I'm Bi.

12:12 am

Me: Oh nice! Hi Bi, how's your day?

DuckDuckGoose69: Oh, that joke! I'm good!

12:15 am

MooseLover71: So, Susie did you actually like my dress?

12:17 am

DuckDuckGoose69: Yeah! Did you make it?

12:20 am

MooseLover71: Yes, indeed! I'm a designer. No shoppers except for my mother.

DuckDuckGoose69: That's amazing. Oh's already 12:20? dang! I have to go to bed. Maybe we can talk tomorrow?

MooseLover71: Yes. We can

We talked for months until she got sick. She caught breast cancer...I was devastated. I would look at her pictures and fall in love with her even more We stopped talking for a while until one day she emailed me back. I just got done crying.

August 4th, 2004, 3:00 pm

DuckDuckGoose69: Dear MooseLover71, Hi. It's okay now. The cancer is mostly gone. I just got surgery. I feel so much better than I did before. I just miss them and if you know what "them" means. Lol. How are you doing?

MooseLover71: I'm good. Can I tell you something?

DuckDuckGoose69: Yeah sure!

MooseLover71: I'm in love with somebody.

DuckDuckGoose69: Oooo! WHO!? :D

MooseLover71: Well...

DuckDuckGoose69: Whoooooo?

MooseLover71: Susie. It's you. I think I fell in love with you. I look at your pictures every day and fall in love with you even more! I know I sound crazy...and I'm sorry for loving you. I know you have a boyfriend.

DuckDuckGoose69: BOYFRIEND? Oh. Helllll nah. I don't like boys anymore. I broke up with Vann three months ago! I just didn't tell you. But hey...I...Well I LOVE YOU TOO! The reason why I started talking to you is because I instantly took a liking to you. I'm in love with you too...

MooseLover71: I want to see you, can I?

DuckDuckGoose69: Yeah. I'm in Merdian Hospital in Idaho.

MooseLover71: Okay!

We talked for hours that day.

I got bus money to go the Merdian Hospital and went the next day.

I ran into the hospital up the receptionist.

"Where is she? Please."

"Who ma'am?"


"Susie Weckonham." said a voice behind me. It was her. IT WAS SUSIE!

She looked just as beautiful as in her pictures. Her voice too, it!

She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. That's when she kissed me. And I kissed her back. She was so passionate. But undoubtedly...I could feel something. Love. Something I haven't had in a long time. We laughed. And hugged.

I was home.


I had a great time writing this! It made me so happy. Usually I hate romance things, but this has changed my perspective. It's cheesy and cute. I hope you enjoyed reading this!

February 12, 2024 00:00

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