
The Summer sun beat down on the field in waves. Sweat dripped from all parts of young men, eager for a chance at stardom. It was one of the places that just breathed of every Southern boy’s dream.

Christopher, like every young boy in town, wanted to be a part of the action on Friday night. So, here he was at his first football practice, trying to impress coach Spivey and win a roster spot. He had never been in this setting before and had no clue what it took. But, he was learning quickly.

What set Christopher apart from the other athletes was the struggle it took to get here. Unlike everyone else trying to make the team, Christopher had undergone major surgery to remove a tumor from his brain at a young age. Family members encouraged him to not play, in fear of the risk of a hard hit to his head. But, this dream meant too much to him. Being a small part of this larger than life tradition was too much of a lure. The heat coming from family members greatly outshined the heat coming from the sun that day.

When it came time for practice to end, Christopher was still standing, but not near as tall as the ones who had been here before. Still, he was determined to make it and to fulfill his dream. He had no clue what position he would play, he just knew he wanted a spot on the team.

Days later, it was time for physicals. Christopher stood tall and did everything asked of him. He passed on all physical aspects. Then, came the question..... “ Have you had any previous surgeries or injuries?”

When the answer came back “yes”, there were looks of confusion and worry. “Why are you still doing this?” The doctor asked.

“ Because, it is my dream. I want to live a normal life, like all other young boys and chase the dreams boys chase,“ Christopher pleaded.

The doctor would not authorize. The dream died right there in the office that day.

Dejected, Christopher left the office and returned home. He was slightly embarrassed, he was downcast from this news and is struggling with the fact he could not participate like other boys did.

Back to school he went on Monday. Back to just being a regular student., with little to look forward to except returning hone to play video games and hanging out with family and friends. Friday nights would be spent either sitting in the bleachers or visit friends behind them.

Christopher was not the best student in the classroom, and this latest news certainly was not going to help his attitude toward it. He was not a troublemaker, but would often find himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. So, it came as no surprise when the school master‘s voice came over the loudspeaker, asking him to come to the office.

”What did I do now,“ Christopher wondered.

Mr. Bult, the school principal sat in the seat beside Christopher, instead of sitting behind his desk like he always did. He put his arm around the young student and in a heartfelt voice spoke.

” I spoke with Coach Spivey,” he started. “ He knows of your struggles, just like I do. He also wants you to be a part of the team.“

”But, I cannot play because of my head surgery,” Christopher replied.

“No, but you can be the team manager if you would like to,” Mr. Bult said.

” What does that mean?” asked the now perked up student.

”It would mean that you be at all the practices and the games, you get all the coolers ready, go out during timeouts to give water to the team. Sometimes it would mean you are carrying the football to the officials. Sometimes it will mean you are getting the field ready and cleaning up after games,” Mr. Bult answered.

Christopher readily agreed. It was not exactly the dream he was looking for. But, the chance to be a part of a team was much better than not doing it at all. So, to the sidelines he went. Every practice, he was there before anyone. The balls were set in place, the field was ready, the water coolers are ready. Christopher decided that if he could not play but was going to be the team manager, he was going to be the best team manager there ever was. And, maybe then, he could reach his goal.

Game night came and the lights came on. Just like he had always dreamed, he was within the fences and in front of the cheers on Friday night. It was just like his dream he had when he envisioned himself within the lines.

Game night came and the lights came on. Just like he had always dreamed, he was within the fences and in front of the chairs on Friday night. It was just like his dream he had when he envisioned himself within the lines.

It did not take long before he was between those lines. Substitutes came out, Water bottles flew in their direction. Timeouts were called, there was Christopher, beating the coach to the huddle. He was there, hearing the next play call and listening to the back and forth between the coach and players.

Christopher began thinking to himself. Small towns in the south shut down for Friday night football. Very few young boys get the opportunity to be a part of this tradition. But, here he was living it out. The dream was beginning to come true.

That night, with the home team clinging to a 22-16 lead, One of the defensice lineman broke through for a huge sack that sealed the victory. Shouts went through the air, sirens rang out and the final buzzer sounded. All meant sound of victory on this first night.

The next week, more of the same. Then, the third week came the first road trip.

Christopher’s good friend Eric was able to play and celebrated his birthday on this night with a touchdown. They also celebrated a 34-0 win.

Week in and week out, same story. A dream was unfolding, better than imagined. It all added up to the big road trip at the end of the season. It would be the 7-0 Golden Eagles, equipped with the worlds greatest manager, traveling to take on the Cavaliers for the number one seed in the playoffs. The winner here would have home field and the inside track to the state championship three weeks later.

The Golden Eagles romp that night, 48-14, to set themselves up in prime shape. They would have home-field advantage throughout the playoffs.

Round one scored an easy victory and a ticket to the state semi-finals.

round two was a battle that nobody could have expected. The Bulldogs came in as underdogs, but they did not stay there for long.

Still, the Golden Eagles were not quick to give up their top ranking. Leading 18-12, they were seconds away from making it to the championship. But, the Bulldogs managed a touchdown to tie the score with just eight seconds remaining.

The Golden Eagles returned the ensuing kick off to the 28 yard line, 72 yards away from a score, or overtime would be needed to decide the finalist. Time out was called in and out went Christopher with the coach.

There was a trick plays that the team was saving for a possible state championship game. The coach called that play. Jason, the teams quarterback insisted that they not run that play, that they were saving it for the championship.

This is when the soft-spoken manager spoke up. He looked at the quarterback, who was three years older, but a good friend, and he told him, “you run the play or you may not have a game next week.”

The huddle looked at the young manager in stunned silence. They decided to run the trick play.

Jason took the snap and dumped the ball down to Danny, the team’s tailback and field leader. Danny took the ball, knocked off one defender, shed another, and beat the last one to the corner of the end zone for the score. The Golden Eagles were on their way to the state championship game!

The stand emptied and fans poured onto the field. Hugs and celebration everywhere for about 30 minutes. But, there was still one more game to play.

that game would be not nearly as climactic. Behind a couple of big defensI’ve stands, a rushing touchdown from Jason, one from Danny and a defensive score by Jason, the Golden Eagles won the final game, 32-18. They were state champions, and so was the young manager who was given a second chance.

As they celebrated that night, water coolers were dumped on heads and cheers went up from generations all around the small country town. And, sitting in the center of it all was a young boy who was given a second chance. Christopher looked up and gave thanks.

At the reunion 20 years later, the team met and celebrated, all as one. You could not tell the players from the managers. They all had their rings on their fingers and they all held the trophy as one team.

August 07, 2020 19:18

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