The Fate of the World Rests With You

Submitted into Contest #47 in response to: As you check your mail, you notice a letter that makes you stop in your tracks.... view prompt



As you check your mail, you notice a letter that makes you stop in your tracks. Your armor jingles slightly as you move toward the table, the links clattering together. Looking down you notice that the parchment on the tray is fresh and it appears to be written in the script of the King’s handwriting. His intricate seal holds the contents in place. It has been months since you were home and now, already, you are called to serve again.

You know that you must answer this call. It could be anything from an invitation to dine with him, to an order to go back into the marshy fields, wading your way across miles of broken bodies, and leading more men to their doom. Before you pick up the letter you remove your helmet. Your gauntlets are removed by your trusty servant Roric. He moves to assist with the rest of your armor but you wave him off; this letter is too important to wait.

You tear open the seal, breaking through the wax depicting a lion holding a shield. The letter is long and a feeling of dread washes down your core, leaving you with beads of sweat trickling down your face. You think again of the restless nights, trying to defend against all enemies. You think of the cold nights you have spent, stirring at the slightest sound, always coiled to react in case your next action might become your last. You think of the stench of battles, the sound of steel clashing against steel, the sound of screams and pain. You think of all the crimson blood you have seen wash past your feet. You are not sure you can do this again.

You skim through the letter, past the initial greetings and compliments that the King is so fond of using. Looking through the words you start to wonder if the King has gone mad. He is ordering you not only to take on another battle but to lead men into battles that they are surely outmatched for. A thousand years and a million souls would not be enough to defeat the enemy. This is not a question of if men will die, but if any, at all, will survive.

The men you have been fighting, if indeed they can be called men, have an army so large that it cannot be numbered. Your spies have returned with reports that they are performing rituals and acts that would summon creatures from the depths of Hell itself. Those spies that have returned have come back barely retaining their senses. Most of them have died by their own hand shortly after returning. And the King wants you to bring the fight to the enemy.

The letter tells you that you have one night to prepare. Only one. Your men need more rest. Immediately you start to think about who you should ask to return with you and who you should let stay. You think of the men who might have come home to find themselves new fathers, the men who have returned to find a mother or father has passed while they were away, and of the men who are now so injured that a return to battle is not possible for them. You decide how many of them you will let stay home. The answer is none.

This fight has been going on for as long as anyone can remember. It predates you and it predates your King. This effort might all be wasted. The battle will never cease. Yet the things you have seen give you pause. Creatures that could not be named, leaping from shadows, tearing with jagged claws and razor teeth. Shadows that looked like nothing more than simple darkness reaching out in physical form to wrap hands around throats until men were lifeless. You are asked to return to this. To stop this before it comes home to take your wife, your child, your mother and all those you care for. You know that you must answer the call. You know that you must put soldiers, warriors, mages, spies, even rogues and barbarians in harm's way.

If anyone but your King had asked you to do this, you would refuse. Roric waits patiently for any reply you care to make. Initially you want to reply that the King can damn himself to Hell. To tell him that he should be the one to lead these men into battle. That it should be his horse to travel all the miles you must be carried. You think of telling him what horrors will await him if he was to find his own courage and bring his own might into battle.

You give yourself a moment. You take a deep breath. You are about to craft your reply. Roric has a quill in his hand before you even ask for one. As you realize that there is only one reply possible, that you will fight the forces of darkness no matter the cost, a visitor approaches your door.

A woman in a forest green gown holds a paper in her hand.

“What is it?” you bellow.

“My Lord, a notice from Zack, er, His Grace the King, has arrived for you.” She gives a slight bow.

“I know, I have just read it. I am preparing my men as fast as I can, however the night is short and we are to march to battle soon.” You expect this reply to be enough and for the woman to leave. Yet she remains.

Dumbfounded, you stare at her. What could be so important that she would interrupt your preparations? And the gall of this woman, addressing your very King by his first name as if he were some commoner. You wonder if she too might be a spy for the enemy. However, you wait patiently, for she must have some reason for being here. 

“Well, out with it. Why are you here?” you demand.

“Well, it’s like this Alex, er, I mean, my Lord. Zack, er, His Grace, the King, says that we have to postpone.”

“Postpone? But he has just ordered me to attack. Why would we postpone? We don’t have much going for us but a renewed attack might be enough of an advantage to save us all. I was not overly fond of the plan at first, but it has its merits.” You wait for an answer.

“It’s just that the rain has come down so hard that the road is washed out and now the state troopers are saying everyone in the area has to head home for shelter. Zack says we can reschedule, to say three weeks from now? The Live Action Role Play committee says we have to go due to safety concerns but that we can call this one a draw since the allotted time hasn’t technically completed.”

You stare at the woman for a moment. You want to explain to her all that is at stake. All that is necessary to save the world from the forces of darkness. Just as you are about to refuse to leave, you realize that you need to get your parking validated or you will be charged for an overnight stay even though it is only six in the evening. 

You decide that battle must wait for three weeks and plan to watch for an email from Zack to confirm the details.

June 26, 2020 03:54

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Lisa O'Dea
16:50 Jul 02, 2020

What a twist! Are you a Game of Thrones fan? I am taken to a scene on it. Well done. You did a great job on the Second Person POV. Nice work. Great story.


Adam Wright
18:23 Jul 02, 2020

I absolutely love Game of Thrones and pretty much all fantasy stories really. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment!


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Lisa Slaikeu
22:25 Jul 01, 2020

I was not expecting the twist at the end that it all just a LARP. Nice job!


Adam Wright
01:47 Jul 02, 2020

Thank you so much!


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Tessa Gray
21:27 Jul 01, 2020

This was really good. You did a good job of putting the reader in the narrator’s head and I never expected that they would all turn out to be playing a role.


Adam Wright
01:47 Jul 02, 2020

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!


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Kelechi Nwokoma
12:32 Jun 27, 2020

This is really interesting. I love the whole theme of darkness and battle and all that. Really great. My only problem was the ending... After all the adrenaline and urgency, I was told it was postponed. Also, you didn't really mention who the woman was and I was confused about the parking thing -- it felt more line an Ancient era to me because you mentioned horses and armour. Why then was there a parking ticket? Anyways, your story is still good and as I said, I enjoyed it. Keep it up!


Adam Wright
14:53 Jun 27, 2020

The whole point of the end with the woman and the postponement and the parking ticket is to show that you were imagining the battles and stuff from the past. The end is supposed to reveal that you are in a live action role play in modern time. Maybe I didn't convey that well enough but hopefully other people get it.


Kelechi Nwokoma
15:44 Jun 27, 2020

Wow... I feel so dumb, haha. I'm so sorry I didn't get it. I have to read this whole story again with that in mind. Wow -- that's truly an incredible twist. I should've read in between the lines, because this story is really interesting and I was wondering why it would end like that. But now I know. Great job!


Adam Wright
16:38 Jun 27, 2020

Ha no worries, don't feel dumb, I probably didn't make it clear enough.


Kelechi Nwokoma
16:49 Jun 27, 2020

No problem. Could you please check out mine, Silent Betrayer, and give me feedback? I'd really appreciate it.


Adam Wright
20:50 Jun 27, 2020

Absolutely, no problem


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Batool Hussain
18:28 Jun 26, 2020

Cool story👍


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