Contemporary Creative Nonfiction Mystery

There it sat on the end table by the front window. That old tin, dusted right along with the hundreds of figurines, Knick knacks, plates, tea pots and cups. Some of the cups have chips. But one teacup had a few nicks. A fear of picking it up. It could crumble into many pieces. Even looking at it could cause a crack. And if it did, my mother would have a meltdown, Jamie thought.

"Time to dust, mom," Jamie yelled.

"Sure, not that teacup." Jamie rolled her eyes.

"Of course." Jamie heard a little about that precious teacup. Don't think it was moved in forever, at least since she started school, and she only has two years to go till graduation.

"I'll get to it," mom said. She won't. She never does. Well, the dust must be holding it together. Good thing, Jamie thought as she walked to her room.

Dusting, every other day and every other thing, then time to clean my room. Jamie smiles. Similar to the teacup. No cleaning! Jamie looked at her room. All that stuff on the bed and dresser top and, oh yeah, stacked in the corner. All is needed. Maybe not right now. But it is needed, she thought as she moved paperwork off her desk chair and positioned it under the desk in an open space. Now she could sit down. She looked out her bedroom window.

Another chilly day. And the wind. Can't forget the wind. The bird feeders, rats, forgot to bring them in last night. She rose up and leaned toward the window. The feeders were not hanging on the tree branch. Where are those feeders, she thought? Tiffy came out of nowhere, probably the clothes shelve, jumped up on the desk and followed her best friend's lead, looking out of the window.

"Tiffy, where did the bird feeders fly off to?" Tiffy, a five-year-old Torti did not answer. She was more interested in watching the birds hopping on the ground, eating the spilled birdseed.

"Well, I know where the feeders landed." Jamie leaned left and looked right, following the trail of bird seed.

"Yup. There they are. And they landed ready to feed. Hope they are not cracked much." Tiffy turned and gazed at Jamie, then back to the birds. So close yet so far.

"About an hour ticked by. Jamie stood at the threshold. Tiffy was settled on the windowsill, warm in the setting sun. Keeping close watch on those birds. Some flew off. Some landing. Airport on the back lawn.

"I'm going to pick up those feeders." Tiffy didn't acknowledge. Typical cat. Jamie grabbed and put on her down puffy jacket from the closet. Not getting caught again, she thought. Last time she went outside, cold and windy, thought it was nothing. Days later, sick. Not this time. Jamie stepped outside. Really windy. Have to remember to bring the feeders inside at night she thought. Jamie looked up to her bedroom window while walking to the downed bird feeders. She waved at Tiffy. No notice, but I know she is thinking, why her and not me, Jamie thought with a smile.

She picked up one feeder, turned it around for an inspection. Looks good. The second feeder, not so good. As she picked it up, a portion of the bottom fell to the ground. Great, she thought. She picked up the piece and carried the feeders inside. Jamie checked the tree branch. The feeder hooks were still secure in the branch.

"Broken", mom said, turning around from the counter as Jamie walked inside.

"Only one. The feeder part. I'll glue it. Forgot to bring them inside last night." Mom smiled.

"Dinner will be ready in a couple of hours. Dad is picking up Mack and Ron from practice."

"Thought we were going out to eat."

"So did I. However, I looked in the fridge and forgot I defrosted a turkey roll. It takes days to defrost in the fridge, so I put it in the back." She smiled.

"Have to cook it now."

"Yum. Mashed potatoes and stuff?"

"The whole thing." Jamie smiled. One of her favorite meals. And those turkey club sandwiches. She nodded in approval.

"I'll get the glue and fix this feeder."

"In the vortex drawer," mom laughed. Jamie knew that phrase. Open the drawer and say a small prayer.

"Found it," Jamie held the glue up in the air. Mom looked at the clock radio.

"Wow. record time. Under one minute."

"I know. It was right on top. Someone must have used it recently cause I usually have to dig for it." Mom was silent. Jamie proceeded to clean the feeder and let it dry completely so the glue would secure the feeder together and the feeder will hold the perching birds. It will be ready for filling tomorrow. Jamie's mobile rang.

"Hello Mandy. What's up," Jamie asked as she walked into the living room.

"Have you started math homework?"

"Sort of." Laughter

"Cleaning your room?"

"Funny." Jamie plopped into the comfy armchair looking out the window, across the street to Mandy's house.

"That was some wind, Hey?"

"Hey is right. Birdfeeders flying around."

"Right. I just finished gluing one birdfeeder together." They continued their conversation. Jamie was looking around the room, noticing areas of clutter and dust. Her eyes landed on the dusty teacup. She noticed something strange. There was a large crack. She never noticed it before. A crack from the rim to the base. She was not listening to Mandy, who continued talking. Jamie glanced to the kitchen. Mom was facing the window, cooking. Jamie rose up and changed chairs. She would not dare move the teacup to see if the crack was on the other side. Holy cow, she thought, the crack was on both sides. And someone had glued that piece into place. What?

"Are you listening to me," Mandy asked?

"What, yup, I mean no. I was a little distracted."

"About what?"

"Oh, the dusting of my mom's stuff. I think I can write my name on the table." Laughing.

"Out of sight, out of mind. My favorite saying," Mandy said.

"Don't touch that teacup," Mandy ordered.

"Ha ha, don't I know. However, I am noticing the teacup," Jamie's voice hushes to a whisper," and there seems to be a piece that broke off and was glued, recently. Not much dust."

"Does your mom know?"

"I don't think so. Nothing has been said about it. Oh yeah, no wonder the glue was on top of the stuff in the drawer. Usually, I am digging to find it."


"Very. If my mom knew, the paramedics would be called."

"Right." Laughter.

"What do you think happened," Mandy asked?

"Well, I don't remember that cup dropping or seeing that crack or even noticing it was missing for repairs. But I do know, it was broken and repaired."

"A mystery," Jamie said.

"For sure. Are you going to ask your mom?"

"What? Have you lost your marbles? No way. I will be more observant though."

"Right. However, you may never know."

"I know."

"Where did that teacup come from anyway? No matching saucer or tea pot or even a spoon rest."

"Not sure. Mom aid something about her distant relative used that cup after her wedding."

"Wedding tea. How British." Laughter. The schoolmates continued chatting about school, homework, relationships, life in general. Then Jamies mom walked into the room.

"Dinner ready in a half."


"Oh, you noticed the crack in my teacup?"

"Gotta go Mandy." Jamie clicked off the phone conversation.


"I bumped into the table and the cup fell on the carpet, but a large chunk broke out." Jamie's eyes widened.

"I nearly fainted. My great great grandmother brought that teacup over when the family fled Europe. It was passed on to me, the eldest female of the family. And it will be passed on to you one day."

"That's why the glue was on top."

"Exactly." Mom put her index finger up, touching her lips.

"Never," Jamie replied. They smiled.

January 24, 2025 02:24

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