Fiction Suspense

No one ever talked about the waiting. This was never part of the curriculum at "The Farm." Despite years of rigorous training, not a single instructor thought to mention to Nathan the possibility of sitting in a rental car, waiting for a call that seemed perpetually delayed. Not the CIA role he had envisioned. Annoyed, he glanced at his watch noting Control's unusual tardiness. Control was never late; a pit in his stomach suggested unforeseen complications or a canceled operation.

Nathan rolled down the driver’s side window hoping for fresh air. Whoever had rented this SUV before him had clearly smoked. The interior of the vehicle smelled like stale cigarettes and fast food. Didn’t anyone clean this thing before sending it back out? He leaned back and rested his head on the headrest. No matter how he felt, his orders were clear. Wait for further instructions. 

Hours had passed. It was now pushing 8 PM, and Nathan, increasingly restless, finished off the last of his water, tossing the empty bottle into the back seat. He had the ability to skillfully diffuse almost any bomb and accurately shoot his target even over 100 yards. However, waiting was not his strongest asset. 

Finally, his mobile began to vibrate. Without hesitating, he answered. 

“Go ahead.”

“This is Control,"confirmed a woman's voice, carrying an exasperated tone. "Apologies for the holdup; our Asset had a bit of a scare. Spent some time convincing him not to bail entirely. He’s changed the drop off. It won’t be in the hotel lobby as planned. He’s convinced that he has a tail. The package will be dropped off at a coffee shop downtown. You have ten minutes. Sending all the information to your mobile now.”

"Control, seriously? It's Friday night, and with the traffic, there's no way..."

"Make it happen!" Control's voice surged in both volume and intensity. "We can't afford to let this opportunity slip away. The Asset has critical time-sensitive data for an ongoing operation. Secure that package! It'll be in a metal briefcase. If the Asset arrives empty-handed or with a different case, eliminate him. No room for games; we can't risk the data falling into the wrong hands. Extract whatever intel you can, then get out of there."

"Control... just to be clear," Nathan fought to maintain composure. Control had just issued a kill order if the drop deviated from the agreed plan. He steadied himself and pressed on, "So, just to confirm, if the drop doesn't happen as described, the directive is to eliminate the Asset?"

Nathan heard an audible sigh on the other end of the phone. “I’m sorry Nate, I thought this was going to be an easy pickup for your first assignment. But the Asset is spooked and is acting strange. Something isn’t right. If he had played by our rules, we were going to let him walk. But if he starts playing with us…” The woman’s voice trailed off.

“Look, just be ready for anything out there tonight okay? Due to the threat level of this mission increasing, you’ll have drone support for this one as well as an extraction team. We have some locals suiting up now. They will be in play within the hour if you get stuck or things go south. Also use your earpiece for this one. It’s been configured to the proper channel. I’ll be with you the whole time.” After trying to offer reassurance in her handler role, the woman paused. 

Nathan closed his eyes and wiped his face. After a brief silence, he responded with determination, "Understood, Control. It'll be done." With that, he ended the call. Nathan put the vehicle in drive and peeled out of the hotel parking lot.

Nine minutes later, Nathan now sat in a public parking lot across from the coffee shop. Even though green lights had been kind, he’d made it to the new drop in barely enough time. Visually scanning the area, it seemed to be a fairly normal night in the city. Opening his phone, Nathan looked over the data. He was to wait until the Asset left, then he would walk in and pick up the package at a nearby table. The operation was simple enough as long as things went according to plan. 

Only moments later, the Asset arrived—a man in his late 40's, balding and sporting extra weight. Fortunately, he clutched a metal briefcase. Speed walking at almost a run, he quickly dashed into the coffee shop, almost stumbling through the door. This guy just seemed like he was an amateur in over his head. 

Nathan slipped in his small earpiece. “Control, I have a positive visual on the Asset. He has the package. Waiting for him to leave, then I’ll go in for the pickup.”

“Copy that. We’ve seen him too. The drone scan results show there is a laptop in the briefcase. No traces of explosives coming from the case. Once he’s out, you are clear to pick up.”

“Roger that Control.” Nathan reached into his overcoat and unholstered a Glock. He press checked the pistol slide confirming a round in the chamber and then re-holstered the weapon. This should be an elementary excursion, but he wouldn’t take chances.

Shortly after, the Asset quickly emerged from the shop, and swiftly vanished into the darkening evening. Nathan exited his vehicle and headed towards the coffee shop. The place epitomized a modern coffee joint, a setting far from his usual scenes. His eyes honed in on the briefcase resting near a back table. Casually, he strolled over, took a seat, and lifted the briefcase onto the table. Having confirmed the contents, the agent closed the briefcase and made his way towards the exit.

"Have a great evening, sir!" A barista called out from the counter. Nathan pondered whether the young woman was being genuinely friendly or subtly highlighting his coffee-less visit. Brushing it off, he proceeded outside, making his way back to the vehicle.

About 50 feet from his vehicle, the hair pricked straight up on Nathan's back. It wasn't his training at play but rather an innate human instinct. The agent, without turning, instinctively scanned the surroundings using his peripheral vision.

“Control, black Tahoe to my 3 o’clock, parked on the street.”

“Checking, we’re getting a better angle and running the plates.”

Nathan re-entered his vehicle, securing the briefcase in the passenger seat with the seat belt. In an instant, the situation had taken a sharp turn for the worse. If the Asset was under surveillance, it signified awareness of the drop and perhaps knowledge about the briefcase's contents. His thoughts were abruptly halted by a message through his earpiece.

“The Tahoe is flagged as stolen. We scanned nearby CCTV of the vehicle at a stoplight. We couldn’t see the driver, but the passenger in the front seat just got flagged by Interpol’s wanted list. These guys aren't just hired muscle. You need to get out of there and lose them.”

"Way ahead of you, Control," Nathan affirmed, aggressively accelerating out of the parking lot. A glance in his rear view mirror revealed the black Tahoe tailing him, gaining ground rapidly. His earpiece crackled to life, Control's voice intensifying in urgency.

“Drone scans show weapons in the vehicle. Don’t let them get close. If you have to engage, you are cleared to go weapons hot. We’ll clean up with the local P.D.”

“Thanks, but I think I’ll leave these guys in the dust.” Nathan grinned, deftly maneuvering through traffic and executing a daring right turn from the left-hand lane. To his dismay, the Tahoe not only kept pace but closed in.

"Alright, maybe you had a point; these guys aren't playing around," Nathan admitted, a flicker of concern crossing his face. Despite his impressive driving skills, the realization hit him that if he didn't shake them soon, this excursion would lead to a gunfight. The scenario was far from ideal, amidst the city's Friday night hustle and bustle. "Can we get some options from my eyes in the sky?" 

“Hang tight, we are looking.”

“Great! Try looking faster. I can literally see the faces of the guys in the vehicle, and they don’t look happy.” Nathan could see one of them holding a gun. “Control? Options please!”

“Got it! There’s a bus station. Some sporting events just ended, and there’s taxis and buses everywhere. Ditch the rental, and you can slip out in a taxi or bus. Take your next right, and it will be about 5 blocks ahead.” 

Navigating through traffic, Nathan gunned the vehicle, executing a sharp right turn that weaved through oncoming vehicles. A glance in his rear view mirror revealed the black Tahoe delayed in the middle of the street, attempting to pursue. Then the unmistakable sounds of a collision confirmed that the pursuing SUV had collided with another vehicle. Nathan knew it wouldn't stop them permanently, but it would give him a precious few minutes to abandon the car and swiftly change his route for a clean escape.

Nathan swerved into the bus station nearly hitting a departing bus. Screeching on the brakes, he slipped into the first open parking spot and abandoned the rental. Someone else could deal with the cigarette and the fast food aromas now. 

“What’s your exit? I suggest you take…” 

“No worries, Control, I found my exit. Just watch my back.” Nathan saw a small strip mall behind the bus stop. In the middle of the strip mall was an Italian bistro. He audibly chuckled. Why not get some dinner while his assailants searched the buses and taxis? 

Nathan briskly walked past the bus stop, making his way into the local Bistro. He could already hear the disapproval from Control yelling in his ear. 

“Nate, what's your strategy here? You need to get out of there!”

“Not an option. If these individuals are as formidable as you claim, a quick escape won't work. I'll just relax here for a while and let them exhaust the obvious exits."

The woman's voice on the other end seemed to adopt a more composed tone. “Actually, this might just work. Find a table towards the back of the restaurant. We can leverage this situation. The extraction team ETA is about 15 minutes. Stay put and blend in.”

“Take your time, Control. Think I’ll enjoy some Italian cuisine.” 

Control's voice took on a subtle playfulness. “Well I just checked their Yelp page, and you might be in luck. I’m seeing a lot of 5 star reviews.”

“Music to my ears,” Nathan entered the restaurant and approached the hostess stand. Flashing a confident smile, he signaled a table for one. Responding with a cordial nod, she led him to a secluded booth near the back of the bistro. The pieces seemed to be falling into place; this audible he just called might actually work, he silently mused.

Taking a seat facing the door, Nathan causally lifted the menu. It had been a while since he had some good pasta. Perhaps now was the perfect moment to savor some flavors of Italy…

“Scott?” A woman’s voice interrupted his dinner decisions. Nathan put down the menu to see a rather attractive Korean woman in a black cocktail dress standing next to the table staring at him. 

“I’m sorry, what…” Before Nathan could finish his thought, the woman sat down across from him. 

“It’s Tara. I must confess you look really different from your photo. I almost missed you without the rose you were going to bring.” She smiled and eyed Nathan over. “But this is a pleasant surprise.”

Nathan found himself completely caught off guard. Among all the things occupying the agent's thoughts, romance and relationships were the absolute last on his mind. A blind date? The very idea seemed cringe-worthy in the context of his world. However, there was an intriguing allure about Tara. Her presence felt authentic, almost calming to him. Going against all of his training, he decided to let this play out. Besides, he was held up in this bistro. Why not enjoy the company of someone as effortlessly elegant as Tara, who happened to be remarkably easy on the eyes?

“Good evening Tara, I’m glad to finally make your acquaintance. I was just about to order drinks. Would you like some wine?”

“I’d love some.” 

Nathan waved over a waiter, and pointed to a Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2019. 

“We’ll take the bottle.”

The waiter nodded, “Of course sir, I’ll bring it right out.”

Tara’s eyes widened. “Well you have expensive tastes.”

Nathan smiled at her and winked casually, “It’s a celebration. After a long week, you have to treat yourself.”

“Really Nate?” He had almost forgotten about his earpiece. “That’s a thousand dollar bottle of wine. Uncle Sam won't be picking up the tab for this. It's nowhere near the operating budget. Enough with the theatrics, drop the show, and leave the lady. Your extraction is just five minutes away."

Choosing to disregard the persistent voice in his head, Nathan opted to focus on the unexpected rendezvous. The waiter reappeared, presenting them with the exquisite wine. Raising his glass, Nathan proposed, "To good conversation and company."

"I'll toast to that; cheers!" Tara indulged in a generous sip of the wine, her eyes momentarily closing in delight. "Oh my goodness, this is incredible. I don't typically go for something this extravagant."

"Every now and then you just have to embrace the extraordinary."

"Apparently that's the lesson here. Certainly not what I anticipated from a middle school teacher."

Well that’s just great. He was apparently a teacher making minimum wage. He could have given up and just walked away, but against all of his instincts, he sat there, and replied casually, “I do a lot of investing on the side. Teaching is just a side gig.”

“Interesting…I must say, Scott, you are nothing like what I thought when I first received your contact information. You said you were a romantic and a fiscal conservative.”

Nathan breezed past her inquisitive curiosity and responded, "Honestly, all those so-called romantic gestures are just superficial facades for people lacking genuine character. I might not know what flowers to bring or the official rules of romance, but I'm confident in who I am. When the right person comes along, they'll see that. A real connection isn't some meticulously planned Hollywood-style tradition; it's raw and organic. Sometimes, you've got to live a little and splurge. I simply enjoy my life, taking things one day at a time. If someone truly sees me, they'll see the authentic me. And if there's a genuine connection, it'll go beyond just a rose."

Tara leaned in, maintaining an unwavering gaze with Nathan. "You've got quite a perspective, Scott. Consider the missing rose forgiven. I believe this wine and our conversation are more than compensating for it."

The next hour turned into quite an experience for Nathan. Despite his straightforward and candid approach with Tara, she handled it well. Some small talk soon turned into conversations that he was actually enjoying. He would have forgotten he was on a mission, but the occasional yelling from his earpiece kept reminding him that his evacuation had arrived, and there was an extraction team now sitting in the restaurant parking lot. The good news was, even as pissed as Control was, the drone footage showed that the pursuing duo had given up and left after searching the empty rental.

Tara sat watching Nathan, a brief lull settling over their conversation as the dinner drew to a close. Casually crossing her arms, she broke the silence with a direct inquiry, "So, what's your name?"

“I’m sorry what?”

“What’s your name?”

Despite his earlier assurance that everything was going smoothly, a sinking feeling settled in as he reflected on the past hour, one of the most enjoyable times he had ever spent with someone. Letting out a sigh, he resigned, "What tipped you off?"

"My parents arranged a date for me with a middle school teacher who adored romantic fiction, sported a beard, and wore shoulder-length hair. Meanwhile, you're here all dressed in black and carrying a briefcase to a date." Tara chuckled softly, rising from the booth as she continued. "Add to that, your impressive muscular build and military clean-cut appearance, I'd say there were a few telltale signs."

He smirked but stayed seated and calm. “I’m not sorry. I’m glad there was a mix up.”

"Me too. You seem way more intriguing than Scott." Tara approached Nathan with a deliberate pace, placing her hand on his shoulder as she leaned in to whisper. "I run a flower shop on the north side." She deftly slipped a business card into his jacket. "Why don't you drop by, and I'll show you just how fascinating a rose can be." Before he could respond, she gracefully turned, leaving the restaurant with a confident stride.

"It's Nathan," He blurted out with a mixture of flustered emotions and intoxication from her soft floral scent that had enveloped his senses. She turned around, flashing a smile as she left the bistro.

"Wow, I'm not even mad anymore," Control's voice conveyed an impressed tone. "She sounds like a good time."

"Oh, you have no idea."

"I might have a slight idea. How about you hop into the van and apologize to an extraction team that's been waiting for well over an hour?"

"No worries, I'm heading out now."

“Good, get the briefcase dropped off, then you can have a few days off while we wait for the tech team to de-crypt the laptop.”

Nathan settled the bill and strolled outside to a parked van with tinted windows. He couldn’t wait to drop this case off and complete this mission. The agent was looking forward to a couple days off. His smile was uncontrolled. He had a flower shop to visit and a rose to pick up. 

February 17, 2024 01:54

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Angela Ramirez
17:51 Feb 23, 2024

Oh man! I can't wait for the next installment to this story!!!


01:15 Feb 24, 2024

Thank you Angela! I've thought about taking this and expanding on it someday. I'm glad you liked it.


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Karla S. Bryant
04:12 Feb 22, 2024

Love the creativity of using espionage as the backdrop for the unexpected blind date! And what a great ending line, "He had a flower shop to visit and a rose to pick up." Well-done!


15:01 Feb 22, 2024

Thank you! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it!


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