Drama Friendship

The sound of breaking glass woke Mike, an eight-year-old boy, from his sleep. Mike quickly ran towards the staircase. He went and asked his mother, "What happened?" His mother, smiling, replied, "Probably our neighbor's child mistook our window for a gate. It seems like good news, as if another child of your age is living nearby." Mike smiled and no sign of fear remained on his face. This was considered good news for Mike. They had recently moved to this neighborhood, and there were two months left until the start of school. Mike was worried that he would have to spend these two months only painting and playing computer games.

Mike's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. A man in his forties appeared at the door, holding his young son's hand. "Good day, ma'am. I noticed that you recently moved to this neighborhood. Perhaps my son's accident can serve as a proper/welcome introduction. I am willing to help with the window repair," he said politely. The polite words didn't match the man's expression. The man tightly squeezed his son's hand, let out a sigh, and said, "I apologize, I should pay more attention." Mike extended his hand towards the man and said, "I also love soccer. How about we play together?" The man lowered Mike's hand and said, "Son, this is not a child. Now is the time to seek forgiveness from God. I hope that the Lord forgives this sin."

John and his father had already moved away from the doorframe, but Mike still didn't understand why. His mind was occupied with a big question. Mike asked, "What does sin mean, mother?" His mother replied, "It's something like a mistake, and mistakes are usually forgivable, aren't they, Mike?"

What was clear was that John came from a religious and military family. The country had been classified this way since the rise of the new leader, which was beyond the eight-year-old Mike's understanding. Now discovering John had become one of Mike's most important concerns. At night, Mike would look at John's room's light through his window. No sounds of music, dance, or the smell of his mother's cakes ever came from that house. A week later, John's father was summoned for a mission. Now the taste of those cakes and playing soccer with Mike was no longer a wish for John. He received home education, but Mike went to school every day with his mother, his teacher. Whenever Mike and John talked about teachings, one would eventually say to the other, "No, you're mistaken." At that moment, Mike's mother would mediate and say, "Focus on your similarities. Well, now the two children were both sixteen. John's teenage love for Mike's cousin Rose, with whom they had cycled together several times, had finally turned into a decision by John's father to confine him at home. Several days passed, and there was still no news of John, until pebbles hit Mike's room's window. Mike opened the window, and once again, the football hit his room from John's house's yard. Attached to the ball was a note and a piece of paper. "My dear Mike, please deliver the letter to Rose, and tell her that if it wasn't a sin, I would really kiss her like my imaginations. I will meet her at the neighborhood bookstore this weekend. Your best friend, John." Mike was disheartened by the sight of the letter on the ball. He affixed the paper with a sketch of an open-handed figure that seemed to be waiting for an embrace. Before he had a chance to throw the ball back to John, he had already returned to his room. The next morning, Mike's mother came to his room in distress and said, "Son, pack your clothes as quickly as possible; we need to leave." Mike looked at his mother in confusion and, instinctively, started packing his clothes. Mrs. Gomez, due to teaching a conceptual lesson called democracy at school, was under surveillance. Eventually, that day, Mike and his mother managed to leave behind the house, the football, and its cake-filled kitchen and clandestinely continued their lives elsewhere. Mike was sad that he had left John without saying goodbye, but he was also happy that he had found an excuse not to deliver that letter to Rose. The two teenagers eventually turned twenty-three. Mike became a journalism student, and John had joined the army. However, with each passing day, the government became more oppressive, and ordinary people became more deprived. Finally, the flames of people's anger were ignited, and protests against the government took place throughout the country. Mike stood in the front lines of the protesters, while John was among the forces suppressing them. One night, the police managed to arrest Mike. Everyone knew that a good fate was not awaiting him. John was busy with administrative work at the detention center late at night, checking the list of prisoners. When he saw the name Mike Gomez, he paused and was surprised. Under his breath, he whispered, "You treacherous one, you've been here all along?" Hurriedly, he went towards Mike's solitary cell. Mike, in a broken voice and with tears, asked, "John, why are you doing this? Why are you collaborating with these oppressors?" John replied, "Mike, I prefer to fight with this belief, to die for it. If you and the others are right, then my whole life has been in vain. Besides, you're no longer my friend. You didn't meet Rose that Friday night, did you?" Mike said, "John, can I ask you for a favor? Can you give me a piece of paper and a pen? Tomorrow, you know they will transfer us." John lit his cigarette, put the paper and pen under the door, and turned away. Perhaps this time, he wanted to be the one who leaves without saying goodbye.

The next morning, John faced with a paper in mikes empty cell.

"To my dearest enemy, John, I fought for a free world. A world where I can say that I love you, John, and you can either accept it or break the window of my heart with a football just like the way you come to my life. That's enough for me to live loving you.

You're stranger friend mike

June 16, 2023 19:17

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