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Fiction Mystery

November 18, 1992 — Gratitude Journal

This is so stupid.

Okay. Wait, no. Let’s try that again.

My name is David Sutherland and this is my Gratitude Journal. If you’ve stumbled upon this notebook, sorry. If you decide to continue to read the contents of this notebook, well, that’s on you and whatever godawful decision-making you’ve made in your life that has led you to this point. If you’re Future David rereading this for whatever reason, fuck you.

Anyway. I’ve only had a couple of therapy sessions with Dr. Chambers, but evidently, that’s all she needed to determine that I’m an ungrateful little bastard who hates his life. (Of course, she didn’t say that, but that was the gist). 

She thinks the reason I’m so angry all the time is because I don’t take time to “smell the roses” and celebrate the little joys in life. What joys are present in a world fraught with such pain and indignity? Why should I be grateful for a world that brings nothing but chaos and destruction?

Damn. Okay, fine. Maybe she has a point. Also, it’s almost Thanksgiving, so I should probably be practicing gratitude right now anyway.

Okay, I can think of one thing I’m grateful for! I found a new prospect today. From what I can tell, it seems pretty promising. A little rough around the edges, but it’s got history and it looks like it’s got good bones as well. Perfect to flip and sell. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but we’ll have to see. So anyway, I guess I’m grateful for that today.

November 22, 1992

I guess this gratitude stuff really works. I was in a much more positive mindset these past few days, and that prospect I wrote about is all mine! I am grateful to be able to do this work. It’s hard work, but I really can’t picture myself doing anything else.

November 23, 1992

I have nothing to be grateful for. It all went to shit. Everything about that property is broken. It was NOTHING like I initially thought. It’s WONDERFUL to know I cannot trust my own judgement of good versus bad. I am absolutely disgusted and everything is ruined. I’m seriously considering demoing the whole thing and just eating the cost. It’s what I deserve for my stupidity, honestly.

November 26, 1992

It’s Thanksgiving. I’m grateful for the soup kitchen on Fifth for serving dinner today. The stuffing was the best part and the young woman serving at the counter had a friendly smile. I think, anyway.

November 28, 1992

Okay. Okay, okay, okay. I spoke too soon. It can still be flipped! I found these great shop materials (on sale at the drug store, believe it or not!) that I think will be able to cover the defects perfectly. All of the holes and crappy artwork and burn marks won’t be the least bit noticeable once I’m done! I’m frustrated that the former owner was apparently a heavy smoker, which of course the seller didn’t mention, but I am GRATEFUL that it is fixable. Look at me being grateful!

November 30, 1992

I’m beyond exhausted. Today’s been a long day. I had to break down one of the exterior walls, which took significantly longer than I had planned. Then I missed the bus home and had to wait over an hour for the next one. No one spoke to me the entire time I sat there. I’m not sure if I’m to be grateful for that or not. 

December 6, 1992

We got over a foot of snow today, so I couldn’t get back to get any work done. I am grateful for shelter, shovels, and space heaters.

January 24, 1993

I am so grateful for everything I’ve already gotten done on this flip! I’m hoping to sell it come spring. Truthfully, I’m already getting excited for the next one. I’m thinking something closer to the city, but that would be a much higher populated area than I’m used to, so that would definitely be more difficult. 

March 16, 1993

I’ve been tending to this thing nearly EVERY DAY since I purchased it in November, and it’s nearly ready! At this point, I’ve put literal blood, sweat, and tears into this. I’ve breathed new life into this. I just hope it was all worth it. It was touch and go there for a while, but I managed to turn it around! I’m proud of myself for once. Look! Look at what I’ve accomplished! I am so grateful for the opportunity. I am also grateful for the time and energy I’ve been able to spend on this.

March 17, 1993

My listing was barely up for twenty-four hours and I already have a potential buyer! He’s coming to see it next week! I’m grateful to be so close to the finish line!!!

March 21, 1993

That buyer didn’t pan out. He wanted to pay $35,000! Well take me for everything, why don’t ya! BUT, I’m letting that go, and I am grateful that I have a few additional interested parties! I personally think the bidding process is the most fun part of it all. 

March 30, 1993

SOLD! For $42,000. I am over the moon! I am so FULL of gratitude it’s oozing from my pores! Suck it, Dr. Chambers!

The attachment above shall be referred to as Exhibit H in the proceeding of the State of Rhode Island v. David F. Sutherland. 

May 26, 1997

Supreme Court No. 97-10563

Evidence File Item No. A6402

Finding Officer: Det. Woodward, James P.

Description of Article: Green composition notebook with multiple entries, presumably handwritten in black ink.

Place Found: On top of the nightstand in the bedroom.

Sutherland, David F. (age 32) — Defendant

Plea: Guilty on all charges, as follows

11-59-2 Stalking, 6 Counts

11-26-1 Kidnapping, 19 Counts

11-23-2 Murder in the First Degree, 19 Counts

11-20-1.1 Mutilation of dead human bodies, 19 Counts

11-20-1.2 Necrophilia, 2 Counts

Boone, Krista — Victim (Deceased)

Harris, Georgia — Victim (Deceased)

Hunt, Matthias — Victim (Deceased)

Logan, Tamara — Victim (Deceased)

Maldonado, Wayne — Victim (Deceased)

Novak, Josie — Victim (Deceased)

Strickland, Ethen — Victim (Deceased)

Villanueva, Lola — Victim (Deceased)

Unidentified (11) — Victim (Deceased)

August 03, 2024 00:12

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1 comment

Helia Rethmann
04:47 Aug 08, 2024

Wow, Raven. I did not see that coming. Utterly original and enjoyable. The hints as to David's sordid past might have been too subtle for me. Could you possibly drop more breadcrumbs for dolts like me in the first part? Love the part labled 'Exibit H'


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