Teens & Young Adult LGBTQ+ Sad

 "Who would have thought that a rain would be a reminder of you?" I said as I looked to my right side but all I see is an empty space. It all happen so fast that I can't recover from the pain.

Zaina, A popular and wise lady who find herself falling for a girl who doesn't have it all except the brutal and rebellious personality.Back 10 years ago, when she met the lady who would change her life more than she expected.

 Zaina's P.O.V.

I am in my room playing with random stuffs that I have. I got bored and decided to looked at the window to see if there's children playing outside but I didn't see anything except for a girl who is sitting at the pavement with her dark toys.

"Lou! There's a new kid in front of our house. Why don't you talk to her?" My mom said and handed me a toy to give to the new girl.

I walked outside the house then started walking towards her as she is still playing with her toys who I thought wasn't really for children.

"Hello! I'm Zaina, what's your name?" I said cheerfully and full of happiness. But she just looked at me with her serious face.

"Look 'ZAINA', you don't have to talk to me if you don't want." She said still in her serious face and was about to walk away when I grabbed her wrist. I immediately let go of her and I felt my face heating.

"What now? I don't have time for you." She said and walked away while I was standing there in front off their house. I don't why but I felt like she's special to me even I just met her. Ever since that day I never let her out of my sight. I don't even know her name but she's like a calm in a person state.

As that day of my life came, I often try to get her attention but she didn't seem to care. I did put letters at her lockers, sat beside her during lunch, give her gifts from my allowances, and even rent a whole theme park just for her to play with me but she didn't seem to like me.

I remember trying to get her attention everyday and her pretending she didn't notice me just to stay away from me. Over the years, from the popular kid to an average kid. I lost my popularity because everyone thought it was lame to chased after a weird looking girl.

"Hey Ms. Weird girl." One of the boys said and he caught her attention.

"Shut the f*** off!" She said and gave him a death stare.

"Wanna go to a date?" He asked her and all that she got was a black eye. I laughed and continue to stare at her beauty.

"Zai! Wanna go to the club later?" One of my friends asked me and I simply nodded my head as I looked back at her.

"Okay okay! We'll go now! See you at the bar!" She said and waved goodbye. I immediately went to her and sat beside her as she doing something.

She groaned as she saw me and grabbed her books to get out of the place but I pushed her too much and that made her fell into the ground with her books. She didn't say anything and left. I was just watching her walked away as I realized that I should followed her.

As I was following her, I saw a lady came up to her and put it arms around her. They were talking about something that I can barely understand.

"What about that girl? The girl who follows you everywhere. What's her name again? Zierra? Zein? Zia?" The girl said and that made me just listen to their conversation.

"Dum***s it's Zaina." She correctly and it's my name.

"So? You like that girl,don't you?" The lady asked.

"ZAINA?! DO I LIKE THAT GIRL?" She asked herself too and I heard her chuckled. "Come on, Daise! That's none of your business." She added and walked away.

I went home immediately and prepared my clothes for the party and I peek at the window to see her at their backyard again. She's lonely and just writing something. I brushed it off as I wear my outfit and went downstairs to see my mom sleeping at the couch.

"I'll go at the party right now. I might go home late." I said to inform her.

"Just go home safe and sound! Love you!" She said and went back to sleep.

I walked silently towards their house and knocked in their door. I was expecting her to go and open the door but i've been waiting for 10 minutes and no one is going outside. I threw the box inside of their house and ran away to my car. I drove to the party with a little disappointment.

"Zai! I'm glad you came!" One of my friends said and she pulled me to their table with a bunch of boys sitting in there too.

"I think I'll just stand in there." I said and was about to walked towards the balcony.

"You're sitting with us." She said and pushed me at the empty part of the sofa beside a boy I didn't know.

"Hi. Wanna go to my place?" He said and attempted to touch my right thigh but I slapped his hand.

"Not interested." I simply said and stood up but he grabbed.

"You're not going anywhere unless we do the thing!" He said and pulled me back to my seat. I grabbed my emergency pocket knife and threatened him with it. He let go of my wrist and I walked away at that place. I don't care even it's raining. I was walking home without umbrella. A great timing to cry. 'I do look like a main character.' I said in my mind when all of a sudden the rain stop pouring and I realized that someone is covering my head body from it.

"Shut up and act like you don't know me." The voice said and honestly I don't really know the person until I looked up, it's her..

"I really don't know you." I said and kept my eyes looking at the ground.

"Don't be such a dumb. You know me." She said and I felt an arms hugging me.

"Uhh.. what are you do-" I didn't get the chance to talk when she interrupted me.

"Just feel the hug, you need it." She said and I just cried in her chest.

"Thanks but I have to go." I said and walked away. 

It's the first time she talk to me without feeling mad. She's often cold-hearted whenever she talks to me before so this is definitely shocking.

"Zaina!" She called my name and I turned my face to look at her.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"I'll go home with you." She said and walked forward beside me.

"You don-" I didn't even got the chance to talk as she interrupted me again.

"I insisted." She said and smiled.

That was our first conversation and after that we became close. She's the only best friend that I want in my life.

I was just in the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive when she came and sat beside me with her earphones on her ears. The worst part that hurt me for years was she never even spoke. She doesn't hate me but whenever I tried to talk to her she never answer any of my statements or questions.

"Zaina, your book fell at the ground." She said and that made me stared at her for like minutes and went back to realized that the ground was wet and my book is soaking in the water.

"SHIT!" I jumped on my sit and went to pick my book but it was too late. I was just about to curse the whole universe when she handed me a book.

"Use my book and i'll just buy new one." She said but I didn't accept it.

"No thanks. You can keep it." I said and stood up.

"Are you sure? You will be needing this." She said.

"But you need that too." I said and was stunned by her sudden actions.

"You never actually know me or maybe you do... but i'll introduce myself." She said and looked at me. "I'm Rain." She introduced herself and handed me her hand to shake mine. I shook her hand. She's still have her serious face.

"See you around, Rain." I said as I hopped inside the bus.

"Yeah see you around! I'm also using the bus so we'll see each other." She said and I itched my head because I forgot that we're living at the same house.

I woke up from something and realized that it was all a dream or some people called dream reality. As I faced my reality, it was super different from my dream reality. I wasn't living a good life, we're definitely poor and couldn't even afford school. The worst thing is Rain didn't really exist in this world, she's just an image that I made up in my mind. 

"Zaina! Wake up! No time for non sense." My mom said.

I immediately got out of my bed and went to the bridge to look at the river. It was clear and the sound of the water hitting some rocks is pleasing to the ear. I'm having fun when a rain started pouring and I don't know why I didn't move. Then, I remember the girl from my dream reality.

"Who would have thought that a rain would be a reminder of you?" I said as I looked to my right side but all I see is an empty space.

"Now this is my worst nightmare." I said as I jumped from the bridge to the river.

September 25, 2021 09:27

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