Drama Romance Teens & Young Adult

*** means a change of perspective from Celeste to Maya, begins with Celeste.

"ARE YOU INSANE!?" Leo blurts


I can't stay mad at him for long. I gaze into his hunter green eyes and I am lost once again. Leo knows that. Maybe that is why he is giggling furiously. He wraps his arm around me, then kisses my cheek.

"I thought you didn't want Maya to find out, her room is on the other side of this wall." I hiss

Leo raises his hands in surrender before wrapping one back around me. Then he goofily grins.

"Don't you feel bad?" I whisper-shout wiping the smile off his face.

"Of course, It's kind of a double whammy." Leo says solemnly although he used the word "whammy."

"I used to date Maya and.." He continues

"And she's my sister as if I didn't know." I interrupt.

"I'm worth the secret right?" Leo says using his best puppy dog face. Also changing the subject.

I lean in to kiss Leo giving him my answer. But I am interrupted. I hear footsteps, dangerously close.


I walk into Celeste's room. She is sitting oddly close to Leo, with an even weirder look on her face. I am a little hurt. But I cannot expect her to give up her best friend just because I broke up with him. I sit down beside her. Oh my goodness that look is strange. It is an "I'm sorry" look. Like when she stole my quiz answers or killed my goldfish. I shake it off. I glare at Leo briefly before remembering we agreed to be mature. Your nearly eighteen I remind myself. I don't know why I dated my sister's best friend in the first place. Wait... of course, I do. His eyes. His smile. How he is always thoughtful. Do I still have feelings for Leo Clevenger? I remember what I came in here for. I lose the thought that I could even still like that jerk.

"So Celeste, want to go see Noah Cyrus tonight?!"

Her expression changes, just not the way I'd hoped it would.


NO NO NO NO NO. Leo already got tickets for us to see that show, tonight. Maya will suspect something if I say no. She knows I love Noah Cyrus. But I can't just blow Leo off. I've been giving him heck all day. What if Maya sees us? I look over at Leo whose eyes are transfixed on the throw blanket I left on the floor. I next look over at Maya who's face says both YAY! and HUH? I begin to sweat a little.

"Celeste? Are you okay?" Maya worries

"I uhmhm, There is someone else I think you should go with."

She laughs " To a Noah Cyrus concert? That's our thing."

I mess with my thumbs " Yeah, Just trust me."


Someone else? I know she thinks she is a great matchmaker. But really? To a Noah Cyrus concert. Only a month after Leo and I split? Weird. Everything about her is weird today. But she seemed so serious. She must know what she's doing. I trust my little sister completely. I guess that means...

" Alright, I'll go with this mystery person," I state playfully.


What? I thought she would just say " I'm not ready Celeste." Great now I have to find an actual person. I wait for Maya to leave then open up my messages. I go through all the boy's numbers I have. Half of them are younger than I am. Leo gives me a look.

" Why do you have so many guys' numbers on your phone?" He says defensively.

" Oh back off, you know I like you," I say before I give him a little hug.

He seems reassured to me. I go over my phone once more. He's nice, Nah. To tall. To young. Perfect. Greyson Peters. 17, kind and thoughtful, green eyes, black hair that is messy but not too messy. She'll love him.


Greyson Peters? The guy I had a crush on in seventh grade? I guess he's pretty nice. I can't shake the feeling about Leo though. I hope I can just focus on Greyson. I am probably a little overdressed for a concert. I take one last look in the mirror. If I know anything about Greyson he probably will look sharp himself. I hear the sound of the doorbell and wait a fashionable amount of time to answer. I open the door and my eyes widen.



Leo will be sneaking through the window any second. I put on a little more lipgloss. I hear a faint knock on the window. There is Leo. I open the window for him. He jumps in.

"You look beautiful." He says attempting to flatter me.

"Not too shabby yourself." I throw the compliment back at him.

I grab my purse. I give Leo a hug. He twirls me around. I hear the front door shut. Grayson and Maya are on their way.

"Let's go!" I tell Leo before racing down the stairs.


Grayson looks amazing. I can barely even tell he is the same person. All thought of Leo is left behind. My mouth is still gaping open. He laughs a little. He has gained the confidence to.

" I know, I look different... I play football now."

I'm a cheerleader for goodness sakes. How did I not notice?

He bites his lip a little. Is he nervous? He has no reason to be nervous. If if anyone should be nervous it's me. I mean he is cute and I'm just... I am rambling to myself. My goodness. I look around wondering where his car is. All I see is.. a motorcycle? Woah.


Leo pulls in. I hear Niall Horan. We are a little late. He is about to finish. Leo and I arrive just in time to hear him play one last song. Then Leo goes to grab some food. I sit down. I hear bustling behind me. I look behind to see where the noise is coming from. Oh no. The luck of today. I see Greyson holding hands with Maya. First, wow that was fast. Second, Is he wearing a motorcycle helmet Lastly, the third thing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. Leo comes back around and I make him duck.

"What are you doing?" He says carefully.

"Their seats are right above ours!" I whisper

His face turns red. He nods. We are both thinking the same thing. There are a few empty seats in the nose bleeds. It's not great but what choice do we have? I start to pull him up there. It doesn't end well.


"Leo? Celeste?" I say with shock.

They are holding hands. This isn't what I think it is. No surely not. The music begins. It is playing "Make me... Cry." How fitting. I stopped them dead in their tracks.

" Why are you here, together?" I say letting my emotions blend with the song.

Right about now, the tears start to run. Greyson is still behind me. He is confused. We both are. The feelings I have for Leo leap back into my soul. My heart beats nearly out of my chest.

"Is there something wrong Maya?" Greyson says almost giving Leo and Celeste time to escape.

"Do you still like him?" Greyson continues.

Now I change the subject. I sing with the song for a little while.

" I've never needed you like I do right now, I've never needed you like I do right now." I am directing this at Leo, he can tell.

"Celeste still wanted to see the concert so she came with me, just as friends" Leo blurts


Friends? He couldn't tell her right now. I know right now my sister is missing Leo. I know Greyson is hurt. I think Leo might still like Maya. So I do something totally irrational. I sing the lyrics of my favorite song. I sing them to Leo.

" I've never hated you like I do right now, cause all you ever do is make me cry."

Posted Nov 30, 2020

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6 likes 2 comments

Brennan Bilberry
23:01 Dec 09, 2020

I can also write a prequel if anyone doesn't understand the beginning!


Brennan Bilberry
21:52 Nov 30, 2020

Like if you want a sequel! ( Sorry If I seem desperate I just am not sure if this is any good.)


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