Drama Friendship Happy

“How am I supposed to choose? To pick one would mean to betray the other. I can’t there both so important to me”

There I stood between the two most important people to me, my girlfriend and my best friend.They were my world but now my world was splitting in two. My girlfriend huffed and puffed and yelled a hurricane of complaints about my friend right at    me,“LOUD!”,”MESSY!”,“WEIRD!”,”RUDE!”, She yelled with a face so red it would put even the ripest tomato to shame. My Best Friend with a force of equal magnitude roared a slew of insults in retaliation,“STUCK-UP!”,”NEEDY!”,”SELFISH!”,”CLINGY!”, his fists were balled so tightly I was afraid they were gonna burst.

I shrunk back into my shell at the volume of the argument, I felt like a child watching the marriage of his parents fall apart. It was too much, my heart felt low and groggy, my head was hot and fuzzy. I’ve never been able to handle conflict well. In a rush I grabbed my coat  and bolted for the door. The two still locked in their verbal battle didn’t even notice me leave. I ran and I ran, I kept running as far as my skinny legs would take me until I arrived at a park. It was the afternoon and it was cold. The sun started to go down as I walked over to a bench and sat down. I just couldn’t take it, this wasn’t the first time that they had gotten into such a scuffle. Any time the two would come in contact with each other they always come to argue. I was tired of trying to make them come to terms. I’ve tried every trick and tactic in the book, I’ve wrung my brain dry trying to think of something, anything to stop their fighting, but the two were like oil and water they can never mix. I have tried to keep them apart but then they would just try to monopolize me to hurt the other. As much as they despise each other they are more similar than they would ever admit. One thing they especially have in common is that they are both absolutely,unrelentingly spiteful and there both more stubborn than a mule. On my Best friend’s last birthday, my girlfriend arranged a dinner party and invited her whole family just to spite my friend and on Christmas day which i was supposed to spend with my girlfriend my best friend had his parents invite my entire family on a trip. I’m out of options, if they can’t stop fighting them I have to cut one out of my life, but how, how could i possibly do something like that. Both of them mean more to me that they could ever know, but if i don't do this they could end up hurting each other one of these days. Who, oh Who do i cast aside. I've been dating my girlfriend since high school, she's been driving me forward everyday but what about my best friend we've been best buddies since prep school, he's held me up for years never letting me fall. How am i supposed to choose, to pick one would mean to betray the other. I can’t be both so important to me. Who do I discard my Sun or my earth, my gas or my break, my muse or my brush, I don't know. Even with my jacket the cold of the air still brushes my bones, I can’t stop shivering, my teeth won’t stop chattering. I get up ready to leave,the sky is lit up with a sea of stars but the only light near the ground is the dim shimmering of the lamp posts. My head begins to calm down at the site of this scenery but as my  mind quiets my heart begins to race, the scenery though beautiful is unfamiliar, I am lost. Where am I, which way did I come from, is this park safe?, these questions were boiling over in my brain. I began to walk, trying to find my way back, once I left the park I began to realize how truly terrifying it is to walk home in darkness. The Lights in the houses were off and there was hardly anyone on the streets. The quiet of my surroundings was absolutely maddening , the only sound was the faint noise of cars very far away and the clicking of my shoes on the concrete. My hope is to find something familiar or recognizable so I can make my way home. The traffic light shone a bright red down onto me, the green man of light instructing me of my time to cross the street. I took a step  onto the open road, I could hear a car approaching in the background, it sounded on its way so I had time to cross. About half way across the street the car was driving up. Its movement was unsteady and shaky. I hurried across as it approached, then suddenly, unexpectedly, I was on the ground, laying on my side. My mind is unsure of what had just occurred, my body still hadn’t processed the reality of the situation.Red, a puddle of red, the darkest, most mesmerizing shade of red i'd ever seen laid beside me, Its size quickly growing till it surrounded me like a lake,Warm, it was warm, i felt so sleepy i could barely keep my eyes open. The car stopped behind me, the driver got frantic and called out to me but i could barely hear him, it was so nice and comforting, this quiet was different from the one from before, it was soft and loving, it was tranquil. Darkness started to creep around my vision but I didn't mind, I just wanted to fall asleep.

Bright, so bright, nothing like the loving darkness, a white light shone onto my face. I felt so cold once again. My eyes crept open and my sleep slowly faded away. There I laid in bed, on one side my girlfriend and on the other my best friend, they were crying, their faces were soaking wet.Protruding from my stomach was a bunch of tubes and pipes, A breathing mask was fastened around my face.My lips curled into a smile, they weren't fighting anymore, we were all together and no one was fighting, I was so happy. Their hands were coupled around both of mine, their hands were cold and trembling,my hands began to numb until I couldn't feel their hold anymore. Both of them were speaking to me but their words couldn’t reach even though they were so close, I couldn’t hear anything, as I looked into their dripping faces my vision began to blur and darken, I was getting tired again. I laid in that bed with my two favorite people standing right beside me. I couldn’t see them even though my eyes were still open. I couldn’t hear them even though they were so close. I couldn’t feel them but I knew they were there. I knew that once I closed my eyes I would have the most wonderful rest, I knew that I wouldn't wake up but that didn’t bother me because at the moment the two people I love the most are with me. This quiet darkness is absolute bliss.

November 13, 2020 02:20

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