Crime Drama Christian

This is Rosie's story, Rosie currently awaiting court right now she is in jail. For something she did that was bad but for a great cause for her friend Everleigh. She felt like she had to do something to keep her friend Eveleigh safe. Here is her story.

  “Your Ready,” said a police officer letting her out of her cell “ready as I will ever be,” said Rosie she walked to the police officer and turned around so he could put handcuffs on her. Then they head to the court. As soon as they arrived they went to the courtroom. The police officer held Rosie's elbow as she had handcuffs on while walking to the courtroom. Rosie didn't know what was coming her way but she knows she is not Guilty. When they entered the courtroom the police officer took off her handcuffs and she went to her stand. “All held the court,” the prosecutor said.

Rosie swallowed her saliva

             30 Days Ago…..

Everleigh went to her bus stop “What a beautiful day the Lord has provided me today” said Everleigh with a happy smile. When she gets to her stop she says a prayer “Lord, Guide me to your path today help me to be strong, please protect me from anything anyone throws at me in Jesus name amen” said Everleigh she is always positive even when something negative comes her way.

     Then a girl named Amber comes along “Well, Well, Well if it isn't Mrs. Everleigh Marci don't come near me or sit next to me anywhere you got it” said Amber with an ugly tone. The bus comes  “goodbye Loser” said Amber getting on the bus then Eveleigh went behind her. They get to school and go eat breakfast. “Come Here” Rosie with her hands Everleigh smiled, got in line then sat with her best friend. Rosie was the only friend she had. Everleigh then sat down with Rosie.

    “What happened, you look sad,” said Rosie, sounding concerned about Everleigh. “Nothing is wrong,” said Everleigh, trying to hide her emotions. “Come on, can you tell me anything about what's really going on?” said Rosie. “Well it's amber, it was like she didn't want me on the bus with her. I was thinking how will I get to school?” said Everleigh, sounding upset. “Amber that B****,” said Rosie, angry. “I should do something about this I want to fight her no one messes with my friend “That's very generous of you but don’t do it it's not worth it, you can get arrested for that,” said Everleigh calming her down “she needs to be punished put on her place I guess I won't fight,” said Rosie second-guessing herself “thank you,” said Everleigh “if she does anything else make sure you tell me okay,” said Rosie. Everleigh has Amber 1st period France she was not looking forward to the class. “Okay today’s class we are going to get sigh seats its the 5th week of school and I can't let you guys get cozy we are here to learn french not to fall asleep.” said the teacher. she starts to move students she had to put amber and Eveleigh on one table Eveleigh was a great speaker in french. Amber gave Eveleigh an ugly look “Remember what I told you” said amber she whispered. Everleigh was really scared. After 1st period ended, Everleigh tried to look for Rosie; she remembers she had 2nd period with Rosie when they got to Class. “Rosie she is messing with me again she did however give me a mean look,” said Everleigh

        “ She is messing with the wrong girl, anyone that messes with you also messes with me,” said Rosie. Rosie always has Everleigh back. Soon School was over. Another day had gone Next day had passed by but Everleigh still dealt with the bullying. Rosie was very concerned that bullying is not easy and she is going through a rough time. “I am tired of you getting pushed around. I am going to fight this girl, no one can stop me,” said Rosie standing up for Eveleigh. “Very nice but I can handle the bullying, okay you don't have to do anything ok,” said Everleigh. Everleigh is really brave. She wanted to see what she could do about this. She was going to say something and not let Amber just slip through her fingers. In the afternoon when Eveleigh was going home Amber went up to her and said this “ You think your so tough you think you can just get away with it No one likes you and not even Rosie does she told me that she never wanted to be your friend she is just using you remember that when you see her” said Amber then she walked away then Everleigh quickly said “Hey amber your wrong Rosie is my friend and watch out because she will fight you if you don’t stop your attitude watch your back” said Everleigh standing up for herself. Amber turned around and said, “Ha fight me she could never I can just fight back I am in boxing she wouldn't stand a chance near me.” “Yes she does, she has a black belt in karate,” said Everleigh. “ black belt that's nothing I actually have a chance to see you tomorrow jerk,” said Amber then laughs.

      The very next day it's Friday….

Everleigh sees Rosie “she said some mean things to me yesterday she said I don't have friends,” said Everleigh sad. “She is a threat. I am going to fight her, you know where she is,” said Rosie. 

     Later that day “you!”Rosie says when she sees amber. Amber looks back. Rosie runs down the hallway and jumps on Amber. There is a fight “Man I told her not to do it” Eveleigh whisperer's teacher run to try to stop the fight. “MOVE MOVE,” says the teachers. I see that Amber is getting beaten up and Amber is using her skills from boxing Everleigh leaves the building of that hallway.

        Later they handcuff Rosie because she did break the law and started a fight. But it was for Everleigh. And took Rosie to juvenile 

      30 days later

  “Your Ready,” said a police officer letting her out of her cell “ready as I will ever be,” said Rosie she walked to the police officer and turned around so he could put handcuffs on her. Then they head to the court. As soon as they arrived they went to the courtroom. The police officer held Rosie's elbow as she had handcuffs on while walking to the courtroom. Rosie didn't know what was coming her way but she knows she is not Guilty. When they entered the courtroom the police officer took off her handcuffs and she went to her stand. “All held the court,” the prosecutor said.

Rosie swallowed her saliva and Amber arrived at the courtroom and went to her stand.

   “I Call my First witness to the stand,” said the prosecutor Eveleigh went up she was the first witness and she is defending Rosie “please tell me what happened,” said the Judge.

“Well, the first thing your honor I was being bullied by amber 3 days before the incident, and Rosie would never do this. I know she broke the law that that fight was for me she was defending me.” said Everleigh “do you have evidence that this is true” said the judge. “Yes I do my Classmate Jose.” said Everleigh “I saw that Amber was telling Eveleigh no one likes you and I was outside my house she always bullies her and that's what cause Rosie to go after her” 

     “Ok I heard enough can I call amber witness to the stand,” Said the judge her mom was the only witness she was determined to help her daughter and make Rosie guilty. “Your Honor Rosie is guilty and should be punished for her crime. My daughter will never bully anyone, in fact, Everleigh told Amber she was going to be fought by someone and my daughter is incident” said her mother defending her daughter. “Do you have evidence Mrs that Eveleigh did that?” said The judge “No I don't currently don't but I know for a fact she is not,” said Ambers mother she thinks she convinced the judge enough that they believe her. “That will be all now to discuss our verdict,” said the judge deciding whether or not Rosie is guilty. Everleigh finds Rosie in the courtroom “I am so sorry for all of this. Let's just say whatever happens you are my hero,” said Everleigh. She wanted to hug Rosie and hoped that the judges are convinced that Amber started it all “we have our verdict” said the judge as everyone sits down. “Here on behalf of the court we have enough evidence Amber Andrewson is Guilty for, bullying and violence,” said the judge the police officer takes out his handcuffs and cuffs Amber “your honor you got it all wrong Rosie attacked my daughter,” said Amber's mother convinced the judge. “But she is the one who started it all. She will be away for a long time,” said the judge. Everleigh is really happy she will never see Amber again, that's for a fact. The girls go home and Rosie is released from all charges.

That's the story that is the story of Rosie.

October 21, 2021 01:17

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