Submitted to: Contest #294


Written in response to: "Write a story in which the first and last sentence are the same."

Coming of Age Drama Romance

It’s dark at the foot of the lighthouse. It was Wren’s favorite place to sit after unloading his boat. Every week he’d bring food and supplies to the tiny island for the keeper. Sitting in the shadows gave him respite from the unforgiving wind and sun on the open water. Wren loved sitting amidst the riot of wild flowers. Leigh, the lighthouse keeper’s daughter planted them everywhere.

The parade of color was the first thing drawing the eye when approaching the island. Yes, the lighthouse. But the flowers!

Lighthouse Rock was a mere spit of land overlooking the bay. As the locals famously said, ‘If you spit and it’s windy, you’ll miss it altogether.’ Always windy out on the rock.

Built on less than an acre, the lighthouse and shed dominated the rock-strewn island. There was barely space for a vegetable garden and a weathered picnic table. When not tending her garden, Leigh relaxed there. Her favorite place was outdoors, anywhere outside the tower.

After unloading the boat, Wren hauled supplies up stone steps to the lighthouse. He remembered his first encounter with Leigh almost a year earlier. In too large, dirty overalls, work gloves and with her hair tied back, she approached as he sat in the shade. Though still a teen, she spoke with authority. She carried a sickle.

“Who’re you? What you doing?”

He held up his sandwich. “Wren. Eating lunch.”

He offered his hand. She waved him off.

“You supposed to bring the supplies up?”

“All done…”

Leigh watched him eat. She pointed down to the dock.

“That your boat?”

“Is now. Was my folks’. Came to me when they passed.”

“Why’d you bring our stuff?”

“Harbor people hired me.”

“Where’s old man, Grandell?”


“You know my old man?”

“Met him.”

“He’s sleeping now. Don’t bother him.”


“Well, don’t ruin the flowers.”

“I won’t. They’re beautiful. You plant them?”

She nodded and walked away.

Leigh spent her free time ensuring wild flowers grew on every arable inch of their wind-swept crag.

She and her father, Ezra lived on Lighthouse Rock year around. Ezra tended the light all night and slept days. They never left the island. Leigh cooked and cleaned .

One stop on his rounds, Wren delivered supplies to the rock every week. The bowrider was his only asset. He’d built a loose-limbed business delivering things down the bay and up the coast. He took tourists on fishing excursions. Deliveries to the lighthouse were bread and butter. Everything else was extra.

The next week, Wren brought Leigh a book.

“What’s that for?”

“You. I thought you might like it.”

“I don’t have space for books.”

“You can give it back when you’re done with it.”

“Think I have time for reading? What’s it about.”

“Wild flowers. I thought…”

“Maybe look at it later.”

“Sure. Whenever. No rush.”

She looked at the boat. “That everything?”

“For the week. Here’s the list.”

He gave her the inventory of everything he’d brought. She glanced at it and slipped it into her overall.

Wren asked, “Just you and your dad? Ever get lonely?”

“Yeah. Just me and the old man. Mom passed.” She pointed at a cairn overlooking the bay.

“Sorry. Didn’t know.”

She looked to the horizon. “After what happened… Sure you heard… She couldn’t… gave up.”

“Wait. You mean the shooting?”

Leigh looked at him steadily.

“That was you guys? Wow! I didn’t know… The robbers… Your dad…”

“Lot of rumors. Wasn’t what most think.”

Wren didn’t know what to say.

She relaxed a little. “They came up after dark. Thought the old man had treasure. Hoarding…”

“And he shot them?”

“That’s the story. That’s what the old man always said. Heard it all my life…”


“I was little. But you don’t forget some things.”

“My God! You were there?”

“On Mom’s lap. There was three of them. Think only one had a gun. Were staring down the old man when she pulled the pistol from under her nightgown.”

Wren gasped.

She said, “Never expected that from a little woman with a child. She never hesitated. Dropped me and took them out in three shots. The old man took the blame to protect her from all the legal mess.”

“Oh… Leigh…”

“She lost her driving wheel after that. Been pretty much on my own since.”

“I’m so sorry…”

“Yeah, well. You all ready? Got to get going?”

“I’m in no hurry.”

“Old man’ll be up soon. Want dinner?”

“Oh, okay. Sure…”

She led him into the living quarters. She pointed at a chair and began prepping a meal for them.

A few minutes later, Ezra shuffled out. “What’s all the clatter? When you gonna learn to cook without bringing the house down?”

Leigh spoke brightly. “Morning!”

“Don’t you know it ain’t morning? Sun’s about to set.” He pointed at Wren. “Who’s this?”

“Here’s your breakfast, old man. That’s Wren, our delivery guy.”

“There a problem?”

“Not unless you bring it. Invited him to eat with us.”

“Delivery boy should know we only have food for the week. The two of us…”

Wren smiled. “I brought my own. I’ll cook it.”

“Well, get started. Gotta be gone by dark fall. Not putting you up.”


Ezra shuffled outside toward the outhouse.

Leigh said, “He’s in a better mood than usual.”

Wren laughed.

She said, “Never goes out. Tends the light all night, every night. That’s it.”

“What a life…”

“Afraid of the dark. Won’t leave the tower after sunset.”

“Never leave the island?”

“Me neither. Keeps him off the sauce. Doesn’t help his mood any. He left this world long ago.”

Ezra returned.

Leigh said, “Eat, Dad. Getting cold.”

He sat and shoveled food with his fork.

Wren said, “I need to get back. See you next week.”

Leigh nodded and shut the door behind him. She never returned the book.

Wren and Leigh got closer after that. He made his deliveries on time. She’d help carry supplies up to the shed.

Some weeks, Leigh would call Wren and order wild flower seeds and things for the garden. Wren would bring books she might like. Sometimes he brought her something personal.

One day, after stowing everything, they sat at the base of the tower.

She said, “You know I’m not a mermaid.”

“Uhm, yes… I do know that.”

“The old man. He calls me that. Says I’m nothing but a sylph.”

They laughed.

Having no friends and no place to go, Leigh was a virtual slave to Ezra. She cared for her father but wanted more.

Waiting at the top of the steps, Leigh watched for Wren’s boat. He became her escape, if only for a few hours in the week. She could relax with him. Leigh shared feelings about her father and her life. She looked to Wren for everything.

They’d sit on a blanket in a patch of wild flowers and picnic. She’d lean into his embrace. They’d watch the gulls wheel by.

Wren said, “This is no life. Why’re you still out here? Should be in town at school… with friends.”

“I’m too old for school. Old man said he’d teach me all I need.”

“When’ll that happen?”


“There’s more to life…”

“All I’ve ever known. It’s better with you coming by...” She gave his arm a squeeze.

“But it’s not enough.”

“Wren, I’d have no place in town. Don’t know anyone. Always be the ‘strange girl.’ The one from the rock.”

“You’re not like anyone else.”

“I’d be alone. Never fit in.”

“Fitting in’s a fantasy. Everyone scrambles to belong to an illusion. Claim who you are and draw people to you.”

“You think?”

“I know. I’m your biggest fan.”

“You are?” She looked at him. “Then let’s get married.”

Wren chuckled. “Leigh, if you want a ride to the mainland, I’m happy to help. But you don’t have to marry me. There are others… more eligible, who might suit you better.”

“You don’t want to marry me?”

“Of course I do. That’s not the question. Are you sure you want to marry me? You never met anyone else.”

“For me, you’re the only one…”

“I’m nobody. A humble boatman. Can I give you the life you deserve?”

“Absolutely! You care for me. If I’m with you… I have the life I want.”

They kissed and held each other. Something had changed.

Wren took Leigh by her shoulders. “Leigh… If you really want to marry me, we need to talk to your dad. You might not think so, but you need that connection. With my deliveries, he might begin to appreciate me…”

She laughed. “Don’t know about that…”

When Ezra awoke, Leigh was there to talk. Wren waited outside.

Ezra refused. Wouldn’t listen. He became belligerent and shouted.

“You don’t know what you’re doing. Leaving with a delivery boy? Don’t be a fool.”

“You don’t understand anything, Dad. I’m done here. Need to live my life. For good or not, I’m done.”

She turned to go.

Ezra said, “You leave now, I’ll never see you again.” She hesitated. “And, girl, you’ll never see me again.”

Leigh slammed the door behind her. She led Wren by the hand down to his boat.

The sun was setting. The seas were high in a buffeting wind.

Wren said, “Should wait until morning. I have blankets.”

She nodded.

Wren made a bed for them in his shelter spot at the base of the lighthouse. They ate snacks and watched the lighthouse signal sweep the horizon as ghostly ships moved silently by. They held each other until the sky brightened.

It was time to make the old man breakfast.

Ezra came out, gruff as ever and said, “Huh… You came back.”

Leigh said, “I don’t want us to part like this.”

He looked at them. No one spoke.

“You’ll marry?”

“With your blessing.”

He sighed. “Been thinking. I don’t want to lose you, girl. All I have left. But you have a life. The right to your life.” He looked at Wren. “And him?”

“A good man, Dad. We’ll be back every week.”

He pointed at Wren. “Should have fired you… first time you came… Or shot you…”

Ezra left the room. Leigh and Wren exchanged glances. Ready to bolt, Wren edged toward the door.

Leigh grinned. “He won’t shoot you. Promise…”

They smiled until Ezra returned. He handed Leigh a thick envelope.

“Here… Help you to get started.”

She embraced him. They set off to begin their life together. It was mainly happy.

Sitting in his spot, thinking back, Wren realized, ‘He never did find us that night. Never knew we camped here. It’s dark at the foot of the lighthouse.

Posted Mar 20, 2025

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8 likes 10 comments

Alexis Araneta
17:38 Mar 21, 2025

This was lovely. As Rebecca mentioned, I think the dialogue really makes it shine. Lovely work !


John K Adams
22:37 Mar 21, 2025

Thank you, Alexis!


Rebecca Hurst
12:17 Mar 21, 2025

I really enjoyed this, John. The dialogue is compelling, and a lighthouse is always a great backdrop. Good stuff!


John K Adams
22:38 Mar 21, 2025

Thanks, Rebecca. I saw the prompt. Saw an old saying and it just came to me.
Glad you liked it.


11:57 Mar 21, 2025

Lovely, compelling story, beautifully written. A happy ending that fits wonderfully. I enjoyed the dialogue particularly. Good stuff!


John K Adams
22:39 Mar 21, 2025

Thanks, Penelope,
Sometimes the idea just knocks and I only need to write it down.
Glad it worked for you.


KC Foster
18:07 Mar 23, 2025

Beautiful imagery and the back abd forth dialogue was well done. I love a good lighthouse story.


John K Adams
21:57 Mar 23, 2025

Thanks, KC!
I was intrigued by the prompt and this came out.


Mary Bendickson
20:08 Mar 22, 2025

A light hearted story.


John K Adams
21:07 Mar 22, 2025

In a manner of speaking...
Thanks, Mary.


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