Submitted to: Contest #294

Dear Joy, Love Beth

Written in response to: "Write a story in the form of a letter, or several letters sent back and forth."

Coming of Age Friendship Historical Fiction


Dear Joy, 

I loved the letter you sent me, it was terrific! It was hilarious that you have a Munsters lunch box, ME TOO! It is one of my FAVORITES! My favorite animal is a horse. Oh and I read. A LOT. Right now I am reading a book called A Wrinkle in Time. Do you like to read? 

By the way I like your name! It makes me happy.

Write back soon!



Dear Beth,

I’m very glad you liked my letter and that we are pen pals! I like to read, too. But you know what I like even more? MUSIC! Music is life. Every day after school I play records until my stepdad yells at me to turn it off. I have too many favorites to list but right now I listen to Lesley Gore the most. Who do you like? 

Write back soon!



Dear Joy,

I haven’t heard from you in a while, are you ok??

I’m still so sad about our president. Where were you when you heard? I cried all day. I don’t know why somebody could do such a thing. All of the grown ups are sad or mad. But nobody tells us anything! I wish we could play together. 

I miss you!

Write back soon.



Dear Beth,

I know. I am sad about the president, too. I think about Mrs. Kennedy all the time. I hope she is ok. I’m sorry I couldn’t write to you for a while. Please don’t tell anybody but…we don’t have so much money. My mom said I couldn’t buy any stamps, she got mad when I asked about it. 

But it’s ok! I have been saving and finally bought it myself because I wanted to write to you!

How are you? What is new with you? Did you see The Beatles on Ed Sullivan? Who is your favorite? Everyone likes Paul the best but I’m a Ringo fan. I wish I could play the drums but my stepdad would never let me, haha!

Thank you for being my friend. 

Write back soon!




Dear Joy, 

I know it’s been a while but mom let me watch tv yesterday after I finished my homework and when Munster’s came on all I could think of was calling you. I don’t even know if this letter will reach you but I hope it does. I miss you. How are you? I loved how many letters we wrote to each other last year. I hope we can write that much again this year. Let me know if I can send you more stamps again.

Not much is new here, boring as usual. But I did just start learning how to type! I’m not very fast yet, but I’m trying. Mrs. Arnold says I’ll get better with practice, but I always feel behind when the rest of my class finishes so fast. I keep hitting the wrong keys! It makes my hands hurt. I think I’m getting better, though. Maybe one day I’ll type as fast as my aunt, who can type like a machine!

Mom says typing is important for when I grow up and need to get a job, but I don’t know what I want to be yet. Do you know what you want to do? Sometimes I think I’d like to be a teacher, but I’m not sure.

I hope you’re doing okay. I think of you often.

Please write back soon? 




Dear Beth,

I found an old letter of yours and wanted to reach out. I wonder if you’ll even get it. Do you still live in the blue house by the railroad tracks? I’ll keep my fingers crossed. 

My stepdad finally left. Good riddance. You’d think things would be better now that we moved in with Gran but mom keeps dating losers. She’ll never learn. I’m only 15 and could do better! There is a boy at the record store who likes me. I don’t like him back but I let him kiss me in the booth sometimes anyway, because he gives me free 45s when they’re overstocked. But I don’t want a boyfriend. I don’t want to get married or have kids, not the way things are. I can’t imagine bringing a child into a world like this, without the things I never had. You know what I want? I want everything they never gave me. You can bet your bottom dollar I won’t bring a child into this world if I can’t take care of it. 

Can you keep a secret? I’m going to Woodstock! I hope I’ll get to see the Grateful Dead! I just know it’s going to change my life.

What was it we always used to say? Oh yeah, write back soon, haha.



Dear Joy,

It’s wonderful to hear from you! I DO still live here, in the same house. You probably think I’m boring. Nothing ever interesting happens here. I wish I was groovy like you. 

Things are the same here. Mostly I just go to school and church. Classes are ok but I still stink at typing! Straight A student gets a C in typing. My mom was livid. I know you don’t think you are but you’re the lucky one. I wish my parents didn’t care so much. My mom is nagging me all the time. I am starting to feel the pressure from my father, too. But nobody listens to me and what I want. I’m not even sure what I want to be honest. I wish I could be more like you, and know what I want or don’t want. 

Have fun at…well, you know. I hope it’s everything you want it to be.

Stay safe and please write back soon.




Dear Joy,

Now it’s my turn to see if this reaches you. I can’t believe how many years have passed. We’re in our twenties now, can you believe it? I’m about to graduate from Barnard! I’m also seeing a nice, young man, Tom. We’ve been together for almost a year now, and I think he’s the one. At least, I hope he is. I’ve never felt this way before, and it feels good. Maybe it’s what I’ve been waiting for. I think you would like him. He’s really into music, like you! And he teases me about that silly Kiss song that’s named after me. I’m not like her, though!

I miss you and I hope you’re ok. 

Hoping and praying this reaches you. 



Dear Beth,

I got your letter. It was a nice surprise. Always good to hear from you.

Good luck with graduating. I always knew you could do it. You never did give yourself enough credit. Keep up the good work, lady.

Things are ok. Figuring it all out. Left but came back. Prodigal son or something like that.

You always wrote about how boring your life was but I would’ve traded you. You wouldn’t have wanted mine, though. Not then and probably not now. I was a rolling stone there for a while. But it's good I moved back in with Gran. She's helping me get cleaned up. If you write again, please write here.

Longer letter soon. 




Dear Joy,

Can you believe it? It’s the 80s! We’ve been through so much - let’s see what this decade has in store! 

I have some news - I’m pregnant! I’m so excited. And scared. We were trying for so long and it finally happened. You were telling me about positive vibes in your last letter so please send some? I'm proud of you for being sober for more than two years now!

What else is new with you? Did you see that new Star Wars movie everyone is talking about? I know it's not your scene but Tom is obsessed and keeps quoting this little green character in a funny voice. Had to ask.

Is Gran feeling better? In your last letter you wrote she was sick again. She’s lucky you’re there to take care of her. I know you feel you owe her for all she did for you but that’s what family is for. Supposed to be, anyway. I hope I’ll be a good mom. I’m worried about that. I don’t want to make the same mistakes our moms made with us. 

Write back when you can so I don’t worry about you.



Dear Beth,

Congratulations! I’m very happy for you. You’re going to be an amazing mother. 

Gran is doing better. Thank you for asking. Hey, she took care of me, and now I’m taking care of her. Full circle. 

You're right, I haven’t seen Star Wars and don't really plan to. Of course Tom would like that. No hate. But I did give in and recently get a walkman. Have you heard of them? It’s not the same as listening to vinyl but at least I can take my music with me. You know how much I need it. 

Not much else is new here. Now I’m the boring one. Just teasing. You’ve never been boring, Beth. I’m really happy for you. And I’m thankful we could maintain our bond despite the chaos of our own lives.

Write back soon. 




Dear Joy, 

Happy New Year!

Can you believe we’re 37? I feel so old! Well three kids will do that to you. Now that the youngest is in school I want to go back to work. Tom is ok with it. Well even if he wasn’t I’d still go! Oh my, haven’t I changed? 

This year sure has been a rollercoaster. Motherhood is wonderful but exhausting. Nobody ever tells you that. I know you felt the same when Melody was born. I know you never thought you’d have children but I’m so happy she came into your life when she did. Gran would be so proud of you. I don’t know how you do it as a single mom. Just another thing I’m in awe of you over. How are you both doing? Please tell her Aunt Beth misses her. 

Have you heard about this internet thing called WorldWideWeb? Tom keeps raving on about it. Can you imagine if instead of writing letters to each other we start using this thing to communicate? Let’s see! Although these last ten years or so of consistent monthly letters have filled my cup immensely. I’m so glad we could stay in touch over all these years, especially as adults. We always seemed to find each other at the right time.

Life’s starting to slow down a bit, and I’m finally finding time for reading again. I’ve been reading A Wrinkle in Time with Emma—it's been years since I last picked it up, but I still remember telling you about it when we were kids. Did you ever get around to reading it? I think it might speak to you in the same way your favorite songs do. One thing I’ve always loved about it is its message about being a light in a world that can often feel so dark. I’ve always thought that was you, Joy. In your life, and in mine. You’ve been my light through so many of the darkest times, and you still bring so much joy into my life. I knew even as a nine year old you had a good name.

I’m sorry if I ever overlooked how tough things were for you. You’ve always been so strong, but I want you to know just how much your friendship has meant to me over the years. It’s been a constant in this ever-changing world. I truly hope I’ve been there for you in the ways you’ve needed. I love you, my friend. Sending you all my love and a big hug.

I wish you the best going into 1991! How are you spending New Year’s Eve? I noticed the Grateful Dead has a concert in Oakland. I know it’s a drive for you but something tells me you’ll be there. If so, I hope it’s the best concert ever for you.



P.S. Write back soon!

Posted Mar 20, 2025

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2 likes 2 comments

Alexis Araneta
17:07 Mar 21, 2025

Yay for friendships that last a lifetime. Also, I'm 37. The closest thing to a child I have is my beloved book collection. Hahahaha!


Emily Miles
18:06 Mar 21, 2025

Hehe, I love that. :) I’m 37, too, and the characters are inspired by my mom’s age (born in 1954).


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