Teacher's worksheet

Written in response to: Write a story about a someone who's in denial.... view prompt


American Fiction

8. 4. 2003

Abad hates new starts. There has been a lot of them, too many in his opinion, but he knew that many more would follow.

He picks up his pen and tries to answer the questions. Questions about him.

Hello!, was written as description above the questions. I'm made by your new English teacher Mr. Allen, so that he knows a bit about you. Just answer all his questions, new friend!

Abad smiles briefly. This teacher IS different.

1. To begin with, what's your name, friend?

Anthony Potter Abad Potter

2. Are you a boy or a girl?


3. How old are you?

17 15

4. Oh, that's a big age! And when is your birthday, so that I can throw a secret party for you?

Abad stops. He truly has to breath and start math. Kinda sad, he thinks.

15.4.1894 13.4.1988

5. When I would throw you a secret birthday party, who of your family do I have to invite?

My mum, my baba, my big brother Rahim -

My father, my older brother Roland, my younger sister Daisy and my younger brother Fleamont.

Abad feels like throwing this stupid assignment out of the window. It tricked him. Twice.

My forster mother Sandra and my forster siblings Maya and Andy.

6. Speaking of family, where are you from? Where are your parents/ grandparents from?

I'm from London but my mother is from British-India and my father is from Afghanistan

Abad bid his lip. It's been ages since her passing. Why can't he move on?

I'm from London but my mother was from British India and my father is from Afghanistan.

Abad looks upon his answer and reads it again. His mouth starts laughing, his body starts shacking, his eyes start crying.

I can't believe it, he thinks. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, shame on you and me equally.

I'm from London but my mother was from from Pakistan and my father was from Afghanistan.

6. Okay, now I got everything to start you party! But oh no, I forgot to buy you gift! I rush to the store...but what should I get for you? What are your hobbies? What do you like?

Abad closes his eyes. He thinks. It's not like there's enough freetime for him to do things he actually likes.

I like to swim and to dance. I would fancy a new pair of shoes to keep dancing.

He facepalmed himself. False decade, different life, he reminds himself.

1910 Abad loved swimming because his family hasn't died on a tragic ship sinking yet. He hasn't drown yet, he hasn't lost his family, his time yet. 1910 Abad wasn't just two years younger.

I like parties. I love to listen to new music and dance. Parties are also a great opportunity to meet girls my age. When I could wish for something, I would wish for something fancy to wear, so I can impress girls.

False decade again, idiot, he thinks to himself.

1926 Abad dated because he hasn't realised yet that there would never be a relationship without a weird age gap. He hasn't been beaten for dating white girls yet, he hasn't lost his first girlfriend yet. 1926 Abad wasn't just a teenager.

I'm very interested in the upcoming film industry. A book about the history of Hollywood would be nice. On a different note, I also really enjoy dancing but I do not own the right shoes for that occasion. So dancing shoes would also be an option.

Abad's hands started shaking. He knows exactly when his brain went with this one.


1969 Abad danced because the love of his life hasn't died yet. He hadn't lost everything again yet, he hasn't partaken a funeral after decades again. 1969 Abad hasn't just been dancing.

I like movies and video games.

7. During the party, someone asks you about a funfact about you. What would you say?

After my mum died I actually worked in the coal mines

I was on the Titanic

I somehow dodged both World Wars

The KKK tried to lynch me on three different occasions. They didn't succeeded, obviously

I've been going to high school since 1969

I'll never be older than 17

I can do a backflip

Abad puts his pen. He often had to fill out those question sheets, why can't he accept it? Why does his brain trick him into times that are long gone?

It's not as if he's nostalgic. The past has always been horrible, especially for fellers like him. But why....

Abad reached into his coat pocket. There's an item he protects for nearly hundred years by now.

He frees it from the little watterproof plastic bag he has put it in and carefully holds it.

His family pictures.

The first one dates back to 1901. Right after his mum's death. His mum, his baba, his older brother Rahim, his younger sister Dasi, his newly born brother Faouzi and....him.

Straight brushed hair. The small seven year old on the picture doesn't know yet what pain will haunt the next hundred years.

Then the portrait right before they wanted to leave the country. Baba, Rahim, Dasi, Abad and even Faouzi, even though he wouldn't come with them. Wich would be for the better, at least that way he could've grow old.

Tears filled his eyes. They're all dead by now. When not on the Titanic 1912, then with cancer 1951. He doesn't now what happened with his baby brother but he can't imagine that he's now old and cranky in some retirement home. No, he felt somewhere that he's dead.

One picture left.

It didn't picture anyone from his family and you could immediately tell. The girl has porcelain white skin, blonde hair and light eyes, he knows that they are blue. Had, he corrects himself. Were.

Her name was Charlotte. Charlotte Peyton Thompson. She was his true love. Charlotte killed herself in 1969.

His fingers softly brush her photo. They never dated, he could've never done that do her.

It feels like yesterday that he met her..

"Abad!", Sandra shouts. "Dinner's ready!"

Abad quickly hid his photos again. "Coming!"

It's been ages, he reminds himself. There is nothing to grieve. Grow up.

June 19, 2024 09:41

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