Security Apparatus In Cafes

Written in response to: Set your story in a café, garden, or restaurant.... view prompt


Black Crime Fiction

She was sitting alone in the front seat of the bus meant for two at the bus station. "Are you with someone there?" I gently inquired, eyeing a lady that will pass as a modern bimbo that has increased in their numbers these days over here.  "I won't go inside" she blurted out looking at me, aspecting a kind of challenge or something. "i never asked if you are sitting inside or near the window. The question is: "are you alone there?" She answered by opening the door without opening her mouth, an indication that put the message across well to me. I entered in the front seat and shifted inside for her to sit near the window which by tradition and culture she is supposed to shift inside as a woman but culture and tradition is for those that know you or care.

The girl buried herself in her earphones listening to music I wasn't previewed to or cared that much about. I was about an hour late with an appointment I booked with my typist due to my smartphone developing a problem. I never knew it would grump the amount it did in money and time. What i needed from her is far better and much more important than the girl and the sitting position worrying her. I picked up my phone to call the typist, maybe even in her characteristic way she's not even yet in the cafe. But she was there already waiting.

I found a crowd swarming everywhere inside and outside the cafe. At times whenever it was so, I take it that the government has come out with one of their document requirements to update one thing or the other and people are hustling like fire on the mountain moment or at times, it's freshman college students doing most of their registrations through the internet. My quick search shows that the girl isn't around there. I was about to pick up my phone to call her again when about three voices asked "What do you want. Are you looking for someone?" Almost all the three voices are staffs that have attended to me numerous times and last time being second week of december and we are in the third week of january and they have forgotten the face already. That indicated they see thousands of faces each day inside there.

"I am looking for Nekes" i answered and that name must have triggered something in their memory for they seems to recalled who i was immediately. She is there one of them answered looking outside towards my left. 

"I was wondering if you had waited and left. I am not sure she likes milling around here due to the crowd "I said, eyeing her.  "Nah. I was sitting there but i missed you came in" she answered looking around seeking for where comfortable from the crowded interior to seat outside. She found what she was seeking for behind us and asked that we sit facing the wall. 

I wanted her to be the one that handled the same manuscript she typed to avoid stories from other typists near me. That is a good in trial and error way of handling people's manuscripts. The adjustments that warranted her expertise in the knowledge of the computer I was not knowledgeable on is why I was seeking for her. She handled the problems expertly but from the movement i noticed there, it seems as if the officers behaving for five years now as people used to reap where they never sowed and were wondering why what they have done many times were suddenly being difficult to execute were onto her and that must have been reason she was prompt in coming when i booked her. I wondered whether they even knew the work of a typist or not. Why would they be asking a girl that types whatever you write on a paper if I am intelligent or not. Meaning they are eyeing my manuscript or something.  "Yeah, i want you to move this scene from here upward and join it to the one in page 175" she was busy doing that and i was observing and asking to know how she made any move that i missed and she was explaining gently. I have this feeling that whoever got to them wanted to know if i will pay her after everything, so they were focusing on my finances too and i am suspecting that they have the duplicate of my card with them since last year those officers and their hangers-on. They are legal hudlooms as I refer to them and they are good in using third person to carry out their operations and then start a story.

"All these i taught you now, do you get all well?" She asked eyeing me after we are through with what we are doing. "Of course" i answered eyeing her well for the way she asked that question sent message across to me. And the manner she reacted as I handed over money for transport and another for a pamphlet I needed from her sent more messages across.

When you have spent years in the midst of some people in uniform and answered a hell of questions and dodged a lot of accusatory bullets from them for over a decade, you will start smelling some of them from afar. You can easily eye anyone near you and tell who is who. That was what my antennas were picking up while with the typist. I believed that some of those skimpy dressed girls were nothing but officers and I was wondering what whoever sent them told their boss for him to release them on me. The Judas among the twelve there are what I know to be something else in the security apparatus of this city. So I am always wary of their theories.

 But my dad always says that a man handles problems when they surface. "You don't invoke them, humans have enough problems to last them a lifetime, not wise inventing those not in existence" he will always admonish. I picked my PC and made my way back home after spending about two hours there. Prison memoire is the kind you can't steal without killing yourself. You have to live it to write it or you are an obtainer and a fake. 

January 30, 2025 12:46

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Mary Bendickson
19:13 Jan 31, 2025

How difficult it must be in your environment to complete simple tasks.


Philip Ebuluofor
07:05 Feb 01, 2025

In reality, too difficult.


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