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Crime Mystery

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Ted was in the city for a meeting, he hated coming into the city. He was from the suburbs, and that was where he was comfortable. He arrived early to avoid traffic and find parking. He was surprised that that traffic was light, and parking was not hard to find, he was actually early. He decided he would stop at the corner coffee shop, get a cup and read his book; a crime book he picked up at a used bookstore.

It was a trendy place but to Ted coffee was coffee, as long as it was hot. He ordered and took a seat in the back corner looking for a little privacy. He hated it when he was reading and somebody at the next table tried to strike up some boring conversation about the weather.  He noticed a a very attractive brunette at the table next to him was sipping on a latte.  The tables were a little to close for Teds taste, he liked to keep to himself.

He noticed she was wearing designer shoes, the type Jane used to wear. She was joined by an equally attractive blonde, also in designer clothes, maybe his day was looking up. As settled into his book, he could hear them chatting, just the basic stuff, not that interesting.  He snuck a few glances, trying not to glare, to much that is.

Teds divorce was final six months ago, and he had not had any interest in women since then, perhaps a small bought of depression he thought, but these two attractive women had caught his attention, not that he would do anything about it. He knew he wouldn’t even say hello to them, and they certainly didn’t seem to notice him, and that was okay.

Ted was not the type to eavesdrop, but they were talking just loud enough that he couldn’t help but to hear, as he sipped his coffee and read his book. Their conversation had started normally, how are you doing, what have you been up to, the latest sale at some department store, Ted couldn’t quite hear the name. Just normal conversation for people catching up.  He was just starting to lose any interest that he had when the blondes tone changed, he couldn’t believe what he just heard, no he thought, I didn’t her that, he didn’t want to hear it. As their conversation continued, he was sure that he had heard it right, and he was surprised that his interest grew.

The blonde said, “I’m going to Kill Eric on Saturday, I have it all planned out.” Ted couldn’t believe that such a conversation was taking place in a busy coffee shop, in front of 15 people or more. Ted leaned just a closer, hoping that they wouldn’t notice.

The blonde continued “that bastard has been cheating on me, I saw his credit card statement, he has been getting a room at the Marriott once a week for the last three months.”

The brunette replied “wow, I’m so sorry, do you know who with?”.

 “Yes, I followed him yesterday, it was that bitch April Donovan, form the club.”

“The one with her breast always hanging out, and her dresses are too short?”

“That’s her, that tramp!”

“Isn’t she widowed from that ambulance chasing lawyer that use to advertise on all those tacky billboards?”

“Yes, you know that’s where her money came from, that gold digger just married him for his money, what was he 70 or 75 when they married. She’s not getting Erics’ money, that my money. Ten years of marriage, putting up with his drinking and gambling. Of course, when he drinks, he likes to get violent. But this is where I draw the line. I can’t let him divorce me for that bitch, I cannot go back to waitressing! This can’t wait, he has to go now.”

“I hear you girl, if Brent ever cheated on me, well, I guess I would do the seam thing.”

The brunette then took a breath, finally she said” how can I help?”

The blonde then looked around as if just noticing they were in a public place and said “not here, we’ll talk tonight where we have more privacy” as she glanced at Ted out of the corner of her eye. Did she know he was listening, had had continued to look at his book as if he was actually reading.

Ted was stunned, there was no way this was happening, he was a small-town accountant, just in town for a meeting, these kinds of things only happened in the movies. The ladies changed their conversation, started talking about shoes or something, Ted was unsure, his mind was all over the place rethinking what he had heard. Who would talk openly about something like this, certainly not in his little hometown.

 He took a sip of his coffee, not even noticing that it had gone cold, told himself this couldn’t be real. They must have realized he was listening and played a little prank on him, that must be it. No, the look on the blonde’s face, she was upset, no not upset, angry.

A few minutes later, they got up and left. He watched them walk up the street until they were out of view. What should he do, he thought to himself. Should he call police, would they even believe him, someone talking about murder so blatantly in a public place. He was sure they wouldn’t. They would think he was just a rube from the suburbs. Also, Ted didn’t know who these two women were, didn’t know their names, he didn’t’ really know the city, he decided calling the cops was out of the question.

Ted liked to stay to himself. He was not a confident man, Jane use to tell him, he had a low self-worth. That is probably why she had cheated on him and then finally left him. Ted concluded that this Eric probably deserved it anyways, after all she had said he got violent with her. Maybe deep down, he felt that this Eric was going to get what couldn’t do to his ex. Either way, it wasn’t his business and Ted Garland didn’t interfere with other people’s business.

Ted finished his coffee, still cold, put his book in his briefcase, and headed out the door, pausing to look up the street to see if he could get one last look at them, he didn’t. He started off to his meeting. Thoughts of this crazy morning, he reassured himself it wasn’t his business.  Ift was safe to say that this whole experience frightened Ted a little, at the same time it excited too. Ted decided he would keep an eye on the news, a very close eye!

June 01, 2024 05:36

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1 comment

13:01 Jun 09, 2024

Hmmmm interesting dilemma. Would we want to get involved. Or stay in our lane. What's easy? What's safe? Id probably find it very inconvenient! Lol Thanks Tony I enjoyed the read


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