Crime Drama Funny

The house was filled with shadows. As soon as me and Gemma stepped into Auntie Fled’s house that was the first thing we noticed. “I’m scared Triton!” Gemma whispered partly to herself and partly to me. My older cousin was spooked. I am frightened too. “Did you just see that?” I asked her pointing at a shadow; That looked like our Aunt. In fact, When we looked up there she stood with a face that could make any normal person faint. And I am technically normal so I faint too.

I have breakfast the next morning when I wake. It was the normal cereal apart from a few specks of see through bubbly things in it. I still eat it anyway because I am super hungry but still have the image in my head later on. In the evening I remember my cousin, Anne who went here while her parents went on holiday; She never came back. I ask Aunt Fled about where she went. The reply was a chilling yell and an evil glare. At the end of the day Gemma does not feel well. “What is it?” I ask her. She looks at me blankly and says “Probably homesick. Come on let’s go to sleep.” I agree. I feel tired so I hop into bed and after a few hours of fear from the creepy shadows moving as if pointing, Trying to tell me to get out of this house, I go to sleep.

When I wake up I feel something weird. Firstly Gemma is not in her bed. Secondly I can still see her shadow even though she is not there. Suddenly I do not feel so good either. My stomach turns and tosses as if wanting to go out of my flesh My brain goes fuzzy, I get dizzy and everything goes blurry. As if a glitching movie is being played.

“Triton wake up!” I toss and turn to get up. There stands a shape of Gemma. But just the shape. In truth when I look closer I realize; She really looks like a ghost.

Well I have a few facts.

  1. She is technically transparent.
  2. Still, transparent or not I can not see her insides
  3. She looks like a shadow
  4. Wait maybe she is a shadow

Ok. Not a ghost but a shadow. Still just as bad. Now I realize three things;

  1. That cereal has something to do with this
  2. Anne must have been turned into a shadow too
  3. I must have also been turned into a shadow

Yes. All those facts are true. My Aunt Fled is a shadow maker. This house really is full of shadows. And now I am one of them. I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. It is Anne. In shadow form. “Hello Triton. We have been expecting you.” I sigh. Then I hear someone talking downstairs. “Welcome boy!” I hear. Then I here something else “This place is creepy.” I recognize the voice immediately. So does Gemma “Umm…” She said. “I think that is my younger brother. Remember Triton? my Mum said that he would come today.” I frown; It was true. Gemma’s Mum did say that. “Hurry go downstairs!” Gemma whispered. Anne and a few others nodded. “Time to have some fun.” They said rubbing their transparent hands together.

We plan about a way to save my cousin (Gemma’s brother.) And to pay back our Aunt. The other shadows introduced me with the names Squirt, Flert, Douglous and of course, Anne. Then we walk down stairs (We do not have to tip toe because no one can hear us.) Once I spot the spoon raising from my cousin’s mouth Douglous cries “Attack!” And we do. Firstly Anne grabs the spoon in the boys hand and hurls it out the window. “Umm… This place gives me the spooks.” Gemma’s brother concluded. I get it. Like if you were about to eat some rice crackers then your spoon gets grabbed by what you think is the air and it is hurled out of the colour glass window.

I liked hearing the priceless old fashioned window smash into hundreds of pieces. We need to hurry on our next plot. “Hey! Did you just throw that spoon at my window you wretch!” Aunt Fled yells at him. “Now!” Cried Squirt. I then pick up the bowl and toss it until it hit our Aunt square on. “Help!” She screamed. As she said that the bowl went flying for her mouth! It seems that she got the taste of her own medicine.Now up to the phase where we save our cousin. “Save the visitor!” Flert says. Then Gemma grabs his suitcase and places it in her brothers hand, Then when he walks outside she closes the door. We saved him. But then I realized our Aunt was spitting the cereal of her mouth. I had missed that part dramatically. “So little shadows.” She said eying all of us. “Looks like you got me this time. But you still have not got rid of me!” I frown. It was true; She is still here and we need to get rid of her. Then something catches my eye. It was a bottle that read;

Special Shadow Making Medicine for little children.

I think this lady is a witch.

“It is six against one!” I yell then I grab the phone. “Pin her down!” I command. They do as I say. Then I call three numbers 911.

As the police comes I wonder how we would discuss this. Wait we couldn’t. They can’t hear us. “OK We have a prisoner.” I smile. Maybe putting the potion next to her did work. “But who are these heroes?” Asked the policeman. I have an idea. I write down a letter and they read it thoughtfully. “UM… Flert, Douglous, Squirt, Anne, Gemma and Triton. I write mine last so I would be the most glorified. Then we laughed. I could feel myself on the floor laughing. I could forget about today; For a little while at least.

May 01, 2021 02:34

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TJ Squared
03:48 May 02, 2021

another nice one! I like shadows and ghosts and stuff too :) I think this one is my favorite of yours :)


19:54 May 05, 2021

Yes, it is my favourite story too.


TJ Squared
20:55 May 05, 2021

nice :)))


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19:53 May 05, 2021

A great story! Couln't have done better!


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Arwen Dove
05:07 May 02, 2021

A great story!


19:54 May 05, 2021

Very great.


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